Do you have high-value training and coaching programs and feel you are not able to get a platform to make your target audience understand the real essence and worth of your programs?
Let’s face it. A majority of the speakers/trainers/coaches out there have exceptional knowledge.
But in this day & age, being knowledgeable doesn’t cut it.
You need to drop the ego & know how to market yourself. Just because you have a great product/service, don’t expect customers to magically appear out of thin air!
Every free and paid program that you design needs to be reached and consumed by as many people as possible to achieve profitability. Otherwise, you will be a broke trainer or a coach. It is your moral & ethical responsibility to reach out to a large audience & charge for your programs. That’s because people who pay money pay attention. People who pay attention take action. People who take action get RESULTS. As long as you’re making a difference in people’s lives as a trainer/coach, you have every right to the abundance of wealth. This shift in mindset will put you miles ahead of your competitors.
The best (& the most efficient) way to reach and sell your training or coaching program to as many people as possible is through webinars and each webinar you conduct should have at least 100 webinar participants for building a profitable training and coaching business.
Webinars are a great way to address a huge set of people in one go. (aka group coaching) It is highly profitable, scalable, & location-independent.
To generate consistent qualified leads and get at least 100 participants for every webinar, we follow this 8-step approach
1. Define the Target Audience
Selling everything to everyone is perhaps the worst thing you can do as a business. Knowing who exactly is your target audience is pivotal for you to help them serve better. With our unique audience research strategy & templates, we precisely identify & pinpoint who the target audience is.
In a nutshell, we deploy a 5 step battle-tested formula to help identify/create your ideal target audience. These are the people who are not only WILLING to spend money on your offering (i.e. product/service) but are also ABLE to comfortably spend money.
The 5 steps are as follows:
STEP 1: Identify your prospects
STEP 2: Create a rough persona
STEP 3: Understand the targeting options on social media platforms
STEP 4: Segment audience based on common aspirations
STEP 5: Define the target audience using customer avatar variables
Read more about this process in detail here
2. Create Personalized 6 Step Customer Acquisition Formula
Once we know who exactly we are serving, the next step is to formulate a process to acquire customers. After all, customers are the lifeblood of every business.
Our 6 step customer acquisition formula has been working wonders for clients spanning across several verticals & niches. We systematically deploy this formula to ensure that your business never runs out of customers ever again.
The objective of this formula is to not only acquire paid customers but to also ensure that they become repeated buyers & loyal fans of your brand.
Read about this formula in detail here
3. Finalize Webinar Topic and Create a Webinar Sales PPT
We narrow down on a killer & attention-grabbing hook as the topic for the webinar. This topic conveys what exact benefit(s) people get if they attend the webinar. Then, a conversion-focused sales presentation is designed. This presentation does 3 things primarily:
- Changes/shatters people’s previously held beliefs/fears (aka marketing)
- Presents a no-brainer offer which is usually a product/service that can transform their lives (aka selling)
- Gives people logical & emotional reasons why they should invest in the offer right then & there (aka closing)
An educated buyer is more likely to consume the product/service & get results in the long run. This sales presentation is the hero of the webinar that generates loads of paid customers like clockwork.
Capturing people’s attention, gaining their trust & making them pull out their cards to invest money on an offer is perhaps the biggest challenge most businesses face. A solid converting webinar funnel makes customer acquisition so much easier.
4. Create a lead Magnet Landing page
If you aren’t aware, a lead magnet is a free offering of high value in exchange for people’s contact details (name, email, phone number, etc). Free webinars are fantastic (& perhaps the best) lead magnets because you educate the participants before selling anything to them. A lead magnet landing page is a standalone web page wherein people fill in their details & register for the webinar. It basically contains details about the webinar like:
- Webinar topic
- Date & time
- What people will learn if they attend
- About the webinar host
- Social proof & credibility
Here’s an example.
We create such crisp, concise, & conversion-focused pages for all the trainers, coaches, & speakers who work with us.
5. Retargeting Automation and Email Automation
Fortune lies in the follow-up. A large chunk of people who register for the webinar usually doesn’t show up, unless you follow up with them consistently. People get busy, life happens, & it’s just the way we humans are wired. But we go the extra mile & leave no stone unturned to ensure maximum turnout for the webinars. The registrants are effectively communicated to attend the webinar without fail using the power of email autoresponders. We strategically leverage the power of email automation & schedule the messages well in advance. As for the people who have shown an interest, but haven’t registered for the webinar, we set up retargeting ads/sequences to get them registered.
Sometimes it requires multiple touchpoints & reminders to get people to pull the trigger. Email & Retargeting automation makes this seamless. Simply put, we take automation to GOD MODE in this step.
6. Ad Graphics, Ad Videos and Ad Copy Writing
We create all the assets required to run winning ads on Social Media. These include:
- Ad graphics: Eye-catching, scroll-stopping graphics are created by our super-talented team of graphic designers. These graphics can range from Images, carousels, & all the way up to gifs.
- Ad videos: Who doesn’t love videos? We plan, script, create & edit videos for ads. These videos are top of the line & have a professional look & feel.
- Ad copies: We believe that words have the power to impact lives. We crank out attention-grabbing, benefit-driven direct response copy with the objective of making people click on the ad & register for the webinar. Our copies are crisp, concise, & convey the message without any fluff.
7. Social Media Paid Ads Setup and daily Optimization
All the assets created in the previous step are now plugged into the Social Media ads system. Ad budgets & duration, audience targeting, conversion tracking, geography, etc are all set up, tested, & the ads are made live. Once the ads have started running, we rigorously test & split test various metrics to ensure that your business gets the best bang for the buck. This process of gaining maximum efficiency by tweaking variables of existing ads is known as optimization. We do ad optimizations & lead management on a daily basis to ensure huge turnouts for the webinar.
8. Email, SMS, and Whatsapp Invitation
We strategically leverage channels such as emails, SMS, & even WhatsApp to send reminders, invites, etc rollout at specific time intervals. People need to feel valued. A tailor-made invite message welcoming them adds charisma, character, & makes them remember your brand for a long long time. Our team of automation experts & copywriters combine the right mix of clear-cut & timely communication to ensure that the registrants attend the webinar having the right expectations. Till date, we have successfully promoted free webinars of various Trainers and coaches with the below service packages and have helped them to have 350 – 1000 people in every webinar they’ve conducted
Here’s a breakdown of the deliverables of our services that we provide for trainers/coaches/speakers:
- Overall Digital Strategy
- Target Audience Research and Analysis
- Target Audience Split Testing Strategy
- Overall System Design
- Budgeting
- Ad Copy and Ad Creatives
- Overall System Implementation
- Landing Page Design
- Email Automation
- Retargeting Setup
- Target Audience Setup
- Analytics Setup
Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, and Google Display Ads
- Setup and Daily Optimisation
- Reporting and Analysis
- Daily Lead Management
Here are a few result-oriented case studies that’ll surely WOW you!
Case Study 1:
Case Study: India’s Leading Event Organising Company
Our client:
full-service event management company with offices in Bengaluru and Chennai and operational capability to produce events across Asia. They are a new age event management company that is not just your outsourcing partner for event planning and production, but also your extended brand partner. We believe in achieving your objectives & goals and design each event as per your desired outcome.
And Under their Banner, they created World-Class Event for Trainers and Coaches and World-class event for Communicators
We help them Promote both of the world Class Events through Free webinars.
The Results:
CTA: To know how you can be benefited from our services, Schedule a Consultation Call by Paying 100% Refundable Advance payment of Rs. 2000.
If you are not satisfied with our consultation, 100 % of the payment will be refunded without any questions asked.
Case Study 2:
Case Study: Leading Stock Marketing/Trading Coach
Our client:
Our client is the creator of a proprietary trading system & successfully trades using the techniques, Market profile, and Order flow analysis. He is often interviewed and quoted on CNBC TV18, ENTOW, TV9, PUBLIC TV, and many more business channels of high repute. He is also quoted by the Wall Street post, Reuters, Bloomberg wire, Economic times, and money control to name a few.
Apart from trading, he also mentors committed traders to become big in their trading journeys. He is among the top 5 speakers in the world on trading as per ONLINE TRADING SUMMIT – 2019 and the only INDIAN to be ranked so high. He is a passionate trainer with the mission to make a million Indians become financially free through trading and create a source of passive income for them.
We Promoted Free webinars and helped them to have 1000 people in every webinar he conducted.
The Results:
Case Study 3:
Case Study: Leading Marketing platform for photographers, filmmakers, and content creators
Our client:
A Platform for photographers, filmmakers, and content creators to come together, to learn, discover, network and grow!
Driven by the true Lords of the Lens – the perfect ensemble of the esteemed photographers, film-makers & content creators, this platform brings to you a special blend of insightful master-classes, workshops, live shoots, panel discussions, photo reviews, and other exciting interactions.
The Results:
We Promoted Free webinars with our below-mentioned services and helped them to have 350 – 1000 people in every webinar they conducted
Case Study 4: Digitechniks
1.Case Study: Leading Digital Marketing Mentoring and Consulting Company
Results :
We practice what we preach.
Now you have two choices to succeed in the marketing part of the training/coaching business.
OPTION 1: The DO IT YOURSELF approach. Yes, you can sit & learn all the systems, tools, strategies, processes, & frameworks yourself. But this takes a lot of investment in time, money, resources. In addition to this, there’s a ton of trial & error involved.
OPTION 2: Hand it over to the experts (yours truly) while you focus on improving your product/service, upskilling, & growing your network. Keep in mind that we’ve been doing this for years together & we’ve consistently generated RESULTS.