4 Proven Ways To Reduce Google Ads CPC

4 Proven Ways To Reduce Google Ads CPC

As complex and innovative technologies reshape the digital marketing platforms, advertisers are scrambling to remain significant and competing to find a top place in customer minds. In this shifting digital arena, paid search keeps on gaining relevance, unlike the traditional search patterns. The quality and placement of your ads have become an omnipresent influencing aspect all through the whole customer buying decisions. However, most marketers today believe that it is fundamental for a brand to show up at all phases of the funnel.

“On average, 41 percent of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the Google search results page.”- Word Stream

Paid ads simply gain momentum in this digital era. But how to optimize it and reduce Google ads CPC and achieve the highest traffic flow is a tricky question!
Unlike the traditional ways of approaching the shops directly, most of the customers in the present days search online for their purchase decisions. This trend is mainly due to the increased internet use by people. However, around 80-90% of people search and refer only to the 1st page of Google. Only the remaining 20-10% people click and navigate to the other Google pages. That too, most of the users only focus on Google’s top 3 search results.

The recent research study by Forrester shows that 71% of customers use a search engine to make a search of products or services as the initiation phase. 74% of customers consider using search engines for their research, comparison and final purchase transaction decisions.

Is this search trend a challenge for the businesses who are struggling to get increased visibility and traffic flow to their websites? In a way, yes it is!

So, it is necessary for a business to get into the top 3 search results to increase business revenue and get more traffic to their websites.

These days many competitors are focusing on the top search results and therefore the Google Ads CPC is high.

Do you know that PPC visitors are 50 per cent more likely to purchase something than organic visitors?

What happens if your business website is not on the Top 3 search results?  You will lose high buying intent prospective audience and end up targeting the assumed audience who does not have buying intent.
Based on AccurCast data, the average click-through rate for an ad in the first position is 7.94 per cent. So, focusing on the top search result is the best solution for every business to reach the target customers and get higher conversion rates.

Now the question is how can you get top positions on Google Search engine results page? As you know, there are 2 ways to rank your website on Google:

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEO as a strategy to rank your website on top of the 1st page of Google SERP is ruled out as every competitor of yours wants to rank their website and also the top 3 results of Google Search engine results page is Search Engine Marketing Results (Google Ads Results).

Google’s Ad Revenue in 2019 is $116.32 Billion – Statista
Google’s ad revenue from 2001 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)
4 Proven Ways To Reduce Google Ads CPC

So SEM is the only way to rank your website on top of the 1st page of Google SERP.  Since every business in your niche aims to rank on top of the Google’s 1st Search engine results page, the cost to rank on top of the Google’s 1st Search engine results page is increasing day by day.

The best SEM strategy is to know how with the Search Engine Marketing, you get on top search with reduced Google ads CPC (Cost Per Click).

Before we give you a strategy to rank your website on top of Google’s 1st Search engine results page at a reduced CPC, we want you to understand how the Google Ad auctioning Works From this we can understand, that your website ad position depends on a factor called Ad Rank.  Higher the Ad Rank, the higher will be your website’s ad position.

Ad Rank can be compared with the mysterious algorithm which helps the sites to rank in Google’s organic search results. However, Ad rank slightly differs from an algorithm that Ad rank decides the placement of your ads, whether in the sponsored results and also based on the amount the advertiser pays when the ad is clicked by the user.

Now you know how to optimize your ads and increase the Ad ranks so that you can receive a greater number of ad clicks.
So, you can improve the Ad rank by simply improving the ad quality score as well as the maximum CPC bids (the maximum money you paid for Pay per Click). Here’s the Ad rank calculation formula:
Ad Rank = Quality Score * CPC Bids
By bidding higher, you end paying more. So the SEM strategy to pay less and rank higher is by increasing the quality score.
If Quality Score weren’t focused till now, you are missing something huge in impressing the customer and rightly influence their purchase behaviour. What happens if you don’t increase Quality Score?

You end up paying more for the same ranking that can lead to you spend more money in the long term. You will also lose the high buying intended customers if you don’t target them rightly or find a position on the top 3 search results.

So, one of the success formulae for getting into the top 3 search results is to improve your ads Quality Score. Quality Score is nothing but scores given by Google to your ads and keywords with a measuring scale of 1-10 (from awful to amazing).

Quality Score is Google’s evaluation of the quality and significance of both your keywords and PPC ads. It is used to decide your Cost per Click (CPC) and increased by your most extreme offer to decide your Ad Rank. Your Quality Score can be based on many determinants like Expected CTR (Calculated by Google based on the keyword historical data), landing page experience and Relevance.

Nobody other than Google knows precisely how much each factor is prominent in the Quality Score algorithm, yet we do realize that active visitor clicking rate is the most significant part. At the point when more individuals who see your ad click it, that is a solid sign to Google that your promotions are important and useful to users. If you can achieve a higher Quality Score, Google rewards you with higher ad rankings and lower costs.

4 Factors to Increase the Quality Score to improve your Google paid rankings & eventually reduce the CPC.

  1. Expected CTR

With regards to Google Quality Score, it’s not about CTR but rather the normal CTR. Google predicts whether the keywords you’re focusing on is probably going to be clicked when appeared for that keyword, without considering the ad position or other ad formats that may influence the quality of your Google ads.
What should you do increase the Expected CTR?

  1. Segregate the Google ads targeting keywords into different groups (If you have identified 100 Targeting Keywords, Group into 5-10 groups in such a way where you can write relevant ad copy)
  2. Write 3-5 ad copies for every ad group
  3. Add keywords of the ad group in the Ad copy
  1. Landing Page Experience

With an end goal to be progressively clear in your Google ads approach, Google presently makes an endeavour to reveal to you why your Quality Score for a given keyword is low. One reason may be due to the compromised quality of your landing page experience. If Google thinks your landing page experience is “below normal,” it could hurt your Quality Score.

As per Google, you should concentrate on three things if your focus is to improve the landing page experience. These three vital elements are Relevant and original content, transparency and easy to navigate web pages. You may also concentrate on the Ad scent, which helps you to boost conversions by ensuring consistent Ad experience.

What should you do to increase the landing Page Experience?

  1. Optimize the landing page Load time (Should be below 3 seconds)
  2. Give the information on the landing page that is required to convince themselves to buy from you
  3. Use original Content
  4. Appropriate contextual CTA’s
  1. Relevancy

Looking at relevancy, there should be complete relevancy between ad group ad copy and landing page. When the user feels you give all relevant information based on his search query, user engagement will be higher on your web pages.

  1. Ad Formats

In Search, we have two Ad formats. One is without Ad extension and another is with Ad extension.
Search ads with extensions will give you extra space to give more information to the users.

Some of the ad extension that will help you increase the Quality score is

  1. Site link Extensions – With this you will get an opportunity to cross-promote other web pages of your site. For Eg: If you are promoting a particular product or service, using site links you can show Case studies page, About us Page and related services page
  2. Callouts – With this extension, you can add multiple USP’s and offers in the Search Ad
  3. Call extensions – With this extension, you can add your phone number in the ad
  4. Price Extensions – With this extension, you can add the price of your product
  5. Location Extensions– With this extension, you can add a business location

We have few more ad extensions like Structure Snippets, Message extensions and so on. All these extensions help us get more ad space and at the same, it will help us to give more information to the users.
These 4 factors help you to increase the Quality Score to improve your Google paid rankings & eventually reduce the CPC.
So what are you waiting for? Start Implementing and rank higher on Google SERP at a reduced CPC If you feel Google Ads CPC strategy is not your cup of tea or if you are already entangled in the loop of Google ads game, don’t lose hope as you have come to the right place!

We at Digitechniks, guide you with successful digital marketing strategies and programs so that you have a competitive edge in the industry. As they say, Success is not a forbidden fruit. All you have to do is aim it high and take the smartest strategic move. You will finally see it coming, it’s all yours!  We are here to throw light on your digital marketing dilemmas. Make sure you resonate with what your prospect is looking, to eventually reduce the CPC & increase the quality score.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Supercharge Your Leads from Google Ads With These Simple Steps

Supercharge Your Leads from Google Ads With These Simple Steps

Nearly every business owner these days knows the power of Google in growing business and sales. But only a few know how to really leverage it to generate leads and traffic. Especially when it comes to Google Ads, most businesses find it hard to tap into its amazing potential. In a survey of 600+ small businesses, 40% of them didn’t find any new leads through Google Ads, while 33% landed very few leads. Does that make Google Ads sound like a strategy that’s not worth a try?

Consider this: 80% of global internet users are reached by Google Ads campaigns. And, a staggering 97% of mobile search spend comes from Google Ads. These are some reasons why ignoring paid search on Google is not a very smart move.
Plus, given the simple fact that today almost every purchase involves a Google search, acing the paid search game could put you miles ahead of your competitors. Particularly because, if done well, your ads have high chances of showing up on the coveted first page of search results.
But how to make sure your campaigns are successful and fetch you the desired results? Here are some steps to follow.

Step 1: Customer Acquisition Formula

Before jumping into an AdWords campaign it is important to do some background research about your customer and understand how you can make them a part of your sales funnel.

a) Finding the Ideal Customer
Finding your ideal customer will help you to set the right target and built a database. You can offer various free products and services like free E-books, free Webinars, and reports on the industry trends to achieve your aim. Make sure you always ask for their email and phone number in exchange for these offers and services.

b) Nurture Your Leads
Once you get the email and phone numbers from visitors, it is time to provide them with valuable content in order to make them a part of your sales channel. You can do this by sending them a brief description of your product or service, blog updates, success stories and customer testimonials.

c) Tripwire
Now, it is time to invest and engage with your customer by providing them with a tripwire or irresistible offer which they cannot reject. Make sure this is only a bait to include them into the main sales funnel and should be provided only at a nominal cost. Usually, 30% of people who buy your tripwires are likely to buy your real products.

d) Selling the Real Product/Service
Once you successfully persuade your leads to buy a tripwire, it is easy for you to make them buy the main product or service like an annual subscription offer.

e) Maximize Your Profits
In order to retain your customers you can use both upscale and downscale strategy to achieve high-profit margins. For example, you can sell accessories for a new electronic gadget or offer a discount to customers who have already bought your products once.

f) Turn your customers into loyal customer
Having loyal customers is the best thing that a company can ask for. In order to maintain a loyal customer base, it is important that you maintain an active communication channel with your customers through SMS, or by retargeting ads on Facebook and Google. Try to keep a database of their birthdays and anniversaries and shoot them a mail along with an exclusive offer for their special day.
Initially, it may seem like a lot of work but the effort is really worth both the time and money, given the fact there are so many companies who are targeting the same customers for their products and services every day.

Step 2: Create a High Converting Landing Page

The average attention span of a user has come down to a few seconds and if they fail to find relevant information in regards to their search queries, chances are high they will quit. You can use the Page Speed tool from Google to estimate how well the landing page is set up. Aim for a score above 70 for more ROI.

Step 3: Do Competitor Analysis

Most of the time business tends to assume that their online competitors are similar to their offline competitors. However, that is not the case. In order to understand your competitors, analyze the data regarding how many times their ads were placed higher than your ads on the search page. Analyze the nature of competition you are facing. Do you’re your research to ensure that your stay ahead in the league.

Step 4: Keyword Research and Forecasting

Keyword research can help you to estimate the budget of your PPC campaign. The average CPC in AdWords varies considerably and keyword research can help you to estimate what your clicks might cost. Additionally, comprehensive keyword research can help you to find relevant keywords that have good search volume and are most likely to meet your goads. Additionally, you can also use the Search Query Report to look up for search terms which users have actually used to trigger your ad.

Step 5: Write Killer Ad Content

Paid ads are all about finding the killer keywords which can propel your sales chart. However, your entire expenditure on your paid research would fall flat on the ground, if you fail to create interesting and relevant content for your customers. According to HubSpot 73% users on the internet feel irritated with irrelevant content. In order to maximise your ROI, don’t forget to pay to create relevant content for your target customers.

Step 6: Create Ad Account

If you are planning to manage your own PPC campaign, you can start by creating a Google Ad account. The process is very simple and can be even done over the phone. You can get a credit of Rs 2500 and 30 days of free Google support as a new customer.

Step 7: Campaign Optimization

Simply launching a PPC campaign is not enough to get sustained results. It is important to look into the job on a regular basis. You can optimize your campaign by eliminating negative keywords, testing Ad extension, shuffling keywords and by refining your keyword list to achieve your aim.

Are you still wondering whether Google ads would be right for your business? If yes, then you are not alone. Many people have similar questions and you can find some comfort in the fact that 3.5 million businesses generated $281 billion in revenue from Google’s search and advertising tools. Advertising on Google can be extremely beneficial for your company provided you have the right strategy. But it can be tricky to handle it all on your own. And that’s exactly why partnering with a digital marketing agency with the right expertise like ours can make a world of difference!

Here are two case studies that will demonstrate the value that we’ve been able to generate for our clients.

Case Study 1

Few months ago, a company selling Ayurvedic supplements for diabetes contacted us to help them with online advertising as the previous agency failed to give them enough sales.
They managed to get 120 sales a month, which meant they could reach around 1500 sales a year. They were already in the market for some years but were struggling to make an impact.

After speaking with one of our marketing consultants, we decided to carry out search campaigns, shopping campaigns for selling the product and display ads to generate leads. And, here’s we helped the company generate in the last one year.

  • 98947033 impressions
  • 911591 clicks
  • 4000+ Sales
  • 39000+ leads (700 sales through e-mail nurturing)
  • Increase in sales in one year close to 400%

Case Study 2

Let’s look at another case study in a completely different industry.
A reputed International School in Bangalore who were never into digital marketing contacted us, as they wanted to have an online presence. Prior to contacting us, they advertised primarily in newspapers and trade shows. While this worked, they wanted to do more to acquire customers.
So they got in touch with us. And what did we do? We showed them the gold.

There were thousands of people in the market who wanted to admit their kids in good reputed schools. So the demand was high but the competition was equally high. The client left it in our advertising specialist’s hands to develop the most effective campaign for them.
Here’s the result we generated for them for a total ad spend of Rs 20 lac:

  • 106678 impressions
  • 76659 clicks
  • 3180 leads
  • 630 cost-per-lead

Out of 3180 leads, they managed to convert 1200 into sales.
They charged Rs 80000 for each admission, and through each admission, they obtained a profit of Rs 30000.
So 30000 X 1200 = Rs 36000000.
Therefore, the company made Rs 3.6 crores by spending Rs. 20 lacs only.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money