4 Step Business Scaling Marketing Formula

4 Step Business Scaling Marketing Formula

Products are no more just products, right?
Apple’s iPhone is more than a mobile. Burger King is more than a burger. Starbucks is more than a coffee. Isn’t so?
Have you noticed one thing when you use these products? These products create experiences and people buy them to enjoy the outcome.
So basically, the companies selling these products know exactly what experience customers would consider/prefer when they buy one of their products.
That’s when a brand is born.

From their social media content, to the colour palate on their theme, to the materials used in packaging, companies who create strong brands know that branding is the essential element for long term success.

These brands are popular, loved & are preferred by many people. Simply put, you are able to spread your brand’s core message to your target audience. If your product/service gives them a desired outcome, it equates to a higher ROI.
Now your question at this point would be: What’s the best & proven approach to build a brand from scratch?
Curious to know??
Before that, let’s see what exactly is Branding.

Branding is a term vaguely used in the business world. Branding isn’t just about producing content for social media platforms & having a presence. Branding isn’t just about producing creatives for social media platforms. It requires consistent effort & should produce ROI or at least recover the money spent on branding activities i.e to reach at a Breakeven Point.

It isn’t just about content creation, but also distributing content pieces strategically on different channels & measuring the results.
Not distributing content (developed for branding activities) on different platforms results in wastage of time, money & resources. The money spent on branding activities should be recovered (at least 50% of it), else there would be lack of budgets for future marketing activities.
The time frame (anywhere from 6 to 24 months) is needed to succeed or at least survive in the market.
Survival = Recovering at least 50% of the money invested in branding activities.
Let’s explore the exact 4 step process to help you build a brand & at least break even from your branding activities.
Branding isn’t the amount of money spent on ads; it’s the quality of relationships you build. It’s the overall experience you create for your target audiences.

Strong branding increases your business’s value.
So, here’s the 4 step process that will help you build an unshakable brand.

Step 1: Reach

Reaching your target audience on relevant platforms is the objective of this step. Here, your KPI(Key Performance Indicator) is to reach the prospective audience or assumed set of audiences.
Why to reach them? In other words, what’s your KRA (Key Result Areas)?
For your business, the KRA is to collect the contact information of your prospective audience as well as their cookies.
How to reach them?
You can reach your audience on demand generation & demand fulfilment platforms.
In Demand fulfilment platforms like Google search, you can reach the target audiences. Also, you can create SEO based blogs through which you can collect cookies & cold leads through either lead magnet or tripwire.
Demand generation platforms are the social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter which can be used for reaching target audiences through lead magnets. In this way also you can collect cookies and target audiences contact information and later retarget them.
In both demand generation and fulfilment platforms, push your best content & make them aware about your brand & engage.

Step 2: Register

This step involves communicating to your prospects the core values of your brand. Develop core content which communicates core value & show it to your fresh audience (ex: those who have visited your website in the past 20 days). This can be done by retargeting the website visitors on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Email Marketing etc or setting up autoresponders.

For instance, here you can use a 15 day strategy. This is a brand registering activity wherein you have to segregate your target audience who have visited in the last 15 days and send them your Core Content in different social media platforms through various brand communication channels like blogs, webinars, workshops, videos, infographics etc. After 15 days, choose another set of audiences and share them with the same core content.
This is an automated process of creating brand awareness to your audiences wherein your brand is imprinted in customer minds.

Step 3: Recall

This step involves showing fresh, engaging content to the Cold audience in your CRM to convert them to loyal Fans. The goal is to keep your brand at the top of their minds & warming them up for the purchase. The number & frequency of touch points with them at this point has now increased & they are more likely to buy. Again,  it’s 90% value creation and 10% selling.

Step 4: Regain – Offer them a Tripwire (Irresistible Offers)

This step involves offering your lead/prospect something of incredible value but is easy on the pocket i.e low-ticket items such as paid webinars, paid trial (1$ trials), etc. There’s nothing more valuable than a list of paid customers.
With the above proven 4 step process of branding, let’s see below the most ideal KPIs and KRAs you achieve from each of these steps in order to achieve the ultimate branding success.

Steps KPIs KRAs Platforms
Reach Reaching researched client profiles, lookalike of previous website visitors Collect data (leads & cookies) through lead magnet/tripwire for conversion Google search, Google display, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora etc
Register Reach out to last 15-20 days leads & cookies and show them the core content (Fresh audience + Same core content. 1-5% sales conversion on Tripwires Email Marketing, SMS marketing, Whatsapp marketing and Retargeting
Recall Entire audience or list should be subjected to fresh thought leadership content. 10-30% sales conversion on Tripwire Email Marketing, SMS marketing, Whatsapp marketing and Retargeting
Sales/Tripwire Sell tripwire directly to the entire list 10% sales conversion Email Marketing, SMS marketing, Whatsapp marketing and Retargeting

When you follow exactly as mentioned in the above table, your brand’s message will be rightly & effectively heard by your target audiences.

Let your brand speak with a clear, consistent tone that stamps your core purpose in the customer minds.
Understand the psychology of your target customers & a successful brand name is sure to follow.
Are you stuck in your branding activities and unsure on how to connect and resonate with your target audience? We at Digitechniks have a proven track record of creating higher brand values for our clients over the years.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Marketing Mantra: Relationship Building vs Revenue Generation- what should you focus on?

Marketing Mantra: Relationship Building vs Revenue Generation- what should you focus on?

Your company’s net worth doesn’t depend on the amount of money you spend on ads. It depends on the relationships you build.
Everyone is interested in running ads, collecting data, and somehow reaching out to their prospective audience. 
Here, are they forgetting the real essence of marketing? 

Answer is a big Fat Yes !!! 
Where exactly are they lacking, any idea ? 

They are failing to understand the definition of Marketing. 
So, How do we define the Marketing?
Marketing is a simple process of identifying the prospective audience and build automated systems to reach out to this prospective audience consistently to communicate your company’s purpose and mission. 

If you haven’t understood this secret until now, you will fall out of the game soon. When you don’t concentrate on value creation activities, you end up wasting money on ads. The lead conversion rates may remain around 2-5%. 

In this way, you fail to build long-lasting relationships with prospects and find it difficult to retain them. You may lose them to competitors as well. It can terrifically affect your ROI too.

“It takes months to find a customer
 but just seconds to lose one” —Vince Lombardi

In this era of digital marketing, you need to frame the most effective marketing strategies of customer value creation. Here’s the simple 4 step process to create value and build long lasting customer relationships so that your conversion rates hikes up to 10-30%.

1: Identify your ideal customer & what they want

It is not just identifying customers randomly. You need to assume a set of customers who have problems which can be solved with your products or services. 
You can win in the long run by filtering the most ideal customers who are likely to buy your products as you are able to find a solution to their problems or needs and aspirations. The concept of simply fishing in a dirty pond will not serve in the long run. Here, you need to weave the perfect strategy of right customer acquisition. 

The quality of customer acquisition matters than simply its quantity. 

It’s not just lead generation that will help you in the long run. You must focus on how to give value to your customers so that they will become your loyal fans. 
For identifying your target market, you need to evaluate who is your present customers, and for what reason do they purchase from you? Are you solving their problems or aspirations? Search for regular attributes and interests. Another aspect is to check out your competitors. 
Who are your competitors focusing on? Who are their present customers? 
Try not to pursue a similar market. You may discover a niche market that they you are overlooking. Write out a list of each component of your product or services. 
I.e List all the advantages it gives. When you have your benefits recorded, prepare a list of people who have a need that your benefit fulfills. Figure out not just who requires your product or services, but also who are willing to pay for it.

In this way, you are not just selling, but adding enormous value to customers by fulfilling their desires and aspirations.

ALSO READ: 7 Steps List Building Formula

2. Offer them a lead magnet

Getting traffic to your site is good, however, it pretty much pointless if those prospects don’t convert.
There’s one strategy to use over all others to produce new leads: 
A lead magnet.  
But ‘lead magnets’ aren’t a newly introduced concept. They’ve been a vital part in an advertiser’s arsenal for decades.
You give prospects something of high value in exchange for their contact information (usually email id). This gives you permission to market to your potential customers (those who sign-up for your lead magnet).
Lead Magnets don’t need to be extensive or complex. 
A long and complex Lead Magnet will probably likely convert poorly.
You need to take care of a particular issue with a particular answer for a particular segment of your market. i.e Lead magnets should be super-specific.
Here’s the secret

Your Lead Magnet must be consumed by the prospect for it to have an effect. 

The ideal Lead Magnet will offer tremendous value within five minutes of the opt-in. This is a “rule of thumb,” obviously. 

However, we don’t suggest, for instance, a small-scale course delivered in more than 14 days or a 200-page digital book as a Lead Magnet. These Lead Magnets are seldom consumed entirely.

 ALSO READ: 3 Key Roles Of A World-Class Digital Marketing Team

3. Strategically nurture them

Business relationships won’t grow unless they are nurtured. 
You should focus on giving 90% value and rest 10% sales
To give a better value to them, you need to keep an eye on what your prospects are sharing and liking on all social platforms. This gives an idea of what are their problems or needs. 

It’s pointless to simply create leads because those leads don’t consequently translate revenue. For that, you need them to convert. 

Stay In Touch And Nurture Relationships Overtime to convert your contacts into contracts

In order to convert prospects to loyal fans, suitable changes in the sales funnel is necessary so that these prospects can bring sales.

Lead nurturing is the process of building and nurturing customers throughout their buying process. 
The objective is to manage them through various phases of your business channel and in the long run get them to convert. You have to serve them with relevant content and information depending on where they are in the funnel.
It’s a well-known fact that over 80% of new leads will never bring in a sale. But, nurtured leads are 50% more sales-ready. At the end of the day, nurturing your leads will improve your chances of converting them and also improve your revenue in the long run.

ALSO READ: 11 Step Content Creation Strategy To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

4. Offer them a tripwire

If you’re unhappy with your conversion rate. You need to analyze why.

People simply aren’t purchasing what you’re selling. The solution often lies in offering them a tripwire.

Tripwire marketing is an acceleration hack that persuades target customers to purchase something small from you instead of high-cost products or services.
Tripwire should be able to get all the costs spent on marketing activities.
To boost conversions, once in a while, say every 15 days you need to push tripwires to such prospects who wants problems can be solved by you. 

You may make a mini-course that supplements your main course. It could incorporate one or two short videos, a couple of checklists, and a few articles or even a webinar.
You may either sell a smaller course $15 or even $100. But the main intention is to make your tripwire attractive to new customers. Most people are more willing to spend small amounts of money than a huge chunk.

ALSO READ: 6 Steps Customer Acquisition Formula

At Digitechniks, we deliver our customers what we promise and this helps us to build long-lasting customer relationships. We at Digitechniks believe in building meaningful relationships with our prospects & audience. Revenue generation is a byproduct of delivering consistent value and we stand for creating great value to our customers for sustainable customer relationships. Let’s see what we do for relationship building process:

1. Identify your ideal customer & what they want

We assume and identify our set of audience who are marketing professionals, business owners, students who aspire to transform people’s lives by creating meaning employment. We identify their problems and aspirations to ensure that we can solve it in the best way by creating value and building long-lasting relationships with them.

2. Offer them a lead magnet

In order to open relationships with our prospective customers. We conduct free webinars & workshops.
At this Phase, a small percentage (5-10%) of people believe us and buy our programs.

3. Strategically nurture them (90% Value and 10% Selling Rule)

Once they share their contact information with us, we nurture them through weekly content, blogs, emails etc.

At this Phase, we achieve another 10-30% conversions and conversion rates purely depend upon the quality of content that we use for nurturing.

Nurturing activity will happen on a consistent basis. Some percentage of the people in the list gets converted customers, some percentage of the people become our brand advocates and some percentage of people become leavers.
This is how we effectively filter our right customers who eventually convert in to our loyal fans and with whom we are able to build good relationships.

4. Offer them a tripwire

Once we filter the most ideal & loyal customer base, we offer them what they are searching for with high-value content. We offer programs like Digital Media Strategy and Planning and Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program to fulfil the aspirations of our target audiences. In this way by solving their needs and creating value, we ensure our customers are satisfied and are retained for the long run. 

As a final note, the future of a successful marketing is Value Creation. Simply follow the above relationship building process for high ROI and increased customer retention. As a business owner, would you like to get the best support from us for good customer relationship strategies? If yes, join with us to get proven personalized strategies that will help you build long-lasting and strong customer relationships.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Our Proven 3 C's Formula to Succeed in Digital Marketing (Without Wasting Time or Resources)

Our Proven 3 C's Formula to Succeed in Digital Marketing (Without Wasting Time or Resources)

Are you somewhere stuck in the race of success in career? 
Are you still puzzled in the flashy world of digital marketing and looking for the right way in?
Don’t worry, you are not alone here!
But chaos and confusions are never a solution for your career aspirations. Here, all you need is proper guidance on “what, when, how and where” to start with your handsome digital marketing career.
Beginners & people new to Digital Marketing lack complete clarity & direction. Without clarity & direction, it’s impossible to succeed in any field.

But is digital marketing career worth in the current job market?
The fact is that this industry is growing at an exponential rate and thus a job as a digital marketer is one of the potential fruitful career choices you can opt-in this modern digital era. 

As a digital marketing agency with years of a proven track record of successful clients and successful workshops, we have decoded this process uniquely designed to take the process step by step to become a successful digital marketer. 
We’ve decoded a uniquely designed process to become a successful Digital Marketer. Let’s have a look at here.

Step 1: Coaching

As a beginner in Digital Marketing, it’s advisable to gain surface-level knowledge of the various jargons, domains & subdomains such as concepts like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, etc. 

When you know these, you will get a vague idea about how digital marketing works and how it is different from conventional marketing methods. The goal is to get a general idea about the industry. 
After gaining the prerequisite knowledge & awareness, it’s time to choose the right mentor/institute to get coaching from. Make sure you do a thorough analysis & choose a credible mentor/institute that can give you the required knowledge to help you kickstart your career. When there are many digital marketing agencies are out there, choosing the best one that can show light on your journey of digital marketing career will be a tough one.
Now, how would you choose a good mentor?

Choose the Best Value, Not the Best Price when it comes to choosing a digital marketing agency that helps you to kick-start your career in the right direction.

Step 2: Community

Communities are where all the magic happens. Join the right communities like Facebook groups, online forums, offline meetups and filter the relevant information based on the quality of content shared, frequency of activity, etc. 

This is where you can gather insights from the top minds in the industry. It helps you stay updated with the industry trends & opens up potential networking opportunities with the community members. Engage with the community, gather the necessary knowledge & implement your learning. 

Thereby you can build your networks also by actively participating in these communities. The right set of communities & the right coaching will give you the ‘why’ & ‘how’ to do things in digital marketing.
Active interactions in communities equip you to gather the latest trends and most effective digital marketing tools through contacts with renowned digital gurus.

For instance, you can join digital marketing groups on Facebook, Instagram, etc to see what are the hot topics trending, daily posts, etc. Also constantly watch how business pages work based on their social media posts frequency, content formats, ads formats, which all groups they joined, their activeness in each group and how they market their products and services. 

This idea will give a good idea on how social media marketing works normally and their number of shares, likes, and views on each video or post will help you to know whether their social media digital marketing strategy is working or not in that particular platform. 
It will not only help you in choosing the best digital mentor but also, act as a great platform to update yourself every day with the happening digital marketing trends.

Step 3: Consistency

This is where you have to get your hands dirty & put in practical work. One of the effective ways is to join as an intern of reputed companies who has solid Digital Marketing Team or another way is to Grab projects from NGOs and run campaigns.
To evaluate the gained digital marketing knowledge, you can begin to serve NGO’s. You can get a Google Ads grant of $10,000. Using which you can master the SEM platform and run Facebook campaigns like “Celebrate your Birthday With our Kids” on Facebook and Instagram.

For Facebook Ads, either you can contribute and take Tax benefits or you can search for a Donor to provide funds for Facebook ads. In this way, you can get an initial hands-on experience on the different ways to create a successful campaign.
Well, a practical implementation of what you observed or learned would be even more promising for your better understanding of digital strategies and also in your career growth. It helps you know if your applied digital marketing techniques are working within the specific digital platform and on the selected target audiences.

Your focus on implementing the learned digital strategies should be on how to successfully optimize the sales funnel to convert prospects to loyal fans. 

“Our Sincere Request, don’t burst out entrepreneurs money by running Digital Campaigns without appropriate experience”  
This will give you a fair idea on how to run campaigns for bigger clients. Keep in mind the digital marketing is a volatile industry & keeps changing at the blink of an eye. Rinse and repeat this three-step process & you’re on your way to becoming a Digital Marketing Ninja.

Observe, Serve and Succeed! 
Let this be your secret mantra for success in your digital marketing career!

After all, you don’t want to be another ‘Tom, Dick and Harry’ in this ever-changing digital industry. Smart work is what takes you to heights of success and now you know exactly from where the real smart work starts in your digital marketing journey right? Yes, it starts with choosing the right mentor! Join our hands to avail the most updated digital marketing training which you can’t access elsewhere. Digiteckniks, spearheaded by a well-experienced, expert digital marketing consultant and trainer, is one such premier digital marketing training agency in Bengaluru. The institute offers two courses Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program and a certificate program in Social Media Marketing. With 66 hours of online training and 10 strategy templates, it is the ultimate course designed for anyone interested in exploring the power of digital marketing. 

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

12 Affordable Digital Marketing Tools To Spy On Your Competitors (Like A Boss)

12 Affordable Digital Marketing Tools To Spy On Your Competitors (Like A Boss)

Digital marketing trends shifts at a lightning pace presenting it as a far reached goldmine for the small and big business ventures. Surveys show that within every single second, Google gets an average of 63,000 searches every day. 96% of search traffic contributes from smartphone and 94% are organic traffic sources. This digital era witnesses a paradigm on the business’ marketing approach from old ways to adopting technical SEO and quality content marketing approaches for enhancing their online presence.

“Statistics show that 85% of companies engage in competitor analysis to do strategic research on rival firms’ marketing strategies.”

This essential tactic will boost your financial stability and achieve better business survival opportunities.

Most companies getting started with digital marketing don’t know where to start and what to do. They lack clarity and direction. For a remarkable competitive edge in the industry, you can’t survive with if’s and but’s on a long haul. You need to strive for the best digital marketing strategy to outstand and beat the competition. As you know success comes with a price, the need to widen your thoughts and actions to get the right digital marketing support has become inevitable. It is no more an aimless journey wherein you struggle in a competitive mess.

Do you have the clarity and direction know what type of content to produce, what platforms to promote on, budgets to allocate, what type of ads to produce, keywords to target, nurturing process like email marketing tactics to follow. If all these look like alien to you and still feel your nerve, it’s high time for your business to rush towards the right digital marketing decisions before it gets off track. Many established companies still struggle to get online visibility with the lack of using upgraded digital marketing tools which immensely impacting their business growth in an adverse way.

Companies use a haphazard approach in terms of their strategies, without knowing what really works. It’s like shooting arrows in the dark. Thus, competitor analysis is essential to emulate successful results & objectives. Companies that are getting started with digital marketing & don’t do competitor analysis end up wasting time, money & resources. Before your precious resources get drained out and you end up losing the game in the digital platforms, it’s wise to get the right solution. So make it a smart move worth every penny!

You don’t need to always reinvent the wheel in terms of digital strategies. You just need to identify what’s working for your high-level competitors and what isn’t. These competitors have ‘been there and done that’. They use top-notch talent and resources to execute their strategies and achieve amazing results. Thus, competitor analysis is the first & foremost process. It helps you understand the keywords your competitors are targeting, the platforms they are on, nurturing process, their content marketing strategy and a whole lot more.

Using certain tools makes this possible and thus we can draw inspiration from competitors. Identifying KPIs and statistics that work well for your competitors can be a significant ingredient of your marketing success formula. Using the right set of tools can save a ton of time and help you accelerate the process of achieving results. The right set of tools helps you automate stuff and focus on more important tasks like formulating strategies, team management, etc.

1. SEMrush

Price: Currently available on three standardized monthly subscriptions with Pro – $99.95, Guru – $199.95 and Business – $399.9 plans.
Ease of use: It’s easy to use SEO tool with instructions to follow. No prior expertise is required.
Purpose/what it does: A trusted SEO and SEM competitor analysis tool widely used by a large number of all types of businesses across the world for keyword research and does competitor analysis on their keyword strategies. It is a good tool for your blog audit creating backlinks and a lot more.
How to use: When you distinguish your top rivals, you can utilize SEMrush Organic Research and Advertising Research reports to see the accurate keywords originated from their search traffic.

2. Buzzsumo

Price: All their plans start with a free 7-day trial. Their plans range from $79 to $499 per month, which can be either pay monthly or annually with cancellation option at any time.
Easy to Use: Yes
Purpose: Buzzsumo does unlimited content research and influencer searchers in which you can view any number of pages without a limit. It is used to identify which content has been shared the most.
How to use: Its free plan enables you to look for the most shared content, top influencers, and track a brand. It is limited in any case, and will just permit you four searches for each day. Paid subscriptions take into account more associations for content campaigns and agencies, just as exportable information and can be customized too. You’ll additionally get boundless access to BuzzSumo’s search information.

3. SimilarWeb

Price: SimilarWeb comes with PRO packages which starts from the basic plan-$199 and advanced plan-$499 per month
Easy to Use: Yes
Purpose: SimilarWeb is an effective tool which is used to identify traffic sources of competitors.
How to use: SimilarWeb assembles data by infusing itself into a large number of browsers by means of mostly chrome extensions. Additionally, SimilarWeb offers incentives for review sites when they share their precise web traffic information, consequently persistently aligning their gathered information with genuine input from Google Analytics

4. BigSpy

Price: It is a free Facebook Ad spy tool with unlimited uses that is available for anyone.
Easy to Use: Yes
Purpose: A user-friendly tool that is used to spy on competitors Facebook ads.
How to use: It customizes the most intriguing Facebook advertisements for you. This is a  progressed application will permit you to find and get more cash-flow with Facebook advertisements by yourself. BigSpy AD spy amasses huge information, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Shopify promotions and continually updated. BigSpy permits looking for 6 social media marketing ads.

5. AdEspresso

Price: It’s pricing starts from the basic plan-$69 to advance plan-$599 with an option of free 14 days trial period under each plan.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: AdEspresso is used to spy on competitor’sfacebook ads.
How to use: If you begin truly increase on the promotions you make, you might need to test out various varieties of pictures, features, content and so forth and AdEspresso truly assists with this. You can start by creating campaigns and then create your ads with AdEspresso and finally test headlines, texts or images based on your requirements.

6. Ubersuggest

Price: This is a free tool for keywords which help you to revise your SEO, content marketing and social media marketing strategies to most effective ones.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: Ubersuggest enables you to get knowledge into the procedures that are working for others in your target market so you can receive them, improve them, and get a higher competitive edge.
How to use: Ubersuggest is a standout amongst the free SEO tool out available today. In case you’re an advertiser and need to do extensive research yet would prefer not to pay for a paid SEO tool, this is a decent alternative for you. Ubersuggest figures scores to decide the accompanying SEO terms; the search volume, SEO trouble, paid trouble, and cost per click.

7. Ahrefs

Price: The monthly price ranges from the basic plan -$99 to advanced plan-$999 with additional taxes based on your location and country.
Easy to Use: Yes
Purpose: The purpose of ahrefs is to do effective keyword research, backlink audits, validate keywords, track individual keywords, site audits and brand management for your brands and website.
How to use: When you have effectively signed in, you will meet your dashboard. You can set up progressing projects whereby domain you indicate are observed for changes in the Ahrefs set of metrics.

8. Spyfu

Price: It has an annual subscription plan starts from $33/month to $199/month and monthly plan starts from $39/month to $299/month.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: SpyFu demonstrates the keywords that sites purchase on Google Adwords just like the keywords that sites which are shown within the search results.
How to use: When the Spyfu account is created, you need to go to projects and create a new project. Then go ahead with entering your domain name and add your keywords. Repeat this process for multiple competitors in your target market.

9. Hootsuite

Price: One of the best tools to manage social media, which you can start using through a free-trial for 30 days. Once the trial period is completed, you get the options of three subscription plans.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: An effective tool to create highly customized online communication networks that helps you to do tasks in an organized manner and see conversations easily. It is used to spy on the performance of competitors SMM posts & SMM metrics
How to use: Firstly, you can create a Hootsuite account and after which add your social profiles for publishing the contents and check their engagement rates. Now set up streams and check conversations to know customer engagements. Regularly publish posts.

10. Google Search Operators

Price: A free tool to search unlimited number of keywords and information.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: It can enable you to pick up understanding into SEO opportunities and audit focuses you generally would not have recognized and the potential outcomes are huge.
How to use: You can enter search operators legitimately into the Google search box, similarly as you would a content inquiry: Except in exceptional cases, (for example, the “in” operator), Google will show the normal organic search results.

11. Facebook Ads Library

Price: It’s a free platform wherein the library can be explored by anyone even if the user doesn’t have a Facebook account.
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: It is used to spy on competitors Facebook ads.
How to use: For every ad, the Ad Library gives data on who saw the promotion, how much amount the purchaser spent to run it, and the number of impressions it got. Facebook says the library will currently store ads for a long time after they run.

12. Feedly

Price: Feedly offers a free plans for casual readers with also an upgrading option to Feedly Pro which cost $5 per month or $45 per year
Easy to use: Yes
Purpose: This new aggregator app run in web browsers as well as in Android and iOS mobile platforms. It can be also used as cloud-based service. The user can customise the news feeds collected from online sources and share it with others.
How to use: Feedly collects RSS feeds that enable publishing of online information by websites. This information will be syndicated automatically to all the subscribers. At Digitechniks, we follow accelerated learning techniques which showcase you with extensive and in-depth knowledge on the digital ecosystem that is unparalleledwith any other digital marketing course out there. Join our hands for a comprehensive and fruitful journey of resourceful digital experience through our unique guidance and processes, over 40 plus tools and templates. We guide you to success!


Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

There has never been a more exciting time to be a digital marketer. But it’s also harder and more challenging than ever before.
Just ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you accurately measure the ROI of your campaigns?
  • Did your ad on the internet lead to an increase in sales?
  • How many of those people who have shared your video or liked your Facebook posts have actually made purchases from your company?

Are you scratching your head trying to answer any of these? You’re not alone.

42% of marketers agree that proving the ROI of their marketing activities is one of the biggest challenges they face within their company.
Source: HubSpot’s State of Inbound Report, 2018Only 1 out of 4 marketers are confident in their ability to accurately measure digital media ROI.
Source: The Nielsen CMO Report, 2018

The ever-evolving digital landscape, newly emerging technologies, and savvier consumers are constantly keeping marketers on their toes. And more importantly, there is an increasing pressure on them to show the financial returns of their marketing efforts. Why? Because now, it’s all about providing results. Gone are the days when a digital ad campaign could be measured by the sheer number of site visitors or page views.

With top management in more and more organizations equating performance with ROI, you need to be able to show the value you create for every marketing penny spent. But that’s where the biggest challenge lies.

This guide will highlight three major problems that are stopping you from becoming a successful digital marketer, what you should do and eight steps to get there. We’ll pair each step with a practical “to do” section and how professional guidance by Digitechniks can help you master the step.   

Problem 1: When you’re focused on the low-hanging fruit, you lose sight of the bigger picture
This is exactly what’s happening with a majority of digital marketers. They emphasize on generating more traffic and leads as a part of their digital marketing strategy, often ignoring the fact that these are low-hanging fruit that tell only part of the story.

67% of marketers consider increasing leads to be their top priority compared to 35% who prioritise converting leads into customers.
Source: 2019 B2B Marketing Mix Report, Sagefrog Marketing Group

In other words, most marketers are stuck at the top of the funnel and track their ROI in terms of the amount of traffic or leads they are getting.

The result? When their CEOs ask — “How does X video shares or X number of ‘likes’ tie directly back into our sales?” — they struggle to quantify these numbers.  
That’s because unless you know how to nurture and convert the ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ into buyers, those numbers don’t really mean anything.

Problem 2: Without proof of work, you may fail to make a business case for your marketing initiatives
Consider this. The average cost per 1000 impressions on Google, Facebook or other digital channels falls anywhere between Rs.50-1500, depending on the industry and the nature of the business. That’s how much a company has to pay for 1000 Impressions on their digital ads.
With more businesses going digital, these numbers are going to rise even further in the coming days. No wonder, the stakes for marketers are higher than ever and there’s a mounting pressure on them to optimize campaign performance to win more customers.

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

In such a situation, without a solid ROI, it will be difficult to convince those who control the budgets that you’ll need to implement your digital plans. And often, without the right budget, you won’t be able to explore the full potential of your marketing initiatives or their effectiveness may suffer.

Problem 3: The error of looking at only one part of the process leads to wasteful drainage of resources
The problem is with marketers who focus on only driving more and more traffic to their websites is that they are only concerned with the top of the sales funnel.
But, more traffic doesn’t automatically mean more conversions. The ideal conversion rate (from traffic to customer) is around 0.5-3%. So their ROI is dependent on just this tiny percentage of the converted traffic. This means that they are leaving a lot on the table by not creating multiple touch points for the non-action takers.

When you look at the bigger picture, that’s negative ROI for a company. In other words, the money you’re putting into such marketing efforts is complete waste and your ‘boss’ or your client would be better off without spending it at all.  

“What’s the ROI of a basketball? For me: A negative amount equal to the cost for repairing my torn meniscus. I have literally lost money playing basketball. For Kobe Bryant, on the other hand, the ROI is about $220 Million.” – Gary Vaynerchu

Also, if you’re paying too much attention to generating new leads and sales, it’s time to think whether you’re ignoring your existing customer base. Are you nurturing the customer relationships that you’ve already formed?

A lot of studies across many different industries have pointed out that acquiring a new customer is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.
Source: Multiple studies & reportsSolution: Change your mindset and approach

  1. Pump your digital marketing vehicles with the right fuel

Modern-era marketing demands strategies which involve more than just generating traffic and leads, and which have a direct correlation with sales and revenues. How to achieve this? The answer is, through a purpose-driven approach — something that we, here at Digitechniks, call “The Marketing Fuel”.

The Marketing Fuel An arsenal of mindset, strategies, and tools to accomplish a marketing purpose that is in complete alignment with the company’s purpose.

All marketing channels — SEO, Social media, PPC, email marketing, etc. — are vehicles, but they need the marketing fuel to run at peak performance. If you don’t fill enough fuel or the right type of fuel in your marketing vehicles, they won’t run as smoothly or as fast as you desire.

Many aspiring digital marketers — and even those who are in the industry for years — are often not fully aware of what marketing fuel to use and when. This is mainly because they lack the knowledge of the entire digital marketing spectrum. Some of them stick to just one or two areas of digital marketing, which ultimately restricts their growth and leads to mediocre results for their clients.

For example, someone who has the knowledge of search engine optimization but doesn’t know what type of content impacts the reader and gets the clicks will eventually fail to create an effective campaign.

Therefore, in order to get your marketing fuel right, you need to gain a thorough understanding of digital marketing and the multiple niches and sub niches it includes. Specializing in one aspect of digital marketing is not enough.

  1. Start thinking in terms of ‘value’

You are probably hearing the term “customer-centricity” a lot these days. Well, it’s not a buzzword. It’s a real change that’s happening across the business landscape.
Gone are the days when marketing was all about making the sale and closing the deal. Today it’s more about creating a relationship with a customer. Only when that relationship has been established, will they buy your product or service. For these reasons, customer care is being touted as the new marketing.“

Customer value creation is at the heart of every successful marketing plan.”
— Andrew Stephen, Professor, Oxford University.  

Therefore, as a marketer, it’s important that you have genuine interest in solving your customer’s problem as part of your marketing approach. Sales is the by-product of the care that you show for your customers.
Action: How to fire back your marketing vehicles with high-octane marketing fuel?
Too much noise on the web and social media leaves you with tonnes of plans and strategies but with very little to implement them. Let’s cut through the noise and get down to a practical action-plan that will bring some immediate changes in your digital marketing approach.

The following eight-step integrated digital marketing plan will allow you to make effective shifts in your approach and generate positive ROI for your campaigns, starting today.

Step 1: Define your Business Aspiration Goal

This first step sounds obvious but sadly it is not so. A lot of marketers, who are too eager to begin their campaign, often miss this point and launch their campaign without much of a practical plan, which is necessary for a productive outcome.

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

Besides determining who shall be your target customer and which market you plan to penetrate, it is important to set a goal that’s realistic. For example, you may want to gain 5000 new buyers by the end of a month-long campaign. But do you have enough resources and planning to reach this goal?

Starting with an unrealistic goal is setting yourself up for failure. 

What to do

Evaluate your resources and decide on a revenue target that’s practically feasible. A good strategy is to work your way backwards from ROI to figure out what you need in order to bring the desired results. Also, take into account the problems you might encounter in achieving your revenue goals.
Don’t solely focus on your revenue goal. Business aspiration goal is divided into:

  • Revenue Goal
  • Customer-centric goals (The kind of value to be delivered to the clients in order to achieve the revenue goal)
  • Team Goal (The kind of team that is required & has the potential to deliver the value to the customers)
  • Team Learning Goals

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our flagship Integrated Digital marketing certification program we have one complete module called Business Aspiration Goal Setting that will help you to set your Business aspiration goal.

Step 2: Build a business model to achieve your revenue goal

Stat:  “A Business Makes Money Only When Their Offerings And Passion Meets The Demand”

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

Having a business model is important to create a sustainable business plan which can effectively communicate the key features of the business to the partners inside the company. But it’s equally important to make sure your business model is capable of achieving the revenue goals you’re targeting. If not, it’s probably time to think about modifying your business model.

You could do this by exploring new markets and/or creating new product lines. Also, with rising competition, one of the smartest and most effective ways to stand out is to move away from what others in your industry are doing. Steer clear of copy-cat brand models and think of how you can be a differentiator in your industry.   
Can you please suggest an example that we can use here?

What to do

Build a magnetic brand to become a differentiator. A magnetic brand is one which fulfils the aspirations of the target audience and driven by purpose. In other words, your brand should offer unique services that your customers will get only from you and won’t turn to your competitors.
What if the heart of your business is in the right place and yet you’re struggling to grow your customer base? A simple way to get more customers for your products/services is to categorize them into three types:
1) Lead Magnets – Zero cost products/services that people won’t give a second thought before choosing. These are a great way to give your prospects a taste of your product/service. For example: Free sample-size products, a free webinar or a course etc.  
2) Trip Wires – These products/services should be priced in a way that customers don’t have to spend too much money, yet are encouraged to make low-priced purchases that doesn’t seem much of a risk for them. For example: Low-cost versions of your core products/services or core products/services with limited features.

3) Core Product or Premium Solutions – These are your full-featured core products that customers would gladly pay for.

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our flagship we have one dedicated module that will teach you how to carry out competitor analysis, market research and help you to build a brand that fulfills the aspiration of your target market.

Step 3: Build a Magnetic Marketing Funnel

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

Simply having a magnetic business model is not enough. In order to act on such a business model, you need an equally robust marketing funnel. In my experience, 90% of digital marketing plans fail due to the lack of a definite digital marketing funnel to acquire customers.
A marketing funnel defines an entire customer journey, from the initial stages when someone learns about your business to the purchasing stage. A powerful funnel is key to generating leads, converting them into customers, keeping them engaged, and making them your loyal customers.
Building a marketing funnel may seem like a lot of work but the effort is really worth both the time and money, given the fact there are so many companies who are targeting the same customers for their products and services every day.

Essentially, this is the step where you put into practice everything you’ve theorized in the first two steps.

What to do

  1. Build Lead Magnets
  2. Nurture your leads
  3. Engage leads with tripwire (irresistible offer which they cannot reject)
  4. Sell your core product/service
  5. Maximise your profits by upselling/down-selling/cross-selling
  6. Turn your customers into loyal advocates

Read our 6-step Customer Acquisition Formula in-depth.

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our flagship Integrated Digital marketing certification program we have one complete module that will help you to build a funnel from scratch. This funnel allows you to generate ROI across any Digital Marketing platform

Step 4: Understand the Digital Ecosystem

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

New channels are constantly emerging in the digital landscape. For example, Snapchat and Instagram weren’t as popular a few years ago. But today, for certain types of businesses, these platforms are proving to be more effective than even Facebook or Twitter.

From SEO, SEM, to email and social media marketing initiatives, you’ll not only have to familiarize yourself with the entire digital ecosystem but also be on toes to keep up with the changes taking place.
At the same time, consumers are increasingly demanding a seamless and consistent experience across all these channels. This is also why in order to be successful as a digital marketers, you need to take a more strategic and integrated approach.

What to do

This step involves getting an in-depth understanding of all digital channels and platforms. Also, this is where you need to observe consumer behaviour, how they navigate the web, which platforms they frequently visit and when.
Understanding these behaviours can give you a ton of insights on the buying intent, purchase patterns, which messaging would work, and if the timing is right etc. For example, consumers on Google generally have a high buying intent, while those on Facebook may be simply browsing and don’t have a purchasing mentality right at that moment. By looking at the locations and hashtags of Instagram users you can tell if they are traveling — in that case, they may not be attentive towards a marketing message.  

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

IDMCP makes you well-versed with all the niches and sub-niches of internet marketing and provides practical knowledge about applying these concepts to create cohesive strategies for your clients. Through practical templates and real-life scenarios, we help you understand how every aspect of digital marketing such as SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, and marketing automation work together as one cohesive force.

Step 5: Identify all the ideal Digital channels for your business

According to a report by MarketingProfs, around 2 million blog posts are written every day and there are more than 350,000 tweets every minute. With such huge information overload, it is important to find the right marketing channels through which you can reach your customer.

What to do

You can figure out your ideal channels through competitor analysis. Create a list of your competitors, pick a high-level competitor who is generating good traffic, identify their traffic sources, and be where they are.  
Wondering if it’s a good idea to be where your competitors are already active? Imagine, how would it be to not enter a popular restaurant to enjoy their food just because it’s crowded? It’s almost similar.
Rather, think about how you can differentiate your existence on these platforms? High-quality content is your answer.
Tools for competitor analysis: SEMrush, Similarweb, Spyfu, Buzzsumo

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

Our IDMCP program offers extensive competitor analysis guidance. We have competitor analysis templates that teaches you how to identify your ideal channels, how to build your presence through these channels, and the ways to set up a repeatable process to replicate your success.

Step 6: Build a process to use each of the digital marketing platforms efficiently

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

Every Digital Marketing platform has its own set of algorithms(rules). What works on one platform might not work on the other. Consider Google SERP as an example. Text based content performs (ranks) extremely well on Google search, whereas videos don’t. On Youtube however, it’s a completely different story.
Thus, it’s pivotal to understand each platform in detail & then decode it by building a process. This process can be used over & over again.  

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program we follow an accelerated learning technique that will help you build successful processes for any platform. 

Step 7: Build templates for to simplify the above process

Building templates for each platform can provide you with a solid framework for analysing your goals and activities across the web, social media, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and the entire digital ecosystem. The four important KPIs included in any template includes organic sessions, organic landing pages report, organic keywords and organic conversions.

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program we give you tried & tested templates that will help in speeding up the process. These templates can be tweaked according to your objectives.

Step 8: Aggregate the data from multiple templates to create a successful digital campaign

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

The final step involves getting the relevant data & measuring key metrics. Based on the data collected, it’s essential to extract insights. Key decisions have to be taken based on the insights.
In a nutshell, the purpose of collecting & measuring data is to:

  • Know what’s working & what isn’t
  • Take key decisions to further improve your digital campaign

How Digitechniks’s IDMCP can help

In our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program we teach you how to effectively mine data from the templates & processes (created in the previous steps) in a matter of minutes. You will learn how to identify the metrics that matter for your digital campaigns, and then take decisions to take your campaign to the next level (scaling). Become a digital marketing powerhouse in your organization with Digitechniks
Digitechniks was born to create employable and industry-ready digital marketing professionals. Our IDMCP training program is designed with this specific aim in mind.
This program gives you an in-depth understanding of digital marketing concepts through helpful tools, innovative learning techniques, and practical templates that will help you to not only capture and retain the information, but also apply it to real-world scenarios.
Our unique three-step teaching methodology:

A word from our trainer and mentor Sharan Kulkarni

8 Step approach of a Successful Digital Marketer

Do your digital marketing strategies generate positive ROI? Well, mine certainly didn’t when I started out as a digital marketer. I slogged off hours creating campaigns that fell flat on face even before taking off. I was a failed marketer and a failed business owner, and didn’t really know what was tripping me over, again and again.  
I decided to begin with a blank canvas and started to read books and online resources on marketing. Over the next few months, I realized that there’s so much good information out there but most of it is so mixed up with not-so-good information that it’s hard (and time-consuming) to pick out the good stuff.   
I was actively reading blog posts, listening to podcasts, watching webinars and doing every imaginable thing to learn everything I could. What I also realized during this time is that most of the information available is great as theory but there’s very little guidance on practical applications.  
It took me a little over a year to really get into the trenches of this vast ocean called ‘digital marketing’. And, it was instantly clear to me why so many digital marketers fail — they don’t have that amount of time to spare while learning about digital marketing.   
Watching my career turn around inspired me to commit myself to transforming the life of marketers and business owners. The ‘Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program’ (IDMCP) is the outcome of what I have learned through all these years.  
In fact, this course is my digital marketing knowledge presented to you in a simple-to-follow and easy-to-implement manner.
Because I believe that if I can do it, you can do it too!

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Copying Vs. Innovation in Marketing: What Should You Focus On?

Copying Vs. Innovation in Marketing: What Should You Focus On?

With consumers increasingly relying on their own research before buying a product or service,the demand for valuable content is at an all-time high. The ability to provide this on a consistent basis can allow companies to stand out from the crowd and beat competition. But it’s not an easy job, to say the least.
Many startups and small businesses struggle to produce high-value content and marketing materials at a steady rate. Unable to cope up with the ever increasing demands, some of them decide to follow their competitors’ marketing footsteps. While it’s not unethical to copy, you should know where exactly to draw the line. Plus, this strategy may or may not work in your favor. Here are some reasons why.

They might be as clueless you are – According to research 41% of marketers do not have any marketing strategy and just follow anything randomly. You simply cannot follow such an erratic marketing strategy and hope for success.

Different brand, audience and business model– Even if you share the same business domain, it is likely that both of you will have a different target audience and different brand model. If you imitate your competitor’s blogs and tone, chances are it might not work for you.

You have no idea about what’s working in their favour – If you are blindly following your competitor without bothering to analyze your website traffic or carrying out a competitor analysis, chances are high that you are simply walking in the dark without any proper direction.

You don’t have the resources and budget of your competitors– Often the marketing success of a brand depends on the team which works in the background. Unless you have similar resources and budget to spend on marketing like your competitor, it is unlikely that you can replicate their success.

Copying however is not as bad as it seems. In fact, according to an article published in Harvard Business Review, it has been observed that imitation is more valuable than innovation. When you are trying to innovate, you will have zero idea about product efficiency, distribution channel or unit economics. Copying a business model ensures that you save a lot of time and money, which otherwise could have been wasted on research.

Copying a marketing strategy works particularly well when:

  • Your target audience is the same as that of your competitor
  • Your brand offers better customer experience than competitors
  • You have enough manpower and resources to execute the strategies
  • The strategy you’re copying is scalable and long term

How to Integrate Imitation in Your Marketing Strategy?

If you’re inspired by your competitors and want to imitate their marketing practices, it’s important to first figure out how those practices fit into your business model. Learn from what other companies are doing, then offer something they don’t offer.Remember Facebook was not the first social networking platform nor Google was the first search engine.But both identified and filled the gaps left by their competitors in their respective domains.

Here are certain factors to consider when building your own copycat business strategy.
Timing– Timing plays a very important role in marketing. Today if you try to copy the marketing model of Google, chances are very slim that you will succeed. As a smart marketer, you need to understand what is the underlying reason behind your competitor’s success and how can you beat your competitors in that region. You can use the same idea and then tweak it to meet your requirement.

Individuality– It is important that you maintain your individuality if you wish to stand out in the competitive world. Simply don’t go on copying them. Instead, try to find out areas where they haven’t ventured into and use innovation on those areas. You can try to refine your USP (unique selling proposition) which will give your customers compelling reasons to choose your brand over others.

Scale your workforce– in the domain of digital marketing technologies are changing every single day. You can scale your workforce either by training them in new technologies or by outsourcing the job to experts and professional agencies like us who are up-to-date with the industry and are better equipped to handle the job.

Innovation May Not Be for Everyone

While innovation works wonders, every business does not need to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes all you need is to improve the existing. Also, a business — at least, in its initial phase — many not be prepared to innovate as it requires time and resources.

Simply having an innovative idea is not enough. It’s crucial to know whether your product/service idea is scalable, profitable and has a specific audience willing to pay for it. There are innumerable startups and businesses that fail because what they believe to be their innovation has few actual takers in the market.

Your Brand Needs a Mix of Imitation and Innovation

Based on our experience, we highly recommend that you divide your time and focus between innovating and imitating your best competitors.Mix and match both strategies until you’ve hit the sweet spot.
The tried and tested formula that we, here at Digitechniks, follow includes 75% inspiration from competitors while we spend 25% of our efforts in constantly innovating. Then, keep on improving the results which you had the previous day, the previous week, previous month and even the previous year.

Looking to get ahead of your competitors by offering more value through your digital marketing initiatives? Do you want to consistently acquire new customers for your Business?

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money