Supercharge Your Leads from Google Ads With These Simple Steps

Supercharge Your Leads from Google Ads With These Simple Steps

Nearly every business owner these days knows the power of Google in growing business and sales. But only a few know how to really leverage it to generate leads and traffic. Especially when it comes to Google Ads, most businesses find it hard to tap into its amazing potential. In a survey of 600+ small businesses, 40% of them didn’t find any new leads through Google Ads, while 33% landed very few leads. Does that make Google Ads sound like a strategy that’s not worth a try?

Consider this: 80% of global internet users are reached by Google Ads campaigns. And, a staggering 97% of mobile search spend comes from Google Ads. These are some reasons why ignoring paid search on Google is not a very smart move.
Plus, given the simple fact that today almost every purchase involves a Google search, acing the paid search game could put you miles ahead of your competitors. Particularly because, if done well, your ads have high chances of showing up on the coveted first page of search results.
But how to make sure your campaigns are successful and fetch you the desired results? Here are some steps to follow.

Step 1: Customer Acquisition Formula

Before jumping into an AdWords campaign it is important to do some background research about your customer and understand how you can make them a part of your sales funnel.

a) Finding the Ideal Customer
Finding your ideal customer will help you to set the right target and built a database. You can offer various free products and services like free E-books, free Webinars, and reports on the industry trends to achieve your aim. Make sure you always ask for their email and phone number in exchange for these offers and services.

b) Nurture Your Leads
Once you get the email and phone numbers from visitors, it is time to provide them with valuable content in order to make them a part of your sales channel. You can do this by sending them a brief description of your product or service, blog updates, success stories and customer testimonials.

c) Tripwire
Now, it is time to invest and engage with your customer by providing them with a tripwire or irresistible offer which they cannot reject. Make sure this is only a bait to include them into the main sales funnel and should be provided only at a nominal cost. Usually, 30% of people who buy your tripwires are likely to buy your real products.

d) Selling the Real Product/Service
Once you successfully persuade your leads to buy a tripwire, it is easy for you to make them buy the main product or service like an annual subscription offer.

e) Maximize Your Profits
In order to retain your customers you can use both upscale and downscale strategy to achieve high-profit margins. For example, you can sell accessories for a new electronic gadget or offer a discount to customers who have already bought your products once.

f) Turn your customers into loyal customer
Having loyal customers is the best thing that a company can ask for. In order to maintain a loyal customer base, it is important that you maintain an active communication channel with your customers through SMS, or by retargeting ads on Facebook and Google. Try to keep a database of their birthdays and anniversaries and shoot them a mail along with an exclusive offer for their special day.
Initially, it may seem like a lot of work but the effort is really worth both the time and money, given the fact there are so many companies who are targeting the same customers for their products and services every day.

Step 2: Create a High Converting Landing Page

The average attention span of a user has come down to a few seconds and if they fail to find relevant information in regards to their search queries, chances are high they will quit. You can use the Page Speed tool from Google to estimate how well the landing page is set up. Aim for a score above 70 for more ROI.

Step 3: Do Competitor Analysis

Most of the time business tends to assume that their online competitors are similar to their offline competitors. However, that is not the case. In order to understand your competitors, analyze the data regarding how many times their ads were placed higher than your ads on the search page. Analyze the nature of competition you are facing. Do you’re your research to ensure that your stay ahead in the league.

Step 4: Keyword Research and Forecasting

Keyword research can help you to estimate the budget of your PPC campaign. The average CPC in AdWords varies considerably and keyword research can help you to estimate what your clicks might cost. Additionally, comprehensive keyword research can help you to find relevant keywords that have good search volume and are most likely to meet your goads. Additionally, you can also use the Search Query Report to look up for search terms which users have actually used to trigger your ad.

Step 5: Write Killer Ad Content

Paid ads are all about finding the killer keywords which can propel your sales chart. However, your entire expenditure on your paid research would fall flat on the ground, if you fail to create interesting and relevant content for your customers. According to HubSpot 73% users on the internet feel irritated with irrelevant content. In order to maximise your ROI, don’t forget to pay to create relevant content for your target customers.

Step 6: Create Ad Account

If you are planning to manage your own PPC campaign, you can start by creating a Google Ad account. The process is very simple and can be even done over the phone. You can get a credit of Rs 2500 and 30 days of free Google support as a new customer.

Step 7: Campaign Optimization

Simply launching a PPC campaign is not enough to get sustained results. It is important to look into the job on a regular basis. You can optimize your campaign by eliminating negative keywords, testing Ad extension, shuffling keywords and by refining your keyword list to achieve your aim.

Are you still wondering whether Google ads would be right for your business? If yes, then you are not alone. Many people have similar questions and you can find some comfort in the fact that 3.5 million businesses generated $281 billion in revenue from Google’s search and advertising tools. Advertising on Google can be extremely beneficial for your company provided you have the right strategy. But it can be tricky to handle it all on your own. And that’s exactly why partnering with a digital marketing agency with the right expertise like ours can make a world of difference!

Here are two case studies that will demonstrate the value that we’ve been able to generate for our clients.

Case Study 1

Few months ago, a company selling Ayurvedic supplements for diabetes contacted us to help them with online advertising as the previous agency failed to give them enough sales.
They managed to get 120 sales a month, which meant they could reach around 1500 sales a year. They were already in the market for some years but were struggling to make an impact.

After speaking with one of our marketing consultants, we decided to carry out search campaigns, shopping campaigns for selling the product and display ads to generate leads. And, here’s we helped the company generate in the last one year.

  • 98947033 impressions
  • 911591 clicks
  • 4000+ Sales
  • 39000+ leads (700 sales through e-mail nurturing)
  • Increase in sales in one year close to 400%

Case Study 2

Let’s look at another case study in a completely different industry.
A reputed International School in Bangalore who were never into digital marketing contacted us, as they wanted to have an online presence. Prior to contacting us, they advertised primarily in newspapers and trade shows. While this worked, they wanted to do more to acquire customers.
So they got in touch with us. And what did we do? We showed them the gold.

There were thousands of people in the market who wanted to admit their kids in good reputed schools. So the demand was high but the competition was equally high. The client left it in our advertising specialist’s hands to develop the most effective campaign for them.
Here’s the result we generated for them for a total ad spend of Rs 20 lac:

  • 106678 impressions
  • 76659 clicks
  • 3180 leads
  • 630 cost-per-lead

Out of 3180 leads, they managed to convert 1200 into sales.
They charged Rs 80000 for each admission, and through each admission, they obtained a profit of Rs 30000.
So 30000 X 1200 = Rs 36000000.
Therefore, the company made Rs 3.6 crores by spending Rs. 20 lacs only.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Personal Branding: A Killer Tool To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

Personal Branding: A Killer Tool To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

Ever wondered why you usually pick up Nike or Adidas sneakers off the shelf rather than a generic brand? You may or may not have thought about it, but it was their branding that got you.

Whether it’s about creating a personal or a corporate identity, branding plays a critical role of building trust. If your audience begins to look at you as legitimate and authentic, you will gain their trust. That’s what translates to higher sales and ROIs in the long run.

In fact, if you are a CEO, CXO or a marketing professionals, a personal brand can often be just as important as the public perception of your company or product. This can mean bad news for you if you’re not currently taking advantage of personal branding for professional and corporate success.

Personal branding is just one step ahead of corporate branding

Think about Apple — isn’t it hard to separate the myth of the man from the legend of the company itself? Even today, the public perception of Apple is deeply connected to Steve Jobs. And it isn’t even as if Jobs was building a public persona just for the sake of branding. He was communicating his message to the world and making sure everyone understood what made Apple different. That’s the reason we trust Apple products, because we know the values that go behind their design and production.

The exercise of branding can be critical for the growth and success of any business, product or individual. When you choose what ‘face’ to put out there into the world, you are committing to a set of values and principles that you and your company stand for.

What you stand for and what your company represents cannot be too far apart. There has to be a synergy between your personal brand and your company’s, otherwise that can be confusing for customers and employees alike.

As someone in a leadership position — whether you’re a CEO, CXO, President, Vice President, or marketing professional — don’t let this opportunity to communicate with your audience and build a personal brand pass you by.

Personal branding strategy: Differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack

So, why did you pick up that Adidas shoe after all? The off-brand shoe could have been more durable and cheaper to boot.
When a company’s marketing becomes ubiquitous — you see it all around you, and consistently see the same message — that’s when they’ve successfully built a brand. In a competitive market, where competitors new and old are constantly innovating and launching rival products or services, branding is the most crucial aspect of differentiation.

Trust, credibility and perception of value are often a consequence of branding itself. It’s easier to convince someone who’s never bought Adidas before to trust the quality and durability of that sneaker, isn’t it?

How to create a personal branding strategy

There are three important words you need to keep in mind if you want to build a brand — Visibility, Credibility and Profitability (VCP). One leads to the other — the more visible you are, the more credible you seem. The more credible you are to people, the more likely they will choose you over competitors, and that directly hits your bottom line.

You might now be wondering how to gain said visibility as an individual. Before you even head the PR route, networking can be the lever you need to get the word out. So get out there and leverage your contacts. Word-of-mouth can be incredibly powerful in this context — it will strengthen your existing network, get you more opportunities and maybe even convert your contacts to contracts!

Another way to create your personal brand is to amplify your presence on social media. Figure out which platforms work for your sector — it could be LinkedIn, Twitter or maybe even Instagram. Consider setting up a personal blog and share your articles on social media. Weigh in during online discussions related to your niche, and establish your credibility as someone with experience, wisdom and authority over your domain.

As someone who understands solar technology, for instance, you will become the go-to person for solar innovations, whether it’s vehicles or batteries. Over time, you will emerge as a thought leader in that space and perhaps get opportunities for consulting, mentoring, advisory and even international lectures and talks. Even if you’re an expert within a narrow niche, you can still become a micro or nano-influencer in that area.

In the long term, personal branding can even help you influence your peers and through them, your industry as a whole. You could even build a loyal following that will be ready to invest in you and pay for your product or services.

When you build a personal brand that gives you a unique sense of identity. You will establish your reputation as an expert in the sector, as king or queen of your domain. And that’s where the advantages of personal branding go beyond corporate brands. If you decide to move onto another company or your next business venture, your reputation will follow you.

There’s no quick fix to personal branding

While it’s absolutely critical to build your personal brand these days, it may not be an easy task, and it’s certainly not an overnight job. More importantly, it demands a certain amount of time and efforts. Therefore, you, as a business owner or marketer, may have to divide your time between personal brand creation and your core tasks. This is often the reason why personal branding gets pushed to the back burner for most people. But if you’ve understood the importance of branding yourself and are serious about leveraging the competitive edge it provides, it’s a great idea to seek help from a professional branding agency like ours.

Conducted by digital marketing expert and mentor Sharan Kulkarni, our branding consultations have helped many business owners to build and grow their personal brands. The time we spend understanding our clients’ businesses, goals, and visions, combined with our track record of branding successes enables us to create brand identities that are unique and distinct.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

One of the most exciting as well as challenging aspects of digital marketing is that it’s analways-evolving industry which offers something new to learn every day.This means staying abreast with the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing is important. But, it’s equally important to understand that digital marketing, at its core, is marketing. Therefore, having a solid grip on the marketing basics is absolutely essential for the long term success in marketing and sales.

Why go back to basics?
According to Inc., nearly 80% of small businesses fail. Although there could be other reasons behind this, one factor is that many small business owners feel that using the latest tools and applications is their secret weapon to conquer the business landscape. Unfortunately, just relying on the latest tool scan never be enough to save your business. Digital marketing is one field where a few minor mistakes can easily throw you off your game. No wonder, a whopping 63% of marketers say their biggest challenge is to drive traffic to their websites and generate leads.

It’s interesting to note that 71% of small business owners are handling their own digital marketing and don’t prefer to hire experts. If you’re one of them, it’s critical to understand the basics of marketing.

While learning about marketing tools and how to use them is necessary, simply investing in tools will not fetch you the desired results and you’ll end up wasting your marketing budget. Unless you are able to develop a process or system that works and is scalable, it’s difficult to get consistent results from any kind of tool.
At the end of the day, there is no substitute for a thorough knowledge and understanding of marketing tactics. Books on marketing strategy are high-quality sources of information for you to build a highly effective and profitable marketing ecosystem for your brand.Books are a marketer’s best friend
Marketing and management books are a great way to draw inspiration and gain incredible insights about marketing from experts and industry leaders. Not to forget,they offer tons of evergreen knowledge that can be replicated into processes and systems. And, the best part is, most of them can be purchased online. Some of them are even available on the internet for free.

But if you don’t know which books to get started with — or are simply overwhelmed by the amount of marketing books on the internet — we have compiled a list of books every digital marketer should read. Some of these are among the best digital marketing books for beginners. So if you’re new to digital marketing, these books can give your career the right turn Jab Jab Jab Right Hook By Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk is a social media expert and New York Times bestselling author. In this book,he highlights the art of winning the heart of a customer by mastering certain social media skills. This book contains over 80 details case studies from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. So if you like the idea of getting a detailed blueprint of social media marketing strategies that are guaranteed to yield results, give it a read.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Published in 1999, Permission Marketing remains of the bestselling books of Seth Godin, the former VP of direct marketing at Yahoo, and is hailed as one of the best books for marketing management written with excellent foresight.

In this book, Seth argues that an average customer is continuously bombarded with a lot of advertisement which has resulted in shrinking his average attention span. He advocates a strategy where a company should initiate a relationship with a customer by first asking for their permission and then providing them with something free of cost. As the relationship gets established, it becomes easier for the company to market more products to them.
Read it to gain a fresh perspective on marketing and how to gain your customer’s trust in today’s era of marketing overload.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail


Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne
The name of this bestselling book is used as a metaphor by the writers, where they use the term ‘Blue Ocean’ to denote uncontested market space. The authors claim that the dominant marketing strategies followed by most firms are based on competition. However, they believe if a company really wants to succeed they should look for new territories in terms of services and products or find new customers in unchartered territories.Again, this book is a goldmine of case studies.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail


The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout
This book by Al Rise and Jack Trout is often dubbed as one of the best digital marketing books available in the market. As the name suggests, this book contains 22 practical pieces of advice which are rooted in engaging storytelling techniques which are bound to evoke a sense of loyalty from the customers. This book is pretty concise consisting of only 143 pages and yet, manages to deliver some of the best marketing advice to any aspiring digital marketer.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

Building a Story Brand by John Miller
This book speaks about how you can reframe your marketing message to give your brand a face lift and turn it into a customer magnet. This book is divided into three distinct sections. Part one deals with why most marketing strategies fail due to information overload. Part two speaks about the strategy of building a story brand. Part three deals with the implementation framework of the marketing strategy.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

Purple Cow by Seth Godin
In this book, Godin explores the idea of how you can turn a boring and uninteresting idea on its head and make it brilliant with the help of a little innovation. Just like the purple cow, a wildly exciting idea would spark the imagination in our target customer and give you an edge over your competitors.
If you need more inspiration (or reasons) to think outside-the-box for your marketing strategies, pick this one for your next read.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy
This is one of the oldest marketing management books in the list and still manages to entice readers almost seven decades after its publication. In this book — which is now considered a classic in the advertising industry —ad legend, David Ogilvy speaks about the principals which he used to take his advertising agency to the peak of its success. This book offers excellent insight into how a company should work, how employers can maintain a high level of motivation among employees and how they can lead by example.A great read, not only for its content but also for Ogilvy’s writing, which is refreshing and supremely entertaining.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
In this debut book of Malcolm Gladwell, he speaks about how little things end up having a great global impact and how you, as a company, can make profit from these “tipping points”. The storytelling, concepts and writing style make it an interesting read. Additionally, the book contains many great examples that are relevant in real life.

Top Marketing Books Every Digital Marketer Must Read Without Fail


These books are ideal to add to your reading list, whether you’ve just started doing digital marketing or you’ve been doing it for years but are looking for fresh ideas. With some learning and mentoring, the knowledge you gain from reading these books can be applied to your best advantage. Marketing training delivered by a good mentor goes a long way in this regard. A comprehensive course like our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program (IDMCP)covers almost all the major areas of digital marketing, while helping you learn practical ways to implement the strategies through hands-on learning techniques.

Want to feel the difference that developing a marketing mindset can have on your marketing outcomes? 

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

The Definitive SEO Guide to Growing Small and Medium Businesses

The Definitive SEO Guide to Growing Small and Medium Businesses

Running a small business is no small feat. And, perhaps one of the most pressing challenges for SMEs and startups is marketing their business successfully while balancing budget constraints. Although digital marketing is a cost-effective and efficient way to generate brand awareness and sales leads, it has become somewhat of a battlefield with more companies than ever vying for customer attention online. Plus, digital marketing and SEO tactics, in order to produce the desired results, require time and resources — two things that most small businesses lack. This factor alone puts them on the backfoot, particularly when it comes to competing with enterprises with bigger teams and marketing budgets.

Besides, most SMBs are grappling to keep up with the constant challenges and changes in the business landscape. Many of them fail in the first year, while many others do not make it until the five year benchmark.

Despite these issues, the fact remains that if you’re a small business owner, you simply can’t ignore SEO. It’s still the best and the most economical marketing technique out there. And, because consumers inevitably search online before purchasing practically anything these days, you’ll lose out on opportunities if you turn a blind eye to SEO.

The question is, how to do it right? We’ll get to that but first, let’s get an idea of where most small business usually go wrong with their SEO efforts.

Common SEO Mistakes Small Businesses are Making

Failing to optimize the site for customers– Most small businesses end up optimizing their site for a search engine, rather than addressing the specific needs of their customers. A poor user experience affects the rank of a website in a big way.
Focusing on the wrong keywords – Many SMBs ignore long tail keywords. Instead, they focus on high-competition keywords — more than 90% of which are occupied by bigger brands.

Also, popular keywords can fetch you traffic but chances of them converting into real customers are pretty slim, as most of them only looking for general information.
Failing to measure the results – It is not unlikely for small business to get caught up in the traffic loop. However, traffic is of no use unless it converts to some substantial sales. If you are a small business owner who is keen on getting genuine leads, it would be a good idea to buy an analytics package and set up conversion tracking for your website. This will help you see for yourself which strategies are generating ROI and which aren’t.
Not focusing on link quality – Links from non-credible sources add no value to your website. Don’t feel worked up regarding the quantity of the links, instead focus on how relevant they are to your site and how valuable will the information be for your visitors.

Forgetting to optimize your site for mobile and local search results – Mobile has replaced the PC as the preferred mode of browsing in the last couple of years. Additionally, people nowadays use more specific search terms which are area specific while looking for goods and services. Not optimizing your site for local customers and mobile phone users is setting yourself up for failure.

Steps to Grow Your Small Business with SEO

Step 1: Know Your Competitors

Competitor analysis is often the first and a critical step to an effective SEO process as it provides data and insights about which tactics are being used by businesses in the industry you’re in and what’s working for them.

This analysis enables you to understand which tactics are effective and which aren’t — this knowledge helps shape your campaigns for best results. Also, this step can help you evaluate which competitors are strongest, so you can determine the strategies you would need to compete with them effectively and the amount of resources you’d require to do so.

Using proper competitor analysis tool is vital for this step. While SEMrush, Moz Pro, and Ahrefs are some of the most popular tools, SEOQuake, SpyFu, and WooRank are some decent free options for those who aren’t willing to spend money on a premium tool right away.

Step 2: Do Your Keyword Research

Keywords form the backbone of any SEO campaign. If you are looking to go organic in your marketing campaign, it is important to know how each search query on Google can help you to attract more traffic. Keywords can be broadly divided into three categories namely,

  • Navigational search queries
  • Informational search queries
  • Transactional search queries

In the domain of organic searches only informational or transactional keywords matter. So let us take a close look at what these two mean.
Informational keywords are used by people to find general information. These keywords usually start with words like “where” and “how”. Example – “how to use a paddle boat” or “simple breakfast recipes”
Transactional keywords are used to find a place where they can engage in a transaction. These keywords indicate an intent on the part of the customer to buy something. Example – “Best sports shoes under Rs.2000”
Marketers who are keen on using paid search usually target transactional keywords because they are the low-hanging fruit — easy to rank for and optimize cost-per-click (CPC).

Step 3: Create High Value Content

If you are looking for organic way to increase traffic to your website, you should start creating high-quality content around informational keywords. Here are some ways in which you could lead traffic to your website through organic search by targeting informational queries

  • Write high quality content which provide genuine and helpful information against a relevant query.
  • Write a blog full of tips which could be useful for your prospective customers.
  • Create how-to videos which is relevant to your business. For example, if you are a seller of travelling accessories then you can create a video on How to pack your travel bag.
  • Write a detailed step-by-step guide on a topic relevant to your business.

There’s really no alternative to high value and well-crafted content when it comes to positioning yourself as an authoritative and trustworthy source of information and building awareness for your brand.

Step 4: Collect Customer Data

Customer data is your biggest asset! Turning anonymous website visitors’ data into actionable insights can help you grow your business and sales. Facebook pixel code can help you with this.

Facebook pixel code is an analytics tool which helps you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by giving you a clearer idea of visitors’ activity on your website. Facebook Pixel collects data that can help you to optimize ads, track conversions from Facebook ads, remarket your ad to people who have already bought something from your website, and build targeted audiences for future ads. Facebook Pixel can help you to get better ROI and improve your conversion ratio.

Step 5: Retarget With An Enticing Lead Magnet

Most website visitors will hesitate to share their personal data. But with a lead magnet, it’s possible to convince them to do that. A lead magnet is an incentive that you can offer to potential customers in exchange for their email address or other contact information. It can be a resource such as a free ebook, webinar or demo that your prospects will find valuable enough to be willing to access it by submitting their email address.

Step 6: Build & Nurture Your Email List

It’s not enough to get your prospects to sign up. The key to getting the most out of your email list is to turn subscribers into loyal, paying customers. To accomplish this, you need to nurture your email list effectively. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Be consistent with your communication
  • Stay focused on adding value
  • Don’t be pushy or too sales-y
  • Deliver content that resonates with your audience

Step 7: Rinse & Repeat

To increase your number of customers and sales through your SEO process, it’s important to target those leads who have shown interest through the lead magnet. For this, you can push the tripwire once in 15 days to the leads. What’s a tripwire? It’s a low priced offer that leads find hard to resist and get converted into customers.
The trick here is to lure them with something of value (a demo, consultation, heavily discounted product or service etc.) that they can avail without spending a big amount. Because tripwires are low cost, people are more likely to try it out. Once they experience the benefits that the tripwire has offered, they are be more likely to purchase the core offer.

Following these steps, you can start seeing the benefits from SEO. While it’s not an overnight process, being consistent with it will show results in a few weeks’ time.

If you’d like to know where you stand with your current SEO efforts and whether your site’s SEO performance is up to the mark, then try our free SEO site audit. This can be a great way to identify and implement the SEO tactics and digital marketing strategies most effective in growing your small business.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore

The world is indeed going digital with Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, 3D printing and what not. Digital transformation is being supported by governments all over the world. In this kind of demanding situation, it becomes essential to equip oneself with the latest new age technical skills. One such skill that has changed the face of marketing is Digital marketing – a skill to behold, especially by the new age entrepreneurs and businessmen. The only platform which allows businessmen to approach their customers rather than wait for the customers is to reach is via the digital platform – website, social media platforms, search engines, all platforms where one can target their relevant set of audience easily
But how does one acquire these skills and to what extent are the courses that are offered reliable, given the fact that everyday several such institutes mushroom at every  nook and corner of the city.

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore | Digitechniks

Given below are a list of basic hygiene factors that are to be kept in mind in selecting the Institute if one wants to reap good benefits out of a digital marketing course:

  1. Renowned or Well Known – The extent to which the institute is easily recalled and recognized by people is the first step to begin with. An institute or a brand should become the face of the industry. Like Xerox or Google, which have become generic for the type of product. Similarly, the place with whose help, one wants to gain mastery over a skill should be a leader in the category
  2. Course Structure – the next step is to make sure that the content being provided as part of the course material is relevant and matching the expectations. This depends on why one wants to pursue digital marketing. Picking up skills that may not be of any use for one’s growth is a sheer waste of time, efforts and money. It is also essential to make sure that structure being provided are of industry standard
  3. Pedagogy – How will the course be delivered? Would be a classroom teaching or complete on-line learning. There is no best way of deciding which is more efficient per se. A more logical approach on this factor is to take into account if one can dedicate the required time. If so, classroom learning is suitable, if not, an interactive, live, online session is the next best alternative.
  4. Faculty – Has to be someone who has carved a niche for himself or herself by exploring 360 degrees about the topic and has been able to successfully implement the same. Their background, skill set, experience are all important factors to consider. Reading up about the faculty and perhaps even browsing through their LinkedIn profiles or social media pages provides a good understanding on the extent to which they are well-versed.
  5. Certifications – the institute must help obtain certifications that are demanded by the industry such as Google AdWords – AdWords search certification, AdWords video certification, AdWords display, Analytics certification,  Facebook Blueprint Certification, Hootsuite Social Marketing certification and many more
  6. Reviews & Testimonials – despite all the publicity and advertising, word of mouth is one of the popular ways of judging the worth. On digital platforms, reviews play the role of conveying the customer satisfaction. Take time to read them in detail to understand the personalized value that is being delivered. Articles and blogs are other good sources of information to evaluate a place of learning
  7. Practical Application – Marketing as a skill requires human interaction. Therefore, theoretical knowledge of concepts without practical application does not yield any results. So choose an institute which is willing to handhold for at least a certain duration of time. It is also a plus point if the institute is able to provide internships post the course
  8. Course Fees and Other Financial Aspects – last but not the least is to check if the fees of the course suits one’s budget. Some institutes also offer financial assistance or flexibility with the payment.

Digitechniks, spearheaded by a well-experienced, expert digital marketing consultant and trainer, is one such premier digital marketing training agency in Bengaluru. The institute offers two courses on Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program and certificate program in Social Media Marketing. With 66 hours of online training and 10 strategy templates, it is the ultimate course designed for anyone interested in exploring the power of digital marketing.

The practical approach of imparting proven strategies along with strong foundations of the basic concepts is a distinguishing feature offered in comparison to other centers. Also the 75-80% practical approach with opportunities of internships lives up to the institute’s objective of creating employable and industry-ready digital marketing professionals.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

Today, businesses understand that digital is the way forward and are willing to spend a big chunk of their budget on digital marketing. They are creating content, doing SEO, putting stuff out there on social media, and yet a lot of them don’t see a tangible effect on their bottom line. What’s wrong?

In my experience as a marketer, I have seen a lot of companies simply trying a bunch of random strategies and hoping that people will find them and start doing business with them. When that doesn’t happen, they lose trust in digital marketing and conclude it’s not for them. And obviously, if you are a CEO, you would be wary about investing in something that brings no result.

So What Should You Do?
It is the “spray and pray” approach that renders digital marketing strategies ineffective for most businesses. So if digital marketing isn’t working for you, it’s probably due to lack of planning and unrealistic expectations.

The biggest challenge lies in understanding what works so it can be repeated. The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s measurable. The scary part? You need to try, measure, and repeat till you find the strategy that works — it can be time-consuming and frustrating. I have seen far too many companies stop their efforts prematurely.

As a CEO, you need to realize the risks of falling into the trap of thinking that digital marketing is not for your business. Abandoning digital marketing channels in an era where your customers and competitors have gone digital is like shooting yourself in the foot — it can spell doom for your business!

Instead, you should be looking at marketing concepts and metrics which make a real impact on the profitability and competitiveness your company. Let’s discuss some of the most important ones.

Customer Acquisition

Just by investing in digital, you cannot expect clients to show up on your door. You have to be strategic and methodical in your approach. The good news is, I have already done the legwork for you with this 6 step customer acquisition formula that works for all my digital marketing strategies.

Step 1: Define a lead magnet. Identify who your ideal customers are where they are and what they will buy.

Step 2: Email nurturing through auto-responders. Give your ideal prospects a sense of value you can create for them through targeted emails.

Step 3: Tripwire. Make your prospects a part of your sales funnel by letting them experience your product/service throughan attractive offer.

Step 4: Selling core product or service. At this stage, your prospects should be ready to buy your core products.

Step 5: Profit maximize.This is where you upsell/cross sell the customers who have bought your products/service with high profit margins.

Track and Measure
A big takeaway from this discussion is that — brands and organizations that are willing to spend time to learn what works for them are the ones to gain most from investing in digital marketing. And, the first step towards that is to install the following tracking codes in all the pages of your web assets:

Quite simply, web assets are any items on your current website that may be generating website traffic and allowing your site to rank in search engines.And setting up the tracking will enable you track how an activity on your website can translate into business.

KPIs to Watch Out For
Here some key digital marketing indicators that every CEO should be keeping an eye on.

  1. Website visits – A website visit doesn’t tell you much about the success of your marketing efforts or about the purchasing intent of the visitor, but if you are able to track its sources it can help you understand which of your efforts are yielding the best results.
  2. Traffic sources -Being able to track traffic sources allows you to identify which channels are driving maximum people to your site — organic SEO, email campaigns, paid ads or social media. This will give you a clearer view of what’s working for you and what’s not.   
  3. Customer Conversion Rate from each source – You can gauge the success of a digital campaign by measuring the conversion rate, which is the percentage of the people who visit your site and convert or in other words, create a sale.To calculate this, divide the number of website visitors that a marketing effort or a campaign has generated, by the number of sales conversions created through the landing page CTAs.
  4. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) from each source -As the name suggests, this metric tells youthe average cost of acquiring a new customer.You can calculate it by dividing the sum of all marketing and advertising costs (plus salaries, commissions and bonuses)over a specific time period, by the number of new customers acquired in that same time period.
  5. Return on Investment -Lastly, the most common metric to measure profitability — ROI. You can calculate it by dividing the net revenue earned by the total cost of digital marketing Investment.

Keeping a close watch over these key metrics will help you have greater visibility into your digital marketing campaigns and whether they are delivering real ROI for your company.

But it’s not all that easy to set up and track these metrics. You need to have the basic understanding of digital marketing along with knowledge about the latest tools and techniques.

That’s where our Corporate Training Solutions help you. Through this course, we equip you with the basics of digital marketing and acquaint you with all the latest tools and techniques as well as the best industry practices, giving you a much more detailed insight about many of the concepts we have discussed in this blog post.

A glimpse of what one of our trainees has to say about our mentor and trainer, Sharan Kulkarni and the training he received from him:

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

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