How we helped Trainers & Coaches Gain 350 to 1000 Attendees Per Webinar?

How we helped Trainers & Coaches Gain 350 to 1000 Attendees Per Webinar?

Do you have high-value training and coaching programs and feel you are not able to get a platform to make your target audience understand the real essence and worth of your programs?

Let’s face it. A majority of the speakers/trainers/coaches out there have exceptional knowledge.

But in this day & age, being knowledgeable doesn’t cut it.

You need to drop the ego & know how to market yourself. Just because you have a great product/service, don’t expect customers to magically appear out of thin air!

Every free and paid program that you design needs to be reached and consumed by as many people as possible to achieve profitability. Otherwise, you will be a broke trainer or a coach. It is your moral & ethical responsibility to reach out to a large audience & charge for your programs. That’s because people who pay money pay attention. People who pay attention take action. People who take action get RESULTS. As long as you’re making a difference in people’s lives as a trainer/coach, you have every right to the abundance of wealth. This shift in mindset will put you miles ahead of your competitors.

The best (& the most efficient) way to reach and sell your training or coaching program to as many people as possible is through webinars and each webinar you conduct should have at least 100 webinar participants for building a profitable training and coaching business.

Webinars are a great way to address a huge set of people in one go. (aka group coaching) It is highly profitable, scalable, & location-independent.

To generate consistent qualified leads and get at least 100 participants for every webinar, we follow this 8-step approach

1. Define the Target Audience

Selling everything to everyone is perhaps the worst thing you can do as a business. Knowing who exactly is your target audience is pivotal for you to help them serve better. With our unique audience research strategy & templates, we precisely identify & pinpoint who the target audience is.

In a nutshell, we deploy a 5 step battle-tested formula to help identify/create your ideal target audience. These are the people who are not only WILLING to spend money on your offering (i.e. product/service) but are also ABLE to comfortably spend money.

The 5 steps are as follows:

STEP 1: Identify your prospects
STEP 2: Create a rough persona
STEP 3: Understand the targeting options on social media platforms
STEP 4: Segment audience based on common aspirations
STEP 5: Define the target audience using customer avatar variables

Read more about this process in detail here

2. Create Personalized 6 Step Customer Acquisition Formula

Once we know who exactly we are serving, the next step is to formulate a process to acquire customers. After all, customers are the lifeblood of every business.

Our 6 step customer acquisition formula has been working wonders for clients spanning across several verticals & niches. We systematically deploy this formula to ensure that your business never runs out of customers ever again.

The objective of this formula is to not only acquire paid customers but to also ensure that they become repeated buyers & loyal fans of your brand.

Read about this formula in detail here

3. Finalize Webinar Topic and Create a Webinar Sales PPT

We narrow down on a killer & attention-grabbing hook as the topic for the webinar. This topic conveys what exact benefit(s) people get if they attend the webinar. Then, a conversion-focused sales presentation is designed. This presentation does 3 things primarily:

  • Changes/shatters people’s previously held beliefs/fears (aka marketing)
  • Presents a no-brainer offer which is usually a product/service that can transform their lives (aka selling)
  • Gives people logical & emotional reasons why they should invest in the offer right then & there (aka closing)

An educated buyer is more likely to consume the product/service & get results in the long run. This sales presentation is the hero of the webinar that generates loads of paid customers like clockwork.

Capturing people’s attention, gaining their trust & making them pull out their cards to invest money on an offer is perhaps the biggest challenge most businesses face. A solid converting webinar funnel makes customer acquisition so much easier.

4. Create a lead Magnet Landing page

If you aren’t aware, a lead magnet is a free offering of high value in exchange for people’s contact details (name, email, phone number, etc). Free webinars are fantastic (& perhaps the best) lead magnets because you educate the participants before selling anything to them. A lead magnet landing page is a standalone web page wherein people fill in their details & register for the webinar. It basically contains details about the webinar like:

  • Webinar topic
  • Date & time
  • What people will learn if they attend
  • About the webinar host
  • Social proof & credibility

Here’s an example.

We create such crisp, concise, & conversion-focused pages for all the trainers, coaches, & speakers who work with us.

5. Retargeting Automation and Email Automation

Fortune lies in the follow-up. A large chunk of people who register for the webinar usually doesn’t show up, unless you follow up with them consistently. People get busy, life happens, & it’s just the way we humans are wired. But we go the extra mile & leave no stone unturned to ensure maximum turnout for the webinars. The registrants are effectively communicated to attend the webinar without fail using the power of email autoresponders. We strategically leverage the power of email automation & schedule the messages well in advance. As for the people who have shown an interest, but haven’t registered for the webinar, we set up retargeting ads/sequences to get them registered.

Sometimes it requires multiple touchpoints & reminders to get people to pull the trigger.  Email & Retargeting automation makes this seamless. Simply put, we take automation to GOD MODE in this step.

6. Ad Graphics, Ad Videos and Ad Copy Writing

We create all the assets required to run winning ads on Social Media. These include:

    • Ad graphics: Eye-catching, scroll-stopping graphics are created by our super-talented team of graphic designers. These graphics can range from Images, carousels, & all the way up to gifs.
    • Ad videos: Who doesn’t love videos? We plan, script, create & edit videos for ads. These videos are top of the line & have a professional look & feel. 
    • Ad copies: We believe that words have the power to impact lives. We crank out attention-grabbing, benefit-driven direct response copy with the objective of making people click on the ad & register for the webinar. Our copies are crisp, concise, & convey the message without any fluff.

7. Social Media Paid Ads Setup and daily Optimization

All the assets created in the previous step are now plugged into the Social Media ads system. Ad budgets & duration, audience targeting, conversion tracking, geography, etc are all set up, tested, & the ads are made live. Once the ads have started running, we rigorously test & split test various metrics to ensure that your business gets the best bang for the buck. This process of gaining maximum efficiency by tweaking variables of existing ads is known as optimization. We do ad optimizations & lead management on a daily basis to ensure huge turnouts for the webinar.

8. Email, SMS, and Whatsapp Invitation

We strategically leverage channels such as emails, SMS, & even WhatsApp to send reminders, invites, etc rollout at specific time intervals. People need to feel valued. A tailor-made invite message welcoming them adds charisma, character, & makes them remember your brand for a long long time. Our team of automation experts & copywriters combine the right mix of clear-cut & timely communication to ensure that the registrants attend the webinar having the right expectations. Till date, we have successfully promoted free webinars of various Trainers and coaches with the below service packages and have helped them to have 350 – 1000  people in every webinar they’ve conducted

Here’s a breakdown of the deliverables of our services that we provide for trainers/coaches/speakers:

  • Overall Digital Strategy 
    • Target Audience Research and Analysis 
    • Target Audience Split Testing Strategy 
    • Overall System Design 
    • Budgeting 
    • Ad Copy and Ad Creatives
  • Overall System Implementation 
    • Landing Page Design 
    • Email Automation 
    • Retargeting Setup 
    • Target Audience Setup 
    • Analytics Setup

Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, and Google Display Ads 

  • Setup and Daily Optimisation 
  • Reporting and Analysis 
  • Daily Lead Management

Here are a few result-oriented case studies that’ll surely WOW you!

Case Study 1:

Case Study: India’s Leading Event Organising Company

Our client:  

full-service event management company with offices in Bengaluru and Chennai and operational capability to produce events across Asia. They are a new age event management company that is not just your outsourcing partner for event planning and production, but also your extended brand partner. We believe in achieving your objectives & goals and design each event as per your desired outcome.

And Under their Banner, they created World-Class Event for Trainers and Coaches and World-class event for Communicators

We help them Promote both of the world Class Events through Free webinars.

The Results:

8 step approach of digital marketing

CTA: To know how you can be benefited from our services, Schedule a Consultation Call by Paying 100% Refundable Advance payment of Rs. 2000.
If you are not satisfied with our consultation, 100 % of the payment will be refunded without any questions asked.

Case Study 2:

Case Study: Leading Stock Marketing/Trading Coach

Our client:

Our client is the creator of a proprietary trading system & successfully trades using the techniques, Market profile, and Order flow analysis. He is often interviewed and quoted on CNBC TV18, ENTOW, TV9, PUBLIC TV, and many more business channels of high repute. He is also quoted by the Wall Street post, Reuters, Bloomberg wire, Economic times, and money control to name a few.

Apart from trading, he also mentors committed traders to become big in their trading journeys. He is among the top 5 speakers in the world on trading as per ONLINE TRADING SUMMIT – 2019 and the only INDIAN to be ranked so high. He is a passionate trainer with the mission to make a million Indians become financially free through trading and create a source of passive income for them.

We Promoted Free webinars and helped them to have 1000  people in every webinar he conducted.

The Results:

Case Study 3:

Case Study: Leading Marketing platform for photographers, filmmakers, and content creators

Our client:

A Platform for photographers, filmmakers, and content creators to come together, to learn, discover, network and grow!

Driven by the true Lords of the Lens – the perfect ensemble of the esteemed photographers, film-makers & content creators, this platform brings to you a special blend of insightful master-classes, workshops, live shoots, panel discussions, photo reviews, and other exciting interactions.

The Results:

We Promoted Free webinars with our below-mentioned services and helped them to have 350 – 1000  people in every webinar they conducted

Case Study 4: Digitechniks

1.Case Study: Leading Digital Marketing Mentoring and Consulting Company

Results :


We practice what we preach.
Now you have two choices to succeed in the marketing part of the training/coaching business.

OPTION 1: The DO IT YOURSELF approach. Yes, you can sit & learn all the systems, tools, strategies, processes, & frameworks yourself. But this takes a lot of investment in time, money, resources. In addition to this, there’s a ton of trial & error involved.

OPTION 2: Hand it over to the experts (yours truly) while you focus on improving your product/service, upskilling, & growing your network. Keep in mind that we’ve been doing this for years together & we’ve consistently generated RESULTS.

Do you want to get a personalised 1-to-1 discovery session?

Book your 1-to-1 discovery call with us today!

7 Essential Ingredients of a Winning Headline

7 Essential Ingredients of a Winning Headline

Why is the headline talked about so often by content marketers? Why are they considered so vital that they can make or break marketing campaigns? And, most importantly, how can your business benefit from creating great headlines?
One of the greatest copywriting legends of all time, John Caples believed: “If the headline is poor, the copy will not be read. And copy that is not read does not sell goods.”
Do you want to know how this seemingly simple statement plays out in the real world? Consider this:

80% of readers never make it past the headline.

According to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 proceed to read the rest.

That’s the secret power of headlines and how it fulfills the main purpose of copywriting, which is to lead people on to read more till they are convinced to take action.

No wonder, headlines are the single most important factor when creating great content. It’s the first thing that’s seen by readers and it sets the tone for whether your content will be treasured or trashed by them.

Poor headlines can sink your digital marketing ship

That’s right. Headlines have a significant impact on your marketing efforts. So much so that they can sink your campaigns, kill your bottom line, and stunt your business’ growth.

Also, Read 5 Step Digital Marketing Strategy to Target the Right People with Right Content

No matter which digital marketing avenue you choose — be it blogs, social media marketing, email marketing or pay-per-click (PPC) marketing — the headline is the one thing that’s common to every one of these media. It is the headline that makes people decide whether or not to click open an article, an advertisement or an email.

One look at your headline will give your prospective customers their first impressions about your brand. And, it must be good, if not great because in today’s crowded and competitive business landscape, you don’t get a second chance to make that first impression. You either nail it or miss the opportunity.

So, it’s fairly obvious that if your headlines don’t encourage the readers to click, your campaigns will stop dead in their tracks. And by default, all the time, money and effort you put into creating these campaigns will go down the drain, causing your content marketing strategy to fail as a whole.

That’s why poor headlines can mean a significant loss of potential traffic and revenue, affecting the sales and growth prospects of your business.

So, how do you create headlines that your audience can’t help but click? In this article, we’ll share with you 8 ingredients for creating great headlines that attract and compel readers to take action.

Here’s how to create a winning recipe for headlines using these ingredients

1. State the top benefits

This one is a no brainer. It’s basically what a headline is supposed to do: Reel people in. A great headline does that by conveying the biggest benefit your prospects receive from your product/service.

When the headline sums up the promise your product/service makes and it is the solution that your potential customers are looking for, it will instantly entice them to click and read more.

However, be careful not to crowd the headline with too many benefits because it may end up confusing the reader. So make sure to choose the most highly desired and unique benefit of your product and let that shine in your headline.

Write a winning headline

2. Drop the offer

Being direct with your headline can get your audience to respond faster. Ideally, your headline should be a few highly persuasive words strung together to summarize what you’re offering to your prospects.

With an attention span of less than that of a goldfish, people are likely to move over to the next shiny object that grabs their eyeball at a blazing speed. Meaning there’s no room for guesses. So, don’t try to make it sound clever. Rather focus on making your offer known — loud and clear, right at the outset.

That’s why it’s a good practice to first jot down your offer. Think about what exactly are you offering and how is it different or unique from the other offers on the market. Then, spend some time crafting a headline that spells out your offer and tells your audience what’s in it for them.

Ingredients to write a winning headline | Digitechniks

3. Sprinkle some power words

Research has shown that headlines that manage to evoke strong emotions in readers — whether positive or negative — are often the best at getting some action out of them. These headlines almost always have what are called “power words” in them.

Power words serve to motivate people to take a specific action on your website, blog, landing page or social media pages. Whether it’s about getting people to subscribe to your blog, click on that “buy” button, or download your eBook, having at least one power word in your headline can make a world of difference.

So, what do these power words look like? Not any different from regular words. In fact, chances are you’ve come across them plenty of times while browsing a page, skimming through a newspaper or magazine, driving past a billboard on your way or walking down the supermarket aisle. “Free”, “Fast”, “Last Minute”, “Now”, “Pay Zero” are some incredibly common but equally persuasive power words. But those aren’t the only ones. Here’s a treasure trove of 700+ power words that will help you write amazing headlines that convince and convert your prospects.

Tripwire offer | Digitechniks

4. Slide in a timeframe

The most head-turning headlines are often the ones that make bold promises. And, some of them explicitly point out the time duration within which the reader is likely to get results.
Think about ads like “Lose 2 Inches of Belly Fat in 7 Days”. Such headlines have a certain amount of shock value that makes them memorable for the audience. Granted, not all businesses will benefit from this, neither is it an easy trick to pull. Unless you’re 200% sure about your claims, this might be veering too close to being labeled as a scam. So tread carefully.

You can certainly use numbers in your headline in other ways. Numbers are favored by the buyer’s brain because they promise something specific. Plus, Google loves numbers, so there’s that advantage as well.

However, here’s something to keep in mind while including numbers in your headlines: People respond better to odd numbers and crooked numbers — numbers that aren’t rounded such as 5, 7, 99.5, etc. — are more believable than round numbers.

Of course, this tip won’t apply to every business, but if it’s something your business can benefit from, make sure to capitalize on it.

Powerful digital marketing strategies for 2021

5. Stress on specificity

As a reader, there are few things as frustrating as being greeted by a confusing headline. It might be the wittiest of all headlines and you may have spent hours creating it, but if it doesn’t communicate anything concrete, it will do nothing for you — no action, no clicks, and certainly so sales.

And here’s why. Your audience is bombarded by a zillion pieces of content clamoring for their attention on a daily basis. There’s only so much time and brainpower someone can invest on reading them. The result? Piles of unopened emails, ads that don’t get clicked on, blogs that no one wants to read, and so on. If you don’t want your content to end up getting ignored, you have to make your headlines more specific. The more clarity there is, the better chances it has of resonating with your audience.

Facebook ads strategy | Digitechniks

6. Clear away objections

What stops people from buying a certain product? If your product is designed to remove that challenge from the equation, let your headline talk about it.

For example, Photoshop is the go-to photo editing software for many but has a fair bit of a learning curve. This can be perceived as a challenge by those who do not have the knowledge of Photoshop but would like to give a pro-level finish to their photos.
Now, let’s say you’re selling a tool that mimics Photoshop’s editing but doesn’t involve the learning curve. Finding ways to include this bit of information in your copy will garner more attention

7. Establish proof

Showing proof through your headline is an excellent way to attract your audience and get them hooked on to read your content. And, this works particularly well for case studies.
People love to read and get influenced by other’s experiences and proof-based headlines often tug on the sentiment of “you can too”. This is the reason why headlines such as “How We Skyrocketed Our Traffic by 452% With These 2 Steps” perform exponentially better than a generic “Tips to Skyrocket Your Traffic”.

3C's formula to succees in digital marketing

Also, Read 11 Step Content Creation Strategy To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

Summing up

So there you have it — 8 ingredients that can boost the potentials of your headlines in leaps and bounds. While it might not be practically possible to include all of these ingredients consistently all the time. But your aim should be to try and make sure your headline ticks off as many boxes as possible.

At Digitechniks, we have been successfully utilizing these best practices to convert our contacts to loyal fans. So if you wish to master more tips and tricks for copywriting that converts click to sales, attend our free webinar.

Learn from copywriting experts the ropes to leverage the power of words to generate more clicks, sales, and profits for your business.


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5‌ ‌Step‌ ‌Lead‌ ‌Magnet‌ ‌Creation‌ ‌Process‌ ‌for‌ ‌Positive‌ ‌Digital‌ ‌ROI‌ ‌

5‌ ‌Step‌ ‌Lead‌ ‌Magnet‌ ‌Creation‌ ‌Process‌ ‌for‌ ‌Positive‌ ‌Digital‌ ‌ROI‌ ‌

Every business owner and marketer that invests time and money into digital marketing efforts wants to generate leads and sales. However, the road to lead generation success isn’t an easy one.

With more and more businesses entering the digital space, the competition to grab customer’s attention is tougher than ever!

So, how do you get those coveted leads and turn them into real buyers? Your success starts with knowing who really needs what you’re selling. And, in order to do that, you must have a customer acquisition funnel and follow steps to validate it.

While you can read about these in our previous blog posts (by clicking on the links above), in this post we’re going to talk about something that plays a crucial role in your customer acquisition and lead generation efforts: Lead magnet. 

You may or may not have heard the term “lead magnet” before, but there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve downloaded or used one of these at some point. 

What are Lead Magnets?

A lead magnet is a freebie or free offering that you give to your target customers and collect their contact details in return. It could be in the form of a workshop, webinar, case study download, ebook download, a competition, or contest, to name a few.

Lead magnets act as a tool to gauge the need of your product/service in the market, hook your audience, and maximize the number of targeted leads

Why Do You Need a Lead Magnet?

If you don’t have a lead magnet, you are unlikely to acquire your desired market share and your customer acquisition cost will skyrocket because then, you’ll be trying to reach out to the market randomly. It’s simple — when you’re shooting in the dark, you’ll waste more bullets, plus, there’s no guarantee that you’ll hit the target. A lead magnet enlightens your path and gives you the direction to boost your reach and revenue.

From the perspective of customers, lead magnets provide them an incentive to try a product/service before they can commit to it. It also gives them a reason to hand over their contact information, which they may not be willing to do for free.

That’s the beauty and significance of lead magnets. They work because they offer a win-win deal for both parties.

By now, you probably have a fair idea of how important lead magnets are. Here are the steps to create them

1. Find the most common problems of your target customers

Profile your ideal audience persona and identify their problems and pain points. You can do this through market research, sending them surveys, collecting feedback, or simply by asking them questions.

2. Be specific about the problems that your business can solve

After you’ve spent time to know what’s bugging your customers and what’s keeping them up at night, narrow it down to most pressing problems that your product/service can solve. This will give you a clearer picture of what to focus on in order to truly strike a chord with your audience. 

3. Focus on providing exclusive solutions

Products/services may already exist in the market that address many of the problems that your target audience faces. Your job is to pick the ones for which you can provide very unique solutions — the type that’s not readily available to them. In other words, offer solutions that only few businesses are offering. This is where you can truly make a difference. 

4. Select 1-2 solutions to offer as lead magnet

The secret behind a high-converting lead magnet is providing something of value that your lead can actually use. While you certainly can’t (and shouldn’t) give away all your best stuff and secrets, you have to entice your audience and show them a promise of value. 

Remember, eventually you’re aiming to get more leads who can be converted into buyers. Therefore, make sure to pick 1-2 solutions that will not only help them solve an immediate need but also give them the push to buy from you. Otherwise, you’ll be missing a valuable opportunity to generate sales for your business.

For example, at Digitechniks, we offer free digital marketing webinars but we also have paid training for those that want to explore deeper and learn more actionable strategies and best practices to become qualified digital marketers. 

5. Choose the right format

It’s super important to choose a format that aligns best with your offer and is most acceptable by your target audience. For example, if your customer research reveals that the people you’re targeting love to watch videos, then you can offer your lead magnet in the form of a video demo or a tutorial.

Similarly, professionals are likely to attend webinars or workshops while B2B clients prefer to read white papers and ebooks or consume other types of long-form content such as case studies.

The point is, you should know what types of content your target audience engages with and responds to. And then, design your lead magnet accordingly to increase opt-ins and conversions. The end-goal of a lead magnet is to help you gather information from people so they can be pulled into your customer acquisition funnel. However, simply creating a lead magnet doesn’t mean that people will flock to buy from you.

Success will come only when you’re able to collect 100% of the data of action takers and 5% of your lead magnet leads convert into paying customers. To know how you can do that, read our blog on 3 Step Digital Marketing Strategy for Customer Acquisition Funnel Validation.


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5 Step Content Distribution Process: The Secret to Catapult Your Content Marketing ROI

5 Step Content Distribution Process: The Secret to Catapult Your Content Marketing ROI

If you’re reading this article, it’s safe to assume that you’re doing or interested in doing content marketing in some capacity. So, let me begin by asking: 

Have you ever written a piece of content that failed to attract a single reader? 

If yes, you’re not alone. It’s a common story. Nearly 2 million new blog posts are published on the internet on a daily basis. But how many of them are actually seen by the people they are targeted at? If we consider that 95% of people don’t look past the first page of Google, it’s not hard to estimate that a vast majority of those blog posts remain unseen.

One of the reasons behind this is, everyone is creating content these days. And, most of them believe that if what they create is good, it will find visibility on the web and social media. Unfortunately, this is a flawed notion. No wonder, merely 2% of businesses consider themselves “extremely successful” at driving positive ROI, and just 6% think they are “successful”.

The secret to success

If you wish to gain mileage from content marketing, you need to learn the art of distribution. That’s one of the key secrets of content marketing success. 
So, where do you start from? The first thing you should do is get rid of the misconception that creating good quality content is enough. It is not. No matter how persuasive, engaging, and high-quality it is, creation is only 10% of success. 90% of the win comes from how many people read your content and are influenced by it.

You’ll need a solid distribution strategy because creation without distribution is like building a house but no one lives in it. Without a distribution strategy, your content is likely to collect dust in a dark corner of the internet where no one will find it.

Related Article11 Step Content Creation Strategy To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

Here’s a step by step distribution process that will help you achieve positive ROI from your content initiatives.

1. Adapt your content for all relevant social media platforms

Over 56% of adults use more than one social media platform regularly. So, you’ll need to post your content on multiple channels where your target audience is most likely to hang and spend time on.

But, you simply cannot pick up one piece of content and post them on all the platforms. Why? Because what works on Facebook isn’t going to have the same impact on Twitter. The type of content that works for Pinterest won’t work on LinkedIn, and so on.

Therefore, the content you share must be adjusted according to the style and nature of each platform. For example, a blog post or any long-form content is great for channels like LinkedIn and Medium. You can even share it as a link post on Facebook. But, the same content must be condensed into a 60-second video or a graphic illustration to capture the audience on Instagram.

See how at Digitechniks we repurpose our content for different platforms.
Sharing our blog post as a link post on our Facebook page:

5 Step Content Distribution Process | Digitechniks

Sharing the same content in the form of an image on our Instagram page:

5 Step Content Distribution Process

When you customize your content for each medium, it increases its chances of being viewed and acted upon by audiences.

Related Article5 Step Digital Marketing Strategy to Target the Right People with Right Content

2.  Broadcast weekly mailers

Those who have subscribed to your email lists are people who have shown interest in your brand and want to receive the latest updates from you.

Broadcasting your content to your email list as weekly newsletters is one of the most effective content promotion tactics because it allows you to reach out to an audience that’s already engaged by your brand. So, if they find your content helpful, they are more likely to take action and even share your content with others in their network of connections.

To make the most of this technique, make sure that your website and landing pages have a provision to automatically send the email information captured to an email CRM. So your weekly content goes to those who have signed up or opted in to receive your emails.

Also, Read 7 Steps List Building Formula

3.  Messenger broadcast

With Facebook messenger, you get one more channel to reach out to your target audience directly. So whenever you’re collecting lead information via forms on your website and landing pages, add the messenger widget and give people an option to subscribe to your messenger. This will allow users to opt-in with both email and messenger. 
You can do this by adding a ‘Send to Messenger’ button or a checkbox as shown below.

5 Step Content Distribution Process | Digitechniks

When people click on the checkbox, Facebook will ask them to sign in. Once this is done, they become subscribers and receive your content on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

4. Social media retargeting

Social media retargeting allows you to push your content to the social newsfeeds of your custom audience. A great way to do this by using social media pixels and tracking tools on your website. In fact, before you start any digital marketing activity, your website and landing page should have Facebook Pixel installed.

So whenever someone steps into your website or landing page, automatically the cookie data gets captured and auto-segregation takes place in the backend of the Facebook ads tool. Then, you can start paid FB ad campaigns to reach the people who have visited your website.

5 Step Content Distribution Process | Digitechniks

These pixels are extremely easy to install and use. Especially if you have Google tag manager on your site, they can be implemented through that platform. Here’s how you can set up Google Tag Manager on your site in 6 simple steps.

5.  Track leads and ROI

Now it’s time to track the money you’re spending on your creation and distribution efforts and compare them to the ROI you’re getting. Overall, the revenue you’re able to generate should be at least 5X more than your marketing spends. Ideally, you should perform this activity in every three months to keep your content marketing realistic, effective, and profitable.

Summing up

To fully maximize the potential of content marketing, you need to incorporate more than one tactic to collect data so you can optimize your content promotion. And, this should be done in three ways:

  1. Collecting lead and contact information that should sit in your email CRM.
  2. Cookie-based tracking by installing social media pixels and JavaScript codes.
  3. Giving people the option to subscribe to your Facebook messenger. 

Also, Read Handle Social Distancing Like a PRO using Facebook Messenger Automation

You need to ensure that your content attracts eyeballs and drives serious traffic to your site. After all, the objective of content marketing is to turn your mailing list to loyal fans. Using the steps discussed above, you can reach and convert the majority of your audience who have taken some sort of action and not purchased from you.


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Stop Worrying On Facebook Ads Failure And Start Doing THIS

Stop Worrying On Facebook Ads Failure And Start Doing THIS

Facebook ads are becoming essential on most of the business marketing strategies since it helps them to target an audience with an objective, get more in return, reach more audience with the robust analytic feature.

Most of the businesses started placing ads on Facebook to increase brand awareness, sales, and many other metrics. Since this social media platform lets businesses to define their audience in a custom manner and micro-target the audience under the objective campaign features, businesses find it easy to reach more people on the platform.

But advertisers have mixed results on some campaigns since Facebook ads are not MAGIC. It is not a magic wand that can push the graph UP on every targeting advertisement.

But I can help you to steer your advertising campaigns on the growth path using a magical wand, Facebook Messenger Automation

Drop-in your Facebook Ad Metrics

Facebook is a social media platform with

  • 2.60 billion monthly active users,
  • 60.6% of internet users,
  • 58.5 minutes average user time spent per day

Imagine this platform will let you run ads by targeting the users based on their life events and interest and also will let you target your competitor’s audience and show your ads.
Dream platform for many entrepreneurs, right?

But not for all, most of the people aren’t able to run ad campaigns successfully on Facebook to achieve the expected results.

Even though the ad got a lot of awareness or clicks, it fails to increase your ROI and revenue.

Frankly, some businesses are not impressed with the outcome of some ad campaigns.

Here are the few reasons why your Facebook ad campaigns don’t convert are

  • Action-less CTA
  • Attract your Audience Instantly
  • Static Landing Pages

Marketers need to spell some real magic on their Facebook ad campaigns using Facebook Messenger automation to convert more audience instantly.
Related ArticleFacebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results

Facebook Messenger Automation

Using Facebook Messenger automation, you can increase your Facebook ads performance and the conversion rate in a short span.

There are a lot of things which Messenger bots can help on Facebook ads metrics, here I can take the above mentioned three reasons and show you how Messenger automation can help.

  1. Action-less CTA – Irrelevant (or) poor call-to-action on your Facebook ads will fail to convert more audience unless you are planning to run an awareness campaign. Send to Messenger Ads CTAs will work well, in this case, it will serve the ad purpose and users’ queries in a conversational way on the Messenger platform.
  2. Attract your Audience Instantly – When an audience clicks the CTA to know more about your ad, you need to provide the information instantly in a correct way. Messenger automation will help you to serve that audience in an engaging and entertaining manner like talking to a real person. By using Messenger automation you can engage with customers for your business 24*7*365 without any interruption.
  3. Static Landing Pages – Landing pages are boring, even though they contain a lot of creatives and attractive people today are not interested to go through the complete webpage and consume the information they need. But with the help of Messenger automation, you can provide the relevant information to your audience in a conversational way.

Related Article3 Messenger Automation Techniques to Increase Sales Exponentially

Send to Messenger Ads

One of the CTA will be available on Facebook ads manager while you configure targeting ads. This CTA will let the audience come to your Facebook business page inbox where you have set up Messenger bot to serve the audience.

Here is how this send to Messenger CTA looks like,

Stop Worrying On Facebook Ads Failure And Start Doing THIS

When your audience has clicked that “Send Message” CTA on Facebook, the automated message will trigger instantly on the Messenger application with the help of chatbots (as shown in the image below).

Stop Worrying On Facebook Ads Failure And Start Doing THIS

Facebook Comment Tool

Amazing tool available on SilFer Bots platform to turn your page commenters into customers. The beauty is that you can set up this tool for both organic posts as well as paid ads on Facebook platform.

This is how the Facebook comment tool will work,

Retarget using Custom Audiences

Target the same people who took some action on websites, applications, chatbots will help you to convert more and do more sales than finding new customers.

Using Facebook Messenger automation, you can monitor your subscribers’ activity and add them on your custom audience list so that you can retarget them on Facebook ad platforms.

Also, Read 5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience
If you are new to create custom audience using Facebook Messenger automation, check this video to learn how

Skyrocket your ROI

Facebook Messenger automation has the potential to handle all your audience and sell a product, guide them on a purchase, schedule appointments, generate a lead, provide consumer support, convert them easily through a conversational method.

Since your audience is getting instant replies with relevant information, they will get the queries solved and move to the next stage on the customer journey.

Skyrocket your ROI and leverage your metrics on an autopilot mode when implemented correctly.

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5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience

5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience

Today, every business owner wants to take their business online. They recognize the power of social media as a game-changer for their business. But, not everyone succeeds in leveraging social media in the best possible way. And, of the key reasons behind that is, they lack a clear picture of their target audience.

A well-crafted audience profile not only forms the basis of an effective social media strategy, but is a vital component of any marketing activity. Defining your ideal audience is that essential first step, which if missed, can lead to poor and ‘budget-wasting’ outcomes.

So, if you’re looking to reap better results from your social media and marketing efforts, the first thing you need to focus on is building your ideal audience profile. I’ll explain how you can do that with this simple step-by-step audience creation process.

1. Identify your prospects

Who is your ideal audience? The first step is where you’ll figure out the answer to this question.

If you have an existing customer base/following, start from there. Pick 10-20 customers and collect as much demographic data as you can about them. If you don’t have customers yet, no worries. Think about the people who are likely to derive the maximum benefit from your product/service.

2. Create a rough persona

Now it’s time to create an axiom profile or a rough persona. Document everything you know about your existing customers or ideal prospects.

How old are they? How much money do they make? What are their interests, preferences, and buying behaviors? Which social media platforms do they use? Collect as much demographic data as you can and remember, the more specific you get, the better you’ll be able to craft your persona. For example, let’s say you’re targeting entry and mid-level marketing professionals, you could list down their most common traits and possible behaviors, such as:

  • Aged 25-35 years
  • Reads Forbes and digital marketing blogs
  • Follows marketing influencers like Neil Patel, Gary V etc. 
  • Attends marketing events and webinars 
  • Active on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Goals and challenges include lead generation, conversion, ROI creation, etc.

Alternatively, you could a simple tool as MakeMyPersona (by HubSpot) that allows you to create a rough customer persona in few minutes.

Also, Read Facebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results

3. Understand the targeting options on social media platforms

Every social media platform has its own features and targeting options. And that’s one of the most important things to consider before you begin to craft your audience persona.

To do this, create ad accounts on the social media platforms that your audience prefers — these are the platforms you should be spending your money on. Get a thorough understanding of the ecosystem of those platforms. For example, as shown in the image below, you can narrow down your target audience on Facebook using a host of detailed targeting options such as a user’s educational and financial background, their work, interests, behaviors, and so on.

5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience | Digitechniks

Similarly, on LinkedIn, you can sort out your ideal audience by their company, demographics, education, job experience, interests and traits (image below). 

5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience | Digitechniks

Additionally, LinkedIn offers you the option to select audience templates, which are specific pre-made audiences that you can target for advertising.

I have just talked about two examples here. But the point is, all social media platforms have their own ecosystems that you need to explore before diving into creating ads and campaigns on these platforms.

Also, Read 6 Simple social media hacks to convert contacts to contracts

4. Segment audience based on common aspirations

This step is all about splitting your target audience into different groups based on their goals and aspirations. Because aspirations are what drive consumption and motivate people to choose a brand or business, this is a vital part of the process.

Start by listing down the possible aims and ambitions that will convince your audience to buy from you. For example, at Digitechniks, we offer digital marketing education to people who want to be educated in this field. Now, if I list down the common aspirations for people to learn digital marketing, I can come up with the following categories:

Category 1: People who want to build a career in digital marketing

Category 2: Business owners who want to learn digital marketing to utilize it for their business growth

Category 3: Marketing professionals who want to upskill or improve their craft to create better results for their clients
Then, I can go ahead and segment my target audience under these categories.

5. Define target audience using customer avatar variables

The final step is to put your segmented audiences under customer avatar variables like age, gender, education, professional designation, marital status, parental status, social media platforms, etc. (see image below)

5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience | Digitechniks

Also, Read 5 Growth Hacks To Build Relevant Social Media Followers

Summing up

The beauty of this 5 step process lies in its simplicity. It starts with mere assumptions and rough estimations and with every step, it brings you closer and closer to your ideal audience persona.

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