Most of us might dream about 2020 that I will be a great year and will bring huge opportunities for you and your business.

Well, changes are inevitable and it tosses our lives upside down every time to prove the inevitability.

No one expects this pandemic outbreak and the changes it had brought along with the virus spread.

A lot of things changed in these months physically, mentally, socially and it brought a dramatic effect on our regular life.

At the start of the year, no one might imagine that they need to maintain a distance with other people in order to prevent the virus spread.

When it comes to business, these changes led to new trends, methods on ordering, purchasing, and payments that people showing more interest in online commerce rather than buying products on nearby brick & mortar stores

Even on some physical stores, ordering and payment got complicated because it has to be contactless to prevent the spread.

That’s why I intended to show you how a business can handle social distancing in a simple but effective way using Messenger chatbots.

Facebook Messenger Automation can Help

Facebook Messenger Automation is not just sending bulk messages to your customers, using Messenger bots you can perform all business processes that require consumer interaction.

It doesn’t matter whether you have an online store or physical store, Messenger automation can be utilized on both kinds of businesses.

Messenger chatbots used for automation can welcome visitors, understand their queries and provide relevant replies (solutions), suggest a product, sell products inside the Messenger, schedule a meeting, distribute the coupons, conduct a poll and can do a lot more other stuff.

I’m saying this again Messenger chatbots can be utilized by both online & physical stores for the same purposes in different ways.

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There are a lot of ways that this Messenger chatbot can be useful for online stores business,

  • Generating Leads – Messenger bots can be able to collect and save customer details in simple steps and they can transfer that information to Google sheets or to your CRM (using external request features)
  • Validate the Prospects – Using Facebook Messenger Automation, you can validate your prospects by making your messenger bot as the first contact of approach. They can ask your prospects with various questions and segment them to the respective departments (like marketing, sales, support)
  • Abandoned Cart Alerts – Messenger chatbots can not only sell products to the customers, they can also send abandoned cart reminders with the customized time interval to help your business leverage more sales.
  • AI at Your Service – Messenger Automation can be guided by artificial intelligence to give the relevant reply to your consumers in a personalized way to gain more attention & trust from your customers.

The above use cases are common for all kinds of businesses out there and the potential of Facebook Messenger automation is exponential that it can bring multiple possibilities to leverage your business metrics.

If you have a physical store or business, this Facebook Messenger automation can help you acquire more subscribers (can turn them into customers easily), sell products virtually, handle orders and payments in an automated manner, notify customers about delivery updates and distribute coupons in a personalized way.

There are a lot of methods and easy to utilize Facebook Messenger Automation for your brick & mortar store business, but I would like to show two cool methods as an example.
Because they are cost-effective and  can level up your metrics in a short period of time (especially in this pandemic situation)

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Real Cool Methods

Both methods are the same but with two completely different technologies. Most of the local businesses are suffering in this COVID situation because of social distancing that changes the habit and method of purchasing products.

What if every business will have a contactless ordering, purchase, or payment method in an effective and affordable way.

This will be a game-changer in this COVID situation, right?

If you build a chatbot to automate Facebook Messenger using SilFer Bots platform, then you can merge QR code and NFC technology to build a contactless system for your local store.

Messenger Bot x QR Code

Nowadays most of us had the chance to scan a QR code using smart devices and read the information on it.

Using the SilFer Bots platform you can build a Facebook Messenger automation flow and get that particular flow and merge them with QR code inside the platform itself.

Navigate to Menu > Tools > QR Code Generator to access the tool inside the SilFer Bots platform.

Handle Social Distancing Like a PRO using Facebook Messenger Automation

Handle Social Distancing Like a PRO using Facebook Messenger Automation

Click “Generate” to complete the process. Now you can download the QR code and paste them on your brick & mortar store to acquire visitors to your Facebook Messenger automation so that you can handle the rest using Messenger bots.

Messenger Bot x NFC Tags

NFC tags are the next cool tool to get automate with. Fortunately, technology helps us to access, read, activate, edit NFCs on our smart devices itself.

With a tap, you can get your local store customer to your Facebook Messenger automation and drive them to the contactless purchasing or ordering system in this COVID situation.

There are a lot of tools available on the internet to read, edit and access NFC tags and you can use them on your choice.

For this, you need to get the link of your bot conversation flow on the SilFer Bots platform and link them with NFC tags. So that you can redirect the shop visitors to your Messenger automation campaign by just tapping the NFC tag.

On SilFer Bots platform, go to Menu > Flows > Respective flow (on the list)

Handle Social Distancing Like a PRO using Facebook Messenger Automation

Now select the flow menu (three-dotted menu button on the right side of all flows) and click “Get Link” on the menu list. A popup will appear with the link to that flow, copy that and use them to merge with NFC tags.

Handle Social Distancing Like a PRO using Facebook Messenger Automation

Note that NFC tags are the fastest way to access Messenger bots since it will take time for people to scan a QR code.

Amaze them with Automation

People always love businesses that can deliver the best consumer experience with a personalized journey in a seamless way.
In this COVID situation, customers are also suffering to get product or services for their needs because of social distancing and lockdown measures.

Using Facebook Messenger automation & its cool method you can give your business a way to amaze your customers and give them a feeling of safety & comfort to purchase.

Also, Read 5 Simple Steps to Create Your Social Media Audience

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money