Facebook is always regarded as the undisputed leader in social networking and it continues to be. It is a solid platform where marketers can interact and engage with billions of users in an effective manner. In this blog we will explore and research on the Facebook Ads strategies that drive 5X Percent Results.

Facebook has devised proven strategies for brands to create their brand presence and help in brand positioning. This blog will enlighten you on the new trends in Facebook advertising and the various ways and means to influence the purchase funnel by boosting the PPC results. We, at Digitechniks ensure that the strategies are validated and shared with the target audience for better results.

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Let me just ask you a question! What do you understand by Facebook Ad strategies? Facebook Ad strategies help in lead generation and conversion of existing prospective leads to a customer. Some marketers fail to understand that you need a plan to execute your goals and it is Imperative for you to understand the below crucial strategies that help in boosting your Facebook campaign results.

Facebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results

Strategies that can help in maximum reach in terms of Audience

  • Setting up a Conversion Funnel 
  • Create effective personas focusing on realistic buyers
  • Focus on the conversion tracking pixel
  • Use Audience Segmentation as a tool to make interesting offers
  • Run a free campaign and give away some benefits

Facebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results | Digitechniks

Strategies that can promote effective lead generation

  • Integrate Ad words and Facebook Ads – Ideal Combo for better results 
  • Align the Facebook Ads with content marketing strategies 
  • Accelerate the eCommerce domain by setting up multiple product ads
  • Combine Facebook mobile Ads and Instagram ads
  • Focus on the Carousel Ads and Dynamic Facebook Ads to increase your reach on the target audience.
  • Identify new leads through a Lookalike audience

Facebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results | Digitechniks

Strategies that help in conversions and profit maximization

  • Create a new marketing list based on the generated leads
  • Devise an Upsell campaign to boost profits
  • Revamp the remarketing strategies

Facebook Ads Strategies that drive 5X Percent Results | Digitechniks

Setting up a conversion funnel

The purpose of the Facebook conversion funnel is to capture the interest of the audience and nurture them until it gets converted to a sale. Appealing Facebook Ads will be effective to transition the interest of the audience towards a purchase.  Facebook conversion funnel focuses on brand awareness and product pitch. It can also aggregate the common interests and preferences of the users who know about a certain product and may buy it after few considerations. Some target audiences will buy the product based on recommendations from others. So nurturing and sustaining the interests through Facebook Ads is the important objective for setting up the conversion funnel.
It is very important to focus on the larger target audience and create successful ad campaigns by grouping people based on different stages of conversion as below
The stages of the conversion funnel are

  • Attract customers by creating awareness and design appealing Facebook Ads to overcome the objections through effective content and useful blogs.
  • Plan strategies for conversion by rolling out an irresistible offer like a free trial offer and by creating effective lead ads so that the target audience cannot resist the offering and decide to take the next step. You can also roll out contests using Facebook Ads.
  • Close the sale through lead nurturing campaigns by providing attractive discounts and limited-time offers to stimulate the sale.
  • Focus on Customer Delight by designing effective strategies by giving incentives for referrals, repeat purchases and up-selling campaigns.

Using a conversion funnel it is easier to cater to the needs of several Facebook audiences and promote cross channel marketing strategies for effective brand positioning

Creating effective personas for realistic buyers

It is of prime importance to understand the traits of ideal customers before developing the value proposition of Facebook campaigns. We need to classify the audience based on their interests, demographics, pain points and purchase behavior trend. Creating effective personas will be effective if we imagine the customer as real and evolving and that is when you can connect with them through your offers and engaging content. The personas must help the buyers in recognizing themselves so that audience connect is successful.

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Example of creating effective personas
What you meant to say:  DM business owner
What your Facebook Ads headline should be: “How to use digital marketing as a tool for increasing your business conversion”?
Once we get hands on in identifying the realistic buyers through effective analysis, creating personas is like a cake walk. This also helps in the choice of the right target audience and clears the air of confusion as to whom to target, when to target and what to offer using Facebook Ad strategies.

Focus on Conversion tracking Pixel

In the world of flashy content and shiny ad textures, conversion tracking is not so interesting a feature for many advertisers. How will you identify whether you are on the right track in your Facebook campaign?
Here we go! First install the Facebook Pixel on your website. Let me guide you as how you can do it

  • Go to the Pixels page in Facebook Ads Manager and click on Actions.
  • Click on View code

Each and every Facebook Ad account is assigned with a Single pixel code. All you need to do is to copy the code and paste it between the <head> tags of all the webpage or the template of the website. Aliter option is to place the pixel using the Google Tag manager. You can customize by adding specific tracking codes in order to track particular lead conversions and purchases. By installing Facebook pixels you can track the results of your ad campaigns in terms of right conversions and crunching numbers. You can also create retargeting ads by mapping it with new custom audience features

Using Audience segmentation

Audience segmentation is the aggregate of personas of effective buyers and setting up a conversion funnel. It is an ideal tool for remarketing focusing on a different set of audience by focusing on website visitors. It helps in improving the brand awareness and also analyse the behaviour of the audience.
 Wondering about your Audience segmentation?  We caught your interest and it can easily explained as below

Luke warm leads  People who visit the website once without getting engaged with the offers or content. 
Past blog readers  People who read blogs through social media or websites but leave after reading few articles.
Blog readers who get engaged with content People who frequently visit your page and read the blogs for better insight. They are prospective leads as they can share the content or buy a service or a product at a later stage
Landing page visitors  People who visit specific landing pages as they are interested only in specific features or products.
People who abandon the shopping cart People who wish to buy but expect a push to close the purchase. Almost a conversion type of customer.
Repeat customers  Your brand advocates and loyal customers who refer other like minded audience to your page.

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If you understand the above segmentation, you will also notice that the segmentation of audience is based on personas of the various buyers aligned with the different stages of the conversion funnel. It is also evident that every stage of the funnel will call for a different advertising approach and targeting strategies like offers, contests etc.

For example,

Bon prix – leading fashion retailer used a mix of different ad types and different tools for Facebook targeting Ads and reached a 5% increase in sales.


Run Free Campaigns as an incentive

We need to attract and connect with the target audience by giving valuable offers as giveaways and contests. Most of the audience enjoys the Facebook giveaways as it has a higher degree of engagement with the product and in turn influences the audience to close the sale or get the product with a discount as a flash sale Ad campaign.
Your focus need not be always on sales while running a free campaign or contests; you can design campaigns to promote brand awareness and as a pathway to generate new leads. You can also have contests like “Smile contest” or “Slogan contest” etc.

Important tip:
Please select the reach campaign objective while audience targeting so that your campaign reaches the majority of the audience

 Integrate Ad words and Facebook Ads

 Hope you got an effective insight about your Facebook strategy and it is time to focus on the results of your Ad campaigns. It is very important to combine various campaigns and generate multimodal leads through Ad words with an engaging content. The first step is to promote brand awareness based on client’s interests using effective Facebook ads. The next step is to create a remarketing list of search ads using the website information in Ad words. It is possible to set an Ad words campaign for previous visitors who used a specific keyword to search. Your Facebook Ads and Ad words will show up first if the keyword is ranked in Google and win the auction.

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Align Facebook Ads with Content Marketing

The objective for creating Facebook Ads is to transition the leads to sale. The ROI of the campaign is extremely banked up on the lead generation and reaching out to the correct target audience. The warm leads are prospective leads and cold leads are audiences who are still in doubt. If you want to transform the cold leads to hot leads then you need to blend content marketing into Facebook Ad strategy. You can easily do it by sharing engaging content to the audience and start your transition process. You can also ask your network to like or share the content to reach the majority of the target audience. It is ideal to design a single Facebook post with multiple ad campaigns so that the audience responses will be reflecting as a single ad

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Combine Facebook mobile Ads with Instagram ads

 We know that mobile is the new boom to reach a larger audience in Facebook Ad campaigns. It depends on the ad objective and also ensures that the landing page is also optimized for mobile. It is true that mobile Facebook ads lead to effective results from Consumer brands to B2B across different industries.
Let us take the classic example of Udemy. Did you observe that Udemy uses both Instagram ads and mobile newsfeed ads?
 It will be more advantageous if you place different ads at the desktop and mobile news feeds while setting up Facebook Ad campaigns. Mobile ads have smaller fonts in display headlines to highlight the main ad text of the Ad copy. Desktop news feed ads have headlines with descriptions with links as it is the key capture of the ad

Accelerate eCommerce by setting up multiple product ads

It is easier to highlight multiple products in a single Facebook Ad. The key advantages of this feature are that you can give more options to your target customers. The cost of promotion is the same even though you showcase multiple ads and the target customer gets visibility on the different benefits of a single product. The major results of this strategy is increased CTR, reduced CPC resulting in highest audience engagement and drastic improvement in cost per acquisition.

Focus on Carousel Ads and Dynamic Ads

It is a proven fact that Carousel Ads are gaining more momentum than the static posts in the Facebook Ad campaigns. Even storytelling becomes easier using the carousel ads with engaging content and images. Carousel Ads works best if you want to help your audience to choose a product and explain the key features step by step. 
Dynamic Ads are the best options for E commerce sites as they generate the highest ROI and they can focus on customized ad campaigns for the audience in dilemma. The combination of Facebook multi product ads with the custom audience will fetch you a carousel of different products and it can be easily browsed on the website.

Identify new leads using the Lookalike Audience strategy

To convert the target cold audience, Facebook advertising campaigns focus on targeting the Lookalike audience strategy. The cold leads will have a similar profile as the current target audience and there is any fair chance that they might get interested in your offers. All you have to do is to target people who are like your customers or converters by creating Facebook custom audiences of past converters and set up lookalike audiences based on the same.

Creating new marketing Lists with Lead Ads

 Lead ads are useful tools as they allow us to fill the contact details without logging out of Facebook.  This reduces the friction points between conversion and prospect by exchanging email addresses or any other engagement that is critical. The first step is to create a Customer audience based on blog readers for 30 days and also to include web visitors. The next setup is to generate a lead ads campaign and collect their emails leading them to the conversion funnel. Lead Ads are more prominent in mobile and the success of the lead ads is dependent on engaging content leading to more downloads and in turn maximum lead generation.

Devise Up selling strategy for generating profits

 Research reveals that the revenue of the Facebook Ad campaigns is generated by repeat customers and they are 5X valuable to the company. Upsell strategy can be used to target people based on past purchases and listing the relevant items for them. It also helps in getting track of lost audience with strategies like discount offers and limited period benefits. Up-selling Facebook strategy works best for B2C products predominantly. We can get lucky in B2B business if we have referrals along with email marketing.

Revamp the remarketing strategies

Facebook Ad strategies must focus on retargeting the visitors of the landing page as they know your brand, having a specific product preference. In such cases it is very easy to create a landing page with customized offers for those targeted audiences. If you segment your audience in granular fashion then remarketing revamp is easy as you can use specific landing page offers in an exclusive manner.
Remarketing strategies help us to keep our target audience satisfied as they experience memorable customer experience. This can lead to repurchase and up selling opportunities and also referrals through word of mouth. The revamping will also help in brand positioning leading to profit maximization and increase in the number of audience. Revamping remarketing strategies will work like cutting the butter using a hot knife.

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The objectives and proven tips of Facebook Ad strategies is discussed in detail in this blog with the prime focus on generating effective campaigns to generate leads, increase target audience and finally to get profit.
Try out these Facebook Ad strategies that drive 5 X percent results and let us know how it has worked out for you.
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