5 Growth Hacks To Build Relevant Social Media Followers

5 Growth Hacks To Build Relevant Social Media Followers

Building social media followers is one of the greatest and most effective digital marketing strategies to build your brand and enhance ROI.
Studies say that 71% of consumers/social media followers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.
For Social Proof you need a good number of social media followers and reviews. Studies show that 97% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions. Hence, social proof is necessary for building your brand image.
So, keep in mind that your most crucial social media strategy is to enhance your social media followers and then convert them into your loyal fans.

Related Article- 
6 Simple Social Media Hacks to Convert Contacts to Contracts

However, without the presence of the relevant followers in your niche, your social media strategies and content strategy will go in vain, causing you many losses in your business.
So growing social media followers would indeed help the business to grow their customer base and sales on the online platforms.
If you don’t have enough audience on Social Media Pages, prospective customers will hesitate to buy from you.
If you don’t have an audience who is not eagerly waiting for your content, then these are the consequences:

  1. Less Engagement as you are reaching the wrong audience
  2. Less Engagement gives a negative signal to algorithms of the Social Media Platforms
  3. This Leads to Lesser Organic Reach for all future posts on Social Media Platforms
  4. This will also kill the presence of your Social Media Platforms

Here are the 5 growth hacks to build your relevant Social Media Followers  –

1. Run a Loyal Fan Contests

A loyal fan contest is a contest to get genuine social media followers. These followers  would interact and get engaged with your contests and this is how your contests will reach out to more people and that will get you many new followers too.
Your contest strategy includes the specific target audience research and find out their aspirations.
The content for the contest has to address the pain points or aspirations of the target group.
Giveaway should be something which is in the bucket list of your Target Group or any necessary thing for them and then set rules for the contest to make them follow your Social Media Pages.
Once you decide your giveaway, promote this across social media channels where the cost per reach is minimal. For example –  Promote it on FB and Instagram
Example Contest – Iva bags Fan Page Contest

5 Growth Hacks To Build Relevant Social Media Followers


In this contest(above), the target audience was all the assumed Set of people who were girls and women interested in buying “trendy bags”.
When they were offered this free trendy bag, they were asked to like the page, tag their friends, share the message on social media.
This is how they were able to reach out to the friends and followers of the people who were interacting with the contest and in result they got many organic and loyal followers who would always wait for such contests.
Expert tip – Once your contest is over then you need to retarget all the engaged followers and website custom audience with your core content to make them your brand advocates. This is how the word of mouth about your brand will increase and so more sales and more loyal customers..

2. Run Paid Facebook Like Campaign

Running paid facebook like campaigns is one of the most effective ways to increase the followers. Before running the paid facebook like campaigns you need to identify the people who might be interested in your brand as well as in the posts you share on social media.
All you have to do is create Images, Carousel or a video advertisements to communicate the benefit of following your social media pages

  • Like our page to get a free seat to our Workshops or Webinars. 
  • Like our page to get Free Case study on Digital Marketing Customer Acquisition.

Expert tip – For your paid like campaigns, the below mentioned audience should be targeted

  1. All the people who have engaged with you web assets and not followed your page 
  2. Facebook and Instagram Engaged Fans who have not followed your pages  
  3. Databases that you have collected from all your marketing activities excluding the people who have followed the page 
  4. Lookalikes of your existing customers and leads who have not liked your Social Media Pages

3. Share your Social Media Pages on all the Social Media Groups and Forums

Social media groups and forums are the best sources to enhance your follower base. Hence, share your social media posts as your page in the related groups and forums of your niche in order to get more visits to your social media pages and communicate the benefit for following your social Media Pages.

4. Integrate Social Media Follow Icons on all your web assets

Integrate Social Media icons on all your web assets is one of the effective methods to increase traffic to your social media platforms.
When you add social media profile links to web assets, the users can easily navigate to your social media channels to know more about your business, contact you and to share your content. In this process many people will follow your social media pages to get updates about the offerings and knowledge you share there.

5 Growth Hacks To Build Relevant Social Media Followers

Incorporating these buttons into your site shouldn’t just be a case of copying the standard Facebook, Twitter and YouTube logos and cramming them into an empty corner. Instead, try to blend them seamlessly into your brand and website design

5. Provoke your Existing audience to Share, Comment and like

In your Video and Blog content , incentivize or provoke people to like,comment and share. This will help you to attract the Social Media Friends of your  followers.
Having a good number of comments, shares and likes is the key for getting higher organic reach.
When you get more likes and comments, your business becomes more legitimate to the people and it is more likely to get prioritised when facebook serves your content.

Following all the above strategies will help you to gain the relevant followers who are eagerly waiting for your content. They will engage with every content you produce and this will eventually help in increasing organic reach and also you will do justice for all the content you create and make your prospective buyers comfortable to buy from you.

Related Article-
11 Step Content Creation Strategy To Convert Your Contacts To Contracts

If you are interested to learn more hacks like this you can attend our free digital marketing webinar.


Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

6 Simple social media hacks to convert contacts to contracts

6 Simple social media hacks to convert contacts to contracts

Nowadays businesses have so many social media followers but none of them buys your products or services.

Studies show that 55% of consumers say that they would boycott brands whose views don’t align with theirs and on average all the brands do not even have the overall engagement rate of 1% on their social platforms.

It is possible that your business may have a huge fan following on social media. However, the challenge occurs when your followers fail to convert when your brand is not transparent or appealing to customers or not meeting customer expectations.
According to research studies, 53% of consumers say they’re likely to buy from brands that are transparent on social media.

Most of the time we are unable to take the highest advantage of our social media followers as we are not able to convert them into our customers.
Having thousands of inactive followers on your social media profiles is meaningless if you can’t make them buy your products or services.

All the money that you spend in order to get followers gets wasted without the strategy to convert your contacts (Followers) into Contracts (Customers).

What exactly can you do to convert your contacts to contracts?
What is it that hinders your social media fans from converting?
Your first crucial step is to find out the shortcomings in your social media strategy that reduce the engagement rates as well as sales.
But don’t worry. We have the solution for you!

Here are the 6 simple social media hacks to convert contacts to contracts

1. Understand your Target Audience problems

The initial step to convert social media followers to brand advocates is to understand your target audience’s problems. You need to identify and understand the pain points, fears, frustrations and aspirations of your particular niche customers.

The better you understand your target audience, the better your content strategy and brand communication methods will be.  This will enable you to design the most effective social media strategy and planning to each specific target group through relevant content, videos, infographics etc.

As the depth of your target audience insight grows, it brings increased ROI and higher conversion rates by turning your social media list to loyal fans.
Hence, understanding the problems of your target market has to be based on audience research which needs your willingness to study each and every likes and dislikes, interests and expectations of your particular niche social media fans.

It is when you can offer what they want through your products or services, your contacts turn into contracts and you get the actual sales.

So, the success of any business does not start with “Sales”, but from “knowing your customers”!

2. Solve your target audience problems through blog and video content

Now when you already know the problems of your followers, the next step is to craft the most suited and personalized content that solves the specific target audience’s problems.

To create content that connects to your potential social media brand advocates, it is essential to answer all the WH questions related to their problems like why should you create a masterpiece content of their problems addressing your target audiences’ pain points, fears,  frustrations and aspirations.

As you create a blog or video, you need to make sure that your target audience finds it useful or it solves their problems or fulfil their aspirations.

Don’t aim for just clicks, shares and page views, rather have an intent to solve problems of your prospective customers and aim for a long-lasting customer-brand relationship, which ultimately increases engagement rates and convert followers to fans. Let your content be a trusted resource that readers can count on.

By solving your target audience’s problems through blog and video content, you create a cost-effective content strategy, gain a better competitive edge and improved conversion rates by converting your social media followers to brand advocates.

“The actual game changer is to find your Content Core and talk about what your audience cares about”.

Related article
Content Strategy that Converts your Contacts to Contracts.

3. Update them with the latest information using image and infographic content

Rather than lengthy words, visual content is more appreciated by your social media fans. Infographics are not just a visual display of content in an appealing way, it is the simpler and most effective marketing tool to communicate your message to your target audience.

You need to create infographics in such a way that your prospects and existing customers enjoy it and feel compelled to share it with their friends and followers.
An infographic is attractive when it is well presented with relevant content that solves customer problems. Putting your logo in each infographics is a way to imprint your brand image in your existing customer minds.

When you also add embed code in the infographics, you are able to track the number of visits and potential reach of it.

“Updating the latest information through Infographics and image content is one of the easiest, less time consuming and impactful content strategies to drive back huge traffic to your blog or social media channels”.

4. Engage Them with frequent contests

Engaging your audience with frequent contests (once a month or once in 45 days) on social media is one of the great strategies to improve your Social Media engagements.

The objective of running social media contests is to increase their participation level as well as the number of active users.
Social media contests that offer a free giveaway product or service that fulfill the bucket lists/ interests/ aspirations of your target audience are more likely to get more attraction and engagement.

Examples of running engaging contests can be “like and/or comment to win”, giveaways, lucky winner contests, photo caption contests, best comment contest etc.

For Digitechniks, we run “fill in the blanks contests” for which we give away our exclusive marketing ebooks. Once in 45 days, we run social media contests where we give Digital Media Strategy and Mentorship Program for free to our target customers.

Results from contests: In this way, social media contests are cost-effective social media strategy to enhance the engagement and that will in turn increase the reach of your social Media Posts. It is run to build brand awareness, engage and delight your current customers.

When you run frequent contests, your social media page engagement rate will be higher with more visits, shares, page views and likes. In this way, your traffic to site is increased with higher conversion rates and better ROI.

People who participate in your contest will always wait for the next contest because it’s fun. These are the people who’ll later become your customers or brand advocates.

5. Make your social media channels as the encyclopedia of your niche

The best tactics to convert your social media fans to brand advocates is to give every possible information about your niche on your social media channels. 

The simple reason for your social media fans to get diverted to your competitor’s page is due to lack of relevant information in your page which they are searching for. When you help your social media followers with the information they want, they become loyal fans.

Hence, here the relevancy, quality, frequency, usefulness and adaptability of your information is the key. When all these components are combined in your social media content, your social media channel becomes the encyclopedia of your niche.

It is when your social media strategy works well and which in turn convert your social media list to loyal fans. When you cover your social media channels with all types of content that your prospects or existing customers are searching for.
This strategy prevents them from searching for similar social media channels where they might get hooked up with relevant information, which shift their focus and becomes your competitor’s loyal fan and buy their products.

“So, creating your social media channels as the encyclopedia of your niche is the one of the best Customer Retention Strategy and the most effective brand awareness tool to enhance your competitive edge and increase sales”. 

6. Retargeting Strategy

Your Retargeting Strategy is to make sure the content you create is reaching to all the social media followers. Your Social Media Followers should see all your content which is communicated to your target audience via  Email, Messenger and Retargeting. It is the best way to close a sale that did not convert before.

When you are developing your web assets, you need to build a system that will collect the data in the form of cookies and contacts.

The content that is created as a part of the content strategy, will get organic Reach on Search Engines and Social Media as well. Since Overall Organic reach to your list is less than 10% you have to use all the available Digital Marketing Platforms like Email Marketing, Messenger Marketing and Social Media retargeting.

Related article
List Building Strategies that Convert your List to Contracts

As soon as the content is posted on the Website and Social Media Channels, the same blog, video and infographic content should be sent to the email Subscribers, Messenger Subscribers and retarget all the people who have visited our web assets.
By doing this, you can save a lot of money by not reaching the wrong audience. Hence for converting your social media lists to loyal fans, your content should be shown only to the people who have shown interest in your product or services.

You can make your retargeting message impactful only when your content is personalized based on the specific target market. When a user visits your website through a search term, it shows that their intent is high level.

Hence, you need to show the same content with this search term in your next social media ads through different content in order to make your social media followers to brand advocates and improve sales conversion rates and ROI.

Here is the example –
Your content strategy begins with identifying the problems of the target audience. Once the problems are identified, create a blog/Video/Infographic content and show it to your list using paid and organic strategies.

Make your social media pages as the encyclopedia of your niche by frequently posting relevant images, videos,blog and infographics. Be the trusted educational partner of your niche through regular Social Media Postings.

Through this strategy, you will be able to convert social media lists to loyal Fans.
Are you interested to learn all of these strategies and tactics from our experienced Digital Marketing coaches?
Then, don’t miss this huge opportunity to attend our Free Digital Marketing Webinar to learn How you can also convert your, Social Media Followers, to contracts. 

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

The Relevance of PPC to Your Marketing Strategy

The Relevance of PPC to Your Marketing Strategy

Over time, digital marketing has provided marketers with a lot of tools and platforms to reach out to their targeted audiences. Most of them are successful, but only a few can boast of being cost-effective and providing control over budget like PPC.

Pay-per-Click (PPC) remains one of the oldest and most effective ways of driving traffic for businesses. It is a mode of advertising that allows marketers to pay each time a user clicks on their online ads.
For small businesses with a very tight budget, PPC can be an excellent tool for driving traffic and increasing conversions. According to research, Google ads are capable of reaching over 2 million websites and apps. It will do your business a great good if you can acquire at least 0.5% of that audience.

Contrary to what some marketers think, PPC can be cost-effective. Imagine paying just $1 for a click made by one user who went on to make a purchase of $100. I would call that effective marketing.

The key to a successful PPC ad campaign is knowing the right keywords that users are searching for in your industry. If the ad copy on your landing page is well optimized with relevant keywords, then you are sure to rank higher in search engines. And according to stats you’ll find in the infographic below, sponsored ads take up to two out of three clicks on the first page of search engines.

Using the right tools such as Google Analytics and Google AdWords, you can quickly identify which of your ads are doing best in terms of keywords, clicks, impressions, conversions, and sales. You can then use those results to narrow your ads campaign towards what works best.
PPC is also known as search engine advertising. The most popular PPC platform is Google Adwords, and this is because Google owns more than 73% of the search market (paid and organic). More than 1.2 million businesses and websites are part of the Google search network and its ad network.

The infographic below will further show you the advantages of PPC and why you need to start using it as a marketing tool. Check it out.
Info-graphic Credits: serpwatch.io

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

Are you exceptionally good at marketing but still not able to get the desired sales?
Are you good at ads, content, have a good product/service but still not able to make the cut?

It’s because your offer sucks. Plain & simple.

Customers don’t give a damn about your business. They only care about what’s in it for them. They care about achieving a particular result with your product/service. Thus, if your offer isn’t positioned correctly, it won’t appeal to them despite your marketing efforts.
Here, the key decider is your core product and the value it offers to your customers. What you offer matters and stand ahead of your attractive marketing campaigns. If your offer is not as expected or desired by the target audience, it cannot generate enough sales and profit margins.
Here are Seven Ingredients that will help you craft a winning offer & crank up those sales.

Free trial:

Offering free trials is one of the winning digital marketing strategies to grab the attention of your target market and to capitalise on the leads you receive.
Free trials can be offered for either for a limited period or of a limited quantity. However, you need to keep in mind that free trials can be effective when you are sure about the quality of your product or service.

Free trials create a perception that your brand is reliable and trustworthy. When you offer it the customers, you are giving an option to the customers to compare and know a little about what you offer and then buy your core products based on the quality of their experience from using free trials.

Free trial is in fact a path craved towards your core product. When people get accustomed with using your free trial, it becomes a routine in their minds and eventually create a necessity in their minds to buy your core products or services.

For instance as in below image, Amazon Prime recently offers 30-day Free Trial for FREE two day shipping for the holidays. Once the free trial period is over, Amazon strategizes its marketing in such a way that Amazon Prime is available for just $99/year. Here high value content is offered initially to convince the customers and lower the barrier to entry.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

As per the above figure, we can see HubSpot offers free 14-Day trial period for its new users to give the experience of how Marketing Hub professionals can easily manage their marketing campaigns, drive leads and revenue.

Here, their marketing strategy mainly focuses on delivering a good quality experience initially to get customers, which will ultimately create a better brand image in their minds. After the free trial period, if the user is satisfied, customers will automatically purchase the product/services. Hence, the company can easily convert prospects to loyal fans.


Offering discounts is one of the most commonly used marketing strategies to attract the prospects for your products or services. Discounts give high value proposition to the customers. In a way, discount is a tried & tested way to attract new customers, especially if you’re in ecommerce.
 The marketing tactics of offering discounts on the price or quantity is to turn the undecided customers to buy products or services. This strategy will be far more effective when the discount period is limited.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

For instance, in the above example of Zomato, “Zomato No Cooking Sunday” was offered to customers at 50% and the offer was valid only for one day. This high value discount offer was provided to customers only for a limited period (one day) in order to create an urgency to buy.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

As you can see in the above figure, Flipkart’s “Big Diwali Sale” is another discounted pricing strategy adopted to give high value proposition to the customers. They offer high discounts and offers on all products on the festive seasons to grab the attention of customers and make them click and buy the products. Since the offer is provided only for a limited period of 5 days (21st-25th Oct), it creates an urgency to make customers feel they shouldn’t miss such amazing offers on products.


Going premium subscription is a type of pricing strategy that helps in evaluating customer behaviour in your sales funnel. Most companies offer premium subscription after a certain period of free trial facility offered to the customers. With premium, your free offer period ends and enters a stage of upgrade the plan wherein every user has to pay upfront fees before accessing the services.

 In general, premium works in the following situations:

  •  When the free trial offer could enhance customer experience and contributed to high customer demands for your core products/services
  •  If you have a strong brand and established trust with users, they will be willing to pay premium price and continue your services.
  •  If your niche has less competition so that people don’t have any other option to avail the same service without paying the premium.
  •  If your business has high value content to offer within the premium package so that you can maintain the customer base on a long run.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

As seen in the above image, Grammarly offers “upgrades to Premium in order to avail add –on services on critical grammar and spelling checks and vocabulary enhancement suggestions. These exclusive services are not offered in the free membership.
 In this marketing strategy, the company plans to give additional features and benefits to the users through premium membership for their existing users which are available only when they subscribe to premium membership. This is also a kind of marketing tactic to enhance their brand value and to retain customers who are looking for stronger writing skills. 


Bonus is a limited promotional offer provided by companies as a sales promotion technique of providing the buyer an extra quantity of a product or service at the usual price. 
 You can offer a bonus as an additional benefit to the customers along with your core products. The main intention of offering a bonus is to enhance your brand value and make customers feel that they get additional value and quality for the price they pay.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

For instance, at Digitechniks (above image), we provide exclusive bonuses for our target audiences in the form of previous batch recordings, Lifetime Refresher Course and Lifetime access to training, 3 months implementation support and 3 hrs consultation with us. 

We believe in delivering exceptional value to all our customers. You too can adopt this bonus strategy as well to scale up your business. 

Payment terms:

 In the current digital marketplace that is constantly evolving, customer payment experience online has been a crucial factor for your revenue generation. Going forward, the technical challenges to facilitate online and mobile payments will accelerate.
 It prompts many businessmen to constantly improve the payment system to effectively accommodate the needs and wants of your customers. An enhanced payment system is another valuable offer you can make to multitude your business benefits.
 A poor online payment experience will result in immediate drop off by customers even if they are already inside your sales funnel and nearing the final purchase stage. It can also result in losing customer trust and they may not further go through to the check out process due to dilemmas in the payment gateways or process. Here, you lose a customer as the end result.
 Hence, if you are looking to differentiate yourself in this hypercompetitive and dynamic online marketplace, you have to create a frictionless payment experience via online systems.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

If you look at the above example for Amazon.in Payment system, you can see they offer various online payment facilities like EMIs, COD, Net banking, Debit and Credit card options as per the convenience of the customers. These multiple payment options will improve the user experience and ensure they will not leave the payment page. (due to not having their desired payment option)


Guarantee is the purchase protection or price protection provided by the companies whereby customers will be able to avail refunds on the products or services bought.
 Offering guarantee is a psychological move by companies to create an impression in customer minds that the final risk of buying the product/service is transferred to the seller.
 As an online or offline company, you can offer Guarantee to your products. This trust building offer will ultimately enhance your business goodwill.
With the rapid expansion of online industries in different sectors, you have to gain better competitive edge through trust building and craft valuable offers like replacement policy, money back guarantee, etc.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes

When you look at the above image, Flipkart online sellers offer types of Guarantees like “Brand Warranty of 1 year available”, “10 days replacement policy” for the product as a selling strategy. As soon as the customer sees this, they get convinced to buy the product as they are provided the option of replacement within a limited time and given one year brand warranty. 
This strategy will work well when you are a new brand. 


Urgency messages on your site are a great way to increase your sales conversion rates. It’s another psychological move of increasing buying urgency and persuading your visitors to make the purchase. Urgencies can be of three types: time limiter, quantity limiter, price limiter.
Some of the examples of urgency strategy include Big Billion day of Amazon.in, creating urgency only till stocks lasts, discounts only for today and so on.

How To Create An Offer That Sells Like Hot Cakes
Like in the above image, you can add urgency elements on your site/landing page in order to boost your conversions and increase sales.
Now you know the real game changing factors which help to create an offer that sells like Hot Cakes!
All you need to do is to implement these strategies at the right time and right stage in your sales funnel for improved results. Well, if you are confused on where and when to apply these most effective digital marketing strategies for your business, then talk to us. 
We at, Digitechniks helps you to develop and implement the most ideal and personalised digital marketing strategies based on several factors like your target market aspirations, budget, business goals and current industry competition etc.


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What Digital Marketers can learn from Traditional Marketing? (It’s not what you think!!)

What Digital Marketers can learn from Traditional Marketing? (It’s not what you think!!)

Do you think traditional marketing is dead? Heck, no.
The strategies applied to traditional marketing still hold good for digital marketing as well. The platforms & channels might change, but the core strategies are essential to obtain a positive ROI.

Most companies believe Digital Marketing is all about advertising.I.e running google ads, facebook ads, etc. They fail to realise that the fact that marketing/promoting is not the first step of the process.

Many are riding the digital wave & have ruled out the importance of traditional marketing. Yes, digital marketing is better, faster, cheaper & more convenient. But digital marketing & traditional marketing are basically marketing.

The core marketing principles still remain the same, irrespective of the channel/medium. This is what most businesses fail to realise.

While everyone discusses the differences between traditional & digital marketing, we’re going to show you how both are similar based on the concepts of marketing. Get ready to learn some mind-blowing insights that’ll change your perspective.

Identify your buyer persona

Identification of your buyer persona is the initial step followed in both traditional and digital marketing before you carry on with the core marketing activities. Buyer persona is otherwise called as the Customer Avatar in which your ideal customers are identified.

Personas is the primary element for the effective marketing and sales of your products and services. Having a deeper understanding of the buyer persona is critical to drive content creation, product development, sales follow up etc for an effective customer acquisition and retention.
Both in traditional and digital marketing, buyer persona is collected and segmented based on the below factors:

  • Demographic factors: Age, gender, ethnicity, family size, family life cycle, marital status, education, race, religion, language, income, occupation, etc.
  • Behavioural factors: Attitude towards, usage rate, response, loyalty status, and readiness stage to a product.
  • Geographical factors: Look for geographic criteria such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities, postal codes.
  • Psychographic factors: Segment the customers based on their personality, attitude, values, self-image, interests, opinions, lifestyle, etc.

This step is mainly focused on understanding your prospective customers better. Thereby, you can tailor made the entire marketing strategies based on the aspirations of your target buyers.

It is essential to create a detailed buyer persona to know their specific needs and interests.
Make a product/service
Once the buyer persona is identified and defined, the next step is to design and develop your services or products based on each target market needs and preferences.
Designing and developing your product or service has the same process and strategies followed in both traditional and digital marketing strategies.

The product design process starts from the idea creation stage in which the new concepts are developed to create a product or service. The newly developed product or service has to not only fulfil the customer aspirations, but also meet the company’s purpose and meet the ultimate business objectives.

The idea generation stage is where you need to analyse what exactly your prospective buyers lack and what exactly they are looking for in a product or service to find the solution or fulfil their needs.
The customer avatar you filled in the initial stage will be helpful in this stage for more clarity on their needs and what areas to focus.

Build systems

Once you are done with the product development, the next step is to build systems. In the traditional marketing, the infrastructure and operational plan is mainly focused on procuring machines, raw materials, arranging physical office space, power, table, chairs etc at your office.
However, in the digital marketing process, the system is not built offline, but online like optimisation of your website landing page, making proper check out page and so on. When the system is perfect, it enables in the higher conversion rate optimisation in both types of marketing.

Identify traffic sources

When both the product/services and the system is ready, the next step is to identify traffic sources for your business. This step is relevant for both the traditional and digital marketing, but only the channels differs.

In the traditional marketing, traffic sources can be from Television commercials, referrals from existing customers, from word of mouth marketing, newspaper ads and so on. Traffic source is the origin through which people came to know about your website or office address.
For every session of your website, there will be a relevant or particular source of hit. In the digital marketing, when someone visits your website through desktop, mobile or any other internet enabled device, the exact origin or source of traffic will be tracked by Google Analytics.

The most prominent aspect is that various traffic sources are identified and analysed to know which traffic source is driving the most and least traffic to your website. It is on the basis of this source identification, businesses will be able to design their SEO, SEM and SMO strategies.


Marketing is the process of strategically communicating about your products/services to your ideal customers. This step involves a whole lot of persuasion and putting your message across through the right mediums and in front of the right audiences.

In the traditional marketing, the promotion of products and services include print advertisements, billboards, flyers or pamphlets, TV ads, newspaper ads, radio ads etc.

Since, traditional marketing encompasses many different strategies, every company implements one or many traditional marketing techniques also along with their digital marketing strategy. To a greater extent, this form of advertising is based on the available resources and marketing budget of the company.
In digital marketing, the same concept of advertisements which are followed in traditional marketing is applied. However, the digital marketing approaches like tools and techniques used are different. Digital Marketing is a holistic approach which uses the advertisements tools and strategies like SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing etc.


Selling is the final stage or the ultimate goal of both traditional and digital marketing strategies.
When your traditional or digital marketing strategies became successful in attracting customers and fulfilling their aspirations or solving customer problems, you will receive a higher sales conversion rate.
When you deliver 90% value and 10% product/services, the conversion rate can range between 10-30% ideally to boost up your business revenue, brand image and profit margins.
Let’s have a look at this table below to get an idea about the marketing channels of both traditional and digital marketing.

Metric Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
Building the system Office infrastructure and physical space maintenance Landing page optimisation, Check out page optimisation
Traffic sources Print advertisements, Television commercials, referrals etc Direct, referral, organic and paid campaign search traffic
Marketing channels billboards, flyers or pamphlets, TV ads, newspaper ads, radio ads etc. SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing etc

Now you know that traditional marketing concepts and strategies cannot be totally excluded from digital marketing.
You might be wondering if you have to include any traditional marketing strategy in your digital marketing plan.
Many marketers feel that traditional marketing techniques are no longer effective in this digital era. The fact is that it really depends on your target audience, niche market, business objectives and purpose of the campaign.
In fact, outbound marketing efforts can help leverage inbound marketing efforts.
So, make the best use of traditional & digital marketing strategies in your business and plan a solid marketing strategy to scale & grow your Business exponentially. 

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How The World Regulates Fake News & Misinformation on Social Media

How The World Regulates Fake News & Misinformation on Social Media

Social media is a world of hot & flash news on anything and everything under the sky.
However, to what extent you are aware that fake news spread in the digital world in the fraction of a second?
Are you checking the source of the information that you share in social media either in your personal page or business pages?
 Well, the majority of us don’t!
We just simply post or share a viral news or any informative content without even taking a while to think about whether they are true information with reliable sources or will it bring out any negative consequences for your business or personal brand.

The rapid increase of fake news in the social media is certainly an alarming issue as its effects have amplified with the increasing usage of social media. Misinformation posted or shared in social media will give rise to false accusations of people; stock market panics and diminishes your personal or business brand value.
For instance, any fake information you posted without relevant check as a part of your digital marketing campaign are subjected to wide consumer attention across the various digital platforms. 
Your content is reached to wide audiences through word of mouth marketing and as shared posts. In case fake news has been shared by you, it can instantly break down the brand image and your loyal customer relationships you have built through several years of dedicated marketing efforts, offering of high quality products and services.
 Hence, it is vital to understand that you need to always check the right source of any information. Otherwise, you may end up in prison or hefty files.
In response to this rapid dissemination of fake news, regulations in several countries around the world have come up with new legislation to identify and combat fake news in social media. Many European and Asian countries like Malaysia, Germany, France, and Singapore etc. have come up with anti-fake news laws recently.
 A recent article in Times of India shed light on this issue and gave more insights on how the below mentioned countries are tackling this crisis of online rumours and fake videos & contents.
Source: (The Times of India Edition,26.09.19)


Malaysia was among the first countries to pass an anti-fake news law last year spreading fake news draws a fine of Malaysian ringgits (Rs.85 lakh) or up to six years in jail.

European Union

In April the council of the European Union passed directives to change copyright laws and hold online platforms responsible for infringements by its users the law has been hailed as a victory for protecting intellectual property that is frequently stolen and misused online the law applies to social media internet service providers and search engines.


A draft law proposes jail term of up to years for those who spread online falsehoods to harm public interest social media sites face fines of up to S$1  million (Rs 5 crore) for failing to act against such content individuals can also be asked to alter or remove their posts and could be fined up to S$20,000 (Rs.10 lakh) and jailed up to months if they fail to comply.


Germany’s NetzDG applies to companies with more than two million registered users in the country, the law requires companies to review complaints about content and remove anything illegal within 24 hours. Individuals face fines of up to €5 m (Rs 40 crore) and corporations up to € 50m (Rs.400 crore) for failing to comply.


A law passed earlier this year introduced penalties up to 10% of a company’s turnover and up to three years in prison for tech executives for failing to remove social media content depicting terrorism murder rape or other serious crimes failure to comply draws fines of up to A$168,000 (Rs.80 lakh) for individuals or A$840,000 (Rs.4 crore) for corporations.


Last October, France passed two anti-fake news laws following allegations of Russian interference in the presidential election the laws allow candidates and political parties to seek court injunctions to prevent the publication of false information and give the French broadcasting authority take any network spreading misinformation off the air.


A March 2019 law punishes individuals and companies for spreading fake news and information that “disrespects” the state publication found to spread fake news face fines of up to 15 million rubles (Rs.16 lakh). Insulting state symbols and authorities draw fines of up to 300,000 rubles (Rs.3 lakh) and 15 days in jail for repeat offences.


China already blocks most social media sites and internet services like Twitter Google and Whatsapp. The country has thousands of cyber police personnel who monitor social media and screen content the government considers politically sensitive the government outright censors certain content such as references to the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
So, what is the alternative to deal with this problem in India where we don’t have government regulation for fake posts? 
The most powerful tool to stop the rapid spread of fake news is Self-Regulation by digital media companies. In this ever changing digital media landscape, every individual and company needs to recognise the accuracy of information and verify its source before posting, sharing or consuming the information in these social media platforms. 
Your digital campaigns should create value to the people through your content distribution strategies. 
When your intention is to drive enormous traffic to your landing pages or websites through informative and value added content posted on social media, you need to take care that the content should not misguide them about your offerings of valuable products or services.
 In a nutshell, the reliability and source of your content determines your business transparency and it builds long lasting trust and loyalty among your customers. 
This in turn, brings increased brand value, long term customer relationships and higher revenue and sales conversions. It takes just a moment for your business empire to fall down with a non-reliable fake news posted or shared in social media by your business.
So, now you are aware about the alarming impact that fake news can bring to your business growth and success!
Stay Tuned for more updates regarding Social Media Regulations by Indian Government. 

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