Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore

The world is indeed going digital with Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, 3D printing and what not. Digital transformation is being supported by governments all over the world. In this kind of demanding situation, it becomes essential to equip oneself with the latest new age technical skills. One such skill that has changed the face of marketing is Digital marketing – a skill to behold, especially by the new age entrepreneurs and businessmen. The only platform which allows businessmen to approach their customers rather than wait for the customers is to reach is via the digital platform – website, social media platforms, search engines, all platforms where one can target their relevant set of audience easily
But how does one acquire these skills and to what extent are the courses that are offered reliable, given the fact that everyday several such institutes mushroom at every  nook and corner of the city.

Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore | Digitechniks

Given below are a list of basic hygiene factors that are to be kept in mind in selecting the Institute if one wants to reap good benefits out of a digital marketing course:

  1. Renowned or Well Known – The extent to which the institute is easily recalled and recognized by people is the first step to begin with. An institute or a brand should become the face of the industry. Like Xerox or Google, which have become generic for the type of product. Similarly, the place with whose help, one wants to gain mastery over a skill should be a leader in the category
  2. Course Structure – the next step is to make sure that the content being provided as part of the course material is relevant and matching the expectations. This depends on why one wants to pursue digital marketing. Picking up skills that may not be of any use for one’s growth is a sheer waste of time, efforts and money. It is also essential to make sure that structure being provided are of industry standard
  3. Pedagogy – How will the course be delivered? Would be a classroom teaching or complete on-line learning. There is no best way of deciding which is more efficient per se. A more logical approach on this factor is to take into account if one can dedicate the required time. If so, classroom learning is suitable, if not, an interactive, live, online session is the next best alternative.
  4. Faculty – Has to be someone who has carved a niche for himself or herself by exploring 360 degrees about the topic and has been able to successfully implement the same. Their background, skill set, experience are all important factors to consider. Reading up about the faculty and perhaps even browsing through their LinkedIn profiles or social media pages provides a good understanding on the extent to which they are well-versed.
  5. Certifications – the institute must help obtain certifications that are demanded by the industry such as Google AdWords – AdWords search certification, AdWords video certification, AdWords display, Analytics certification,  Facebook Blueprint Certification, Hootsuite Social Marketing certification and many more
  6. Reviews & Testimonials – despite all the publicity and advertising, word of mouth is one of the popular ways of judging the worth. On digital platforms, reviews play the role of conveying the customer satisfaction. Take time to read them in detail to understand the personalized value that is being delivered. Articles and blogs are other good sources of information to evaluate a place of learning
  7. Practical Application – Marketing as a skill requires human interaction. Therefore, theoretical knowledge of concepts without practical application does not yield any results. So choose an institute which is willing to handhold for at least a certain duration of time. It is also a plus point if the institute is able to provide internships post the course
  8. Course Fees and Other Financial Aspects – last but not the least is to check if the fees of the course suits one’s budget. Some institutes also offer financial assistance or flexibility with the payment.

Digitechniks, spearheaded by a well-experienced, expert digital marketing consultant and trainer, is one such premier digital marketing training agency in Bengaluru. The institute offers two courses on Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program and certificate program in Social Media Marketing. With 66 hours of online training and 10 strategy templates, it is the ultimate course designed for anyone interested in exploring the power of digital marketing.

The practical approach of imparting proven strategies along with strong foundations of the basic concepts is a distinguishing feature offered in comparison to other centers. Also the 75-80% practical approach with opportunities of internships lives up to the institute’s objective of creating employable and industry-ready digital marketing professionals.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

Today, businesses understand that digital is the way forward and are willing to spend a big chunk of their budget on digital marketing. They are creating content, doing SEO, putting stuff out there on social media, and yet a lot of them don’t see a tangible effect on their bottom line. What’s wrong?

In my experience as a marketer, I have seen a lot of companies simply trying a bunch of random strategies and hoping that people will find them and start doing business with them. When that doesn’t happen, they lose trust in digital marketing and conclude it’s not for them. And obviously, if you are a CEO, you would be wary about investing in something that brings no result.

So What Should You Do?
It is the “spray and pray” approach that renders digital marketing strategies ineffective for most businesses. So if digital marketing isn’t working for you, it’s probably due to lack of planning and unrealistic expectations.

The biggest challenge lies in understanding what works so it can be repeated. The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s measurable. The scary part? You need to try, measure, and repeat till you find the strategy that works — it can be time-consuming and frustrating. I have seen far too many companies stop their efforts prematurely.

As a CEO, you need to realize the risks of falling into the trap of thinking that digital marketing is not for your business. Abandoning digital marketing channels in an era where your customers and competitors have gone digital is like shooting yourself in the foot — it can spell doom for your business!

Instead, you should be looking at marketing concepts and metrics which make a real impact on the profitability and competitiveness your company. Let’s discuss some of the most important ones.

Customer Acquisition

Just by investing in digital, you cannot expect clients to show up on your door. You have to be strategic and methodical in your approach. The good news is, I have already done the legwork for you with this 6 step customer acquisition formula that works for all my digital marketing strategies.

Step 1: Define a lead magnet. Identify who your ideal customers are where they are and what they will buy.

Step 2: Email nurturing through auto-responders. Give your ideal prospects a sense of value you can create for them through targeted emails.

Step 3: Tripwire. Make your prospects a part of your sales funnel by letting them experience your product/service throughan attractive offer.

Step 4: Selling core product or service. At this stage, your prospects should be ready to buy your core products.

Step 5: Profit maximize.This is where you upsell/cross sell the customers who have bought your products/service with high profit margins.

Track and Measure
A big takeaway from this discussion is that — brands and organizations that are willing to spend time to learn what works for them are the ones to gain most from investing in digital marketing. And, the first step towards that is to install the following tracking codes in all the pages of your web assets:

Quite simply, web assets are any items on your current website that may be generating website traffic and allowing your site to rank in search engines.And setting up the tracking will enable you track how an activity on your website can translate into business.

KPIs to Watch Out For
Here some key digital marketing indicators that every CEO should be keeping an eye on.

  1. Website visits – A website visit doesn’t tell you much about the success of your marketing efforts or about the purchasing intent of the visitor, but if you are able to track its sources it can help you understand which of your efforts are yielding the best results.
  2. Traffic sources -Being able to track traffic sources allows you to identify which channels are driving maximum people to your site — organic SEO, email campaigns, paid ads or social media. This will give you a clearer view of what’s working for you and what’s not.   
  3. Customer Conversion Rate from each source – You can gauge the success of a digital campaign by measuring the conversion rate, which is the percentage of the people who visit your site and convert or in other words, create a sale.To calculate this, divide the number of website visitors that a marketing effort or a campaign has generated, by the number of sales conversions created through the landing page CTAs.
  4. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) from each source -As the name suggests, this metric tells youthe average cost of acquiring a new customer.You can calculate it by dividing the sum of all marketing and advertising costs (plus salaries, commissions and bonuses)over a specific time period, by the number of new customers acquired in that same time period.
  5. Return on Investment -Lastly, the most common metric to measure profitability — ROI. You can calculate it by dividing the net revenue earned by the total cost of digital marketing Investment.

Keeping a close watch over these key metrics will help you have greater visibility into your digital marketing campaigns and whether they are delivering real ROI for your company.

But it’s not all that easy to set up and track these metrics. You need to have the basic understanding of digital marketing along with knowledge about the latest tools and techniques.

That’s where our Corporate Training Solutions help you. Through this course, we equip you with the basics of digital marketing and acquaint you with all the latest tools and techniques as well as the best industry practices, giving you a much more detailed insight about many of the concepts we have discussed in this blog post.

A glimpse of what one of our trainees has to say about our mentor and trainer, Sharan Kulkarni and the training he received from him:

Key Digital Marketing Metrics that Every CEO Must Pay Attention To

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Top 8 Things to Consider Before You Switch to Digital Marketing

Top 8 Things to Consider Before You Switch to Digital Marketing

Digital marketing today is a booming industry and a goldmine career opportunity, with salaries increasing as businesses scout for better talent in the industry. After all, so many business metrics — sales, growth, conversion — finally come down to how effectively you are navigating the digital space as a marketer. Especially if you come with a marketing background and a business mindset, switching over to a digital marketing career makes perfect sense.

But at the same time, as more and more people move into the digital marketing niche, there is a corresponding decline in the quality of talent. What does this mean for you, and should it affect your decision to make a career switch?

On the one hand, low-quality talents means better opportunities for those with great skills. But at the same time, this is also indicative of the kind of deep experience and varied skill set that’s needed to really make a mark as a digital marketing professional in today’s crowded online space.

Top 8 Things to Consider Before You Switch to Digital Marketing

So, make sure you are well prepared for the challenges ahead and consider all the digital marketing skills that are a must-have before you make your career switch. Here are eight questions you should ask yourself to know whether you can make it in the digital marketing field.

1. Are you tech-savvy and digitally aware?
Do you spend a lot of time on the internet and know about all the latest updates and trends on digital platforms? Can you keep up with rapid changes in the market – new tools, social networks or algorithms?

2. Do you have the essential marketing and business skills?
Being well-versed in technologies is one thing. A keen business and marketing sense is a necessary complement to your digital prowess. It isn’t enough to be familiar – marketing should be something that interests you.

3. Are you ready to keep learning?
While the above two aspects can help you get that digital marketing job, being open to learning continuously is what will differentiate you as an expert. Are you willing to invest time and energy to constantly upgrade yourself? A digital marketer’s job involves lifelong learning as you need to adapt to the fast evolving web.

4. Can you think out of the box?
Offline marketing requires this skill as well, but if you can make your strategy exciting, innovative and fresh, you are likely to catch the eye of many more people on social media and other digital platforms.

5. Can you implement or execute well?
While learning and adapting are essential skills for a good digital marketer, here’s one that can really help you make it. Are you as good at implementing ideas as you are at coming up with them? If you can say yes to this one, then switching careers might just be the best decision you’ve ever made for your career.

6. Do you have good observation and listening skills?
Digital marketing involves some fly-on-the-wall behaviour, where you are part of communities, social networks, online groups and even competitors’ digital campaigns. You need to observe these to get an idea about the most effective marketing trends methods.

7. Do you have good analytical and research skills?
Digital marketing requires a lot of research and analytical skills as well, if you want to stay ahead of the curve. Would you enjoy studying market patterns, trends, and doing qualitative analysis? That’s how you can make the most of a digital marketing strategy.

8. Are you willing to take a pay cut?
While any career switch can demand a reduction in pay, if you are leaving your high-paying corporate job behind then you have to be willing to bear the financial burden when you switch to digital marketing — at least until you can build your new career and networks.

At the end of the day, if you possess the above skills and, above all, have the passion to keep learning and engaging with your job, then a career in digital marketing may be for you. In fact, we’d even advise you to quit your job and set upon your path — go all in! You can take up a digital marketing course to get started, or even intern with reputed companies to hone your skills.
However, if you’re unsure about some of the questions above, think twice. The digital marketing landscape is competitive — consider the risk before you quit your job. This doesn’t mean that you will never be a successful digital marketer — it just means that you need to spend the time to develop the skills you need before making it your go-to career. Our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program offers the perfect opportunity to do that. It is a well-rounded course led by our trainer and digital marketing expert, Sharan Kulkarni that equips you with practical knowledge about all aspects of digital marketing. You can read about the experiences of some of ex-students here.

Top 8 Things to Consider Before You Switch to Digital Marketing

Ready to dive into the highly fulfilling and successful career of digital marketing?

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

What Separates A Successful Digital Marketer From The Rest Of The Herd

What Separates A Successful Digital Marketer From The Rest Of The Herd

The demand for digital marketing jobs is at an all-time high. It’s not only one of the most coveted job roles in India currently, but a lucrative one too.

Numbers show that the digital marketing industry is fast leaving behind many other sectors regarding growth — 40% Year on Year to be specific. And, businesses are spending on digital advertising more than ever. Overall, this looks like the ideal time to jump into a digital marketing career. But the question is: Do you have what it takes to be a successful digital marketer?

To answer this question, we need first to clear specific flawed ideas and misconceptions that float around the concept of digital marketing as a career.

First of all, it would be a mistake to treat digital marketing like any other job. That’s mostly because there’s no beaten path for you to break into this career — no formal degree or college education like MBA or Engineering where you learn specific concepts and apply them in your work.
While you may not require a college degree to become a digital marketer, you do need to possess certain qualities to ace this field. Most important of all, you need an analytical mindset along with an enormous amount of creativity and the ability to think out-of-the-box. From what we have observed, these are the qualities that most digital marketers lack.

Secondly, the popular perception of digital marketers as “Online Entrepreneurs,” and people who “make money while they sleep,” or “make money on autopilot while chilling on the beach” has been blown out of proportion by the media. The hard truth is, it is possible to achieve all this, but it takes tons of sweat, unwavering focus, and steely determination to get there.

What’s making things worse

What Separates A Successful Digital Marketer From The Rest Of The Herd

Digital marketing is an incredibly fast-paced industry. The trends, tools, and best practices keep changing from time to time. Things that are relevant today might no longer work tomorrow. The flurry of updates and algorithm changes will keep you on your toes.

Only innovative thinkers who can adapt to such rapid changes can survive in this field. This is one of the main reasons many digital marketers switch careers. They find it hard to cope with this ever-evolving industry where whatever they have learned so far can be turned on its head almost overnight. This is also the reason why this field requires lifelong learning and implementation. Someone without the drive or determination to be a learner for life may not be cut out for this career.
Because digital marketing includes multiple niches and sub-niches, you cannot learn a single skill and hope to make it work. Even specializing in one aspect of digital marketing is not enough. This is a mistake that aspiring digital marketers make. For example, someone who walks into this career with the knowledge of search engine optimization but lacks content creation skills will eventually fail to make it in the long run.

Again, there’s the problem of information overload. With too much information and too many resources available online, an aspiring digital marketer always runs the risk of picking a bit of ill-formed advice or learning the wrong things.

 What you can do

What Separates A Successful Digital Marketer From The Rest Of The Herd

If you have the qualities that we discussed above and you’re interested in making digital marketing your career knowing what it takes to be here, it’s time to move on to the next step: Becoming a well-rounded integrated digital marketer.

To Learn more refer to our blog : 10 Simple Hacks To Kick Start your Digital Marketing Career

An integrated digital marketer is well-versed with all the niches and sub-niches of internet marketing and has practical knowledge about applying these concepts to create cohesive strategies for his/her clients. For an integrated digital marketer, there are no loose ends — they understand how all aspects of digital marketing such as SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, and marketing automation work together as a unified force.

The online marketing landscape is witnessing the advent of new channels constantly. For example, Snapchat wasn’t as popular a few years ago. But today, for a specific type of businesses, Snapchat is proving to be an active marketing channel. At the same time, consumers are increasingly demanding a seamless and consistent experience across all channels. This is why to survive and grow businesses, and digital marketers alike have to take a more strategic and integrated approach.
This is precisely what our Integrated Digital Marketing Certification Program trains you in. This comprehensive course helps you learn about almost all the significant digital marketing skills while preparing you for the current needs as well as future possibilities of your business or that of your clients through hands-on learning techniques.That means you not only get to learn the theory but also learn to apply the method in real-life scenarios.

Here’s what one of our students, a digital marketing professional, has to say about our mentor and trainer, Sharan Kulkarni and the training he received from him:

What Separates A Successful Digital Marketer From The Rest Of The Herd

Have what it takes to carve a successful digital marketing career?

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2019

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2019

In the fast-moving digital world, new trends and strategies emerge at a lightening pace. If you wish to make the most of these trends, it’s critical to be ahead of the curve and stay on top of the current best practices — because what worked for you last year may not work this year. As we move closer to a brand new year, let’s give you a sneak peek into the top digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2019.

1. Mobile First Websites and Landing pages 

Mobile internet usage has surpassed other devices worldwide, and mobile users are more distracted than ever. Being mobile first and having mobile landing pages optimised for the best user experience can multiply chances of conversion.
Some tips for designing a mobile first website:

  • Highlight your CTA (call to action). Make it large and easily clickable. You need to be concise and direct in your mobile landing page strategy, as there is lesser room for content here.
  • Use responsive design, as it allows for the best user experience. Use these responsive landing pages design templates while building your first landing pages.
  • Use a readable font size and bullet points to bring your point across.

The best mobile landing pages of 2019 by a long shot are Drift, Hulu and PayPal. Visit them you will see how brevity is key to maximum conversions. And if you use WordPress, use this free plugin to create a WordPress mobile landing page.

2. Chatbots and AI 

AI is changing the chatbot landscape today. 72% of business leaders opine that AI will be a long step in improving business growth, with artificial chatbots as the future of AI.
People often confuse chatbots and AI bots, but the former are automated and not artificial. This means that while they do interact with customers, they don’t learn from those interactions and depend on programmers. AI, on the other hand, uses deep learning to receive and interpret data, not relying on programmers to determine these interpretations.

If you are looking to make an AI chatbot, check out this beginners guide on how to develop an AI chatbot from scratch. There are also many platforms such as Aivo and Botsify that help you create online chatbots to provide better customer satisfaction and improve business growth.

3. Social Media Automation

Another growing trend for digital marketing is social media messenger automation. There are over 300,000 Facebook messenger bots that are programmed to respond to general customer inquiries.

With chatbots you can schedule posts, track deliveries, make reservations or pay bills, communicate with brands without any human operator needed. You can also automate collection of email addresses for messenger chatbot marketing.
Automation in social media marketing means you no longer have to spend the time and effort engaging your audience, just train your bot to do it for you! But do make sure you do have a human at hand to respond to more complex problems.

You can automate your social media Facebook messenger in a few simple steps. Get started on ManyChat or ChatFuel right away.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2021

4. Email Marketing Automation

Email is one of the best leads generation strategy there is, and the future of email marketing is automation. For those entrepreneurs who have been around a while, automated email marketing was a huge relief. But the biggest email marketing trend of 2019 is email marketing automation.
Difference between email marketing and marketing automation
(Automated) Email marketing is just a blast of emails to a client list, while email marketing automation can personalise these emails, have data and analytics at your fingertips, capture and score leads, and track your landing page as well. So a generic email reminding all your customers about you is email marketing, while an email that tracks and follows up with customers who abandoned a card is an email marketing automation strategy.
How to automate email marketing?
There are many automation and email marketing tools available for online businesses, such as SendLoop, MailerLite or BombBomb where you can create specific automated email marketing campaigns and track them.

5. Nurturing Content Over Promotional Content

Lead nurturing, in simple terms, means paying attention to your customer. Instead of just a CTA prompt, lead nurturing is a content marketing strategy that implies answering queries in every stage of the conversion funnel – not just customers who are potential buyers at this stage, but also customers who are doing research and inquiring into your product or service.
The goal here is to engage rather than convert, although conversion follows. Lead nurturing campaigns known to increase business sales are blog posts, coupons, newsletters, free trials or demos to attract clientele. 71% of marketers already use lead nurturing content, and these content strategies are proven to be much more effective ways to nurture audience.

6. Personalisation at Scale

In 2019, the need to appeal to your potential customer is higher than ever. With deep market research and data from existing customers a fictional customer, with likes and dislikes, habits and inclinations is constructed.

On the basis of this, existing customers are fit into ‘personas’ and targeted with unique content tailored to their lifestyles. This buyer persona or customer avatar is often a generalized representation of your ideal customers and this is what personalisation at scale — the buzzword in the industry — is all about.
Steps to build buyer personas for successful marketing:

  1. Survey your customers. Ask the right questions that can give you informative answers.
  2. Segment your audience. Divide your audience into segments – on the basis of age, gender, buying history, interests, income ranges etc
  3. Create multiple buyer personas. Many personas fit into different kinds of customers and give you a better chance for conversion.

You can also use plugins and templates available online as a good introduction to building buyer personas.

7. Video Marketing

81% of companies now realize the importance of video marketing for sales. Customers are also more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it.
Some video marketing strategies that are guaranteed to generate leads are:
Live streaming. Streaming real time gathers a unique audience in your video marketing campaign 
Square shaped videos. This format occupies 78% more space in Facebook feeds, is more mobile friendly and has higher levels of engagement.
360 degree videos. These can be used for specific businesses like design firms, or even to showcase products, destinations and even experiences in a more exciting way.
So while videos need not explicitly sell your product or service, you can successfully engage your audience and generate leads through video marketing.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2021

8. Data Analytics for Decision Making

Data analytics is proven to help in decision making for businesses. With enormous amounts of data being generated through all the devices (and humans) connected to the internet, technology plays a role in simplifying and analysing the data.
Courses like these are basic step for learning data analytics decision making. With some homework, you can gain the analytical and technical skills required to be competent in the field of big data. You can also start with Big Data analytics tutorials, or data science courses.

With these skills, extraction of trends, patterns and useful information from large chunk of data sets becomes simpler, helping you make the right decisions and generating more revenue for your business.

9. Growth Hacking to Scale rapidly

Growth hacking cannot be mentioned without giving due credit to Sean Ellis, who coined the term in 2010. He figured out what start-ups needed more than anything: Growth. And he found the way to hack it. Prime examples of businesses that successfully hacked growth are Uber, Dropbox, AirBnB and even (offline) McDonalds.
Here are some Growth Hacking techniques:

  • Referrals: Giving your customer something in return for referring your product to a friend
  • Trust and Kindness: Focus on delivering a great product and the rest will follow
  • Reward Loyalty: Start a product that rewards customers who stay loyal to your brand
  • Reward social shares: When your post is shared on social media, dispatch discount coupons to your client
  • Use Urgency and FOMO: Try countdowns for products to establish a sense of urgency. Or release limited editions and versions to capture the FOMO market
10. Influencer Marketing

Social media influencers are people with a lot of followers on the internet, and their word sells. The key to social media influencer marketing is targeting the right individuals.
Influencer marketing engage an influencer (in the same industry as you) to use a product for you and then review it. When they endorse a product, their entire fan-base will be exposed to your brand, which is more than reason to prioritize influencer marketing. This method is a better way of garnering a target audience that is interested in your product.
As a beginners guide to influencer targeting, we suggest these influencer marketing tools: BuzzSumo, which allows you to search for popular content being shared and then identify the influencer who shared it and TweetReach, a resource to find individuals who tweet and have expertise on a particular topic.

Being able to keep up with these trends can offer huge opportunities in the coming year and help you stay in tune with the evolving digital marketing landscape. Connect with us and subscribe to our blog to learn practical tips and strategies to leverage these trends for your business.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money

6 Steps Customer Acquisition Formula

6 Steps Customer Acquisition Formula


– Jeff Eisenberg

From my 4 years of Digital Marketing Experience working with top Global Brands, I can tell you there will be moments where your Digital Marketing Strategies just don’t work and you feel like quitting.


In the initial phase of my Digital Marketing Career, 75% of the strategies failed because I never used a definite Digital Marketing Funnel to acquire customers. After Which, I researched and arrived at this advanced customer acquisition formula. All the top brands use this Customer Acquisition Formula.

All my Digital Marketing Strategies worked only when I followed this advanced Customer Acquisition Formula which I will be explaining in detail in the below article.


Irrespective of the Digital Marketing platform you choose, you should remodel the business to adhere to the 5 step customer acquisition process in order to make Digital Marketing work for you.


First step of your customer acquisition process is defining a lead Magnet. Before selling a product/service, it’s important to identify who your ideal customers are, where they are and what they will buy.
Lead magnet is an appealing offer provided to your prospect in exchange of their Email id and Contact number.
The goal of the lead magnet is to build your prospect database.

Some of the Example of Lead Magnets

1. Free Webinars

2. Free PDF or Ebook Downloads

   3. Subscribe to the blog list


  • Your investment in creating a lead magnet should be your skillset and Time.
  • Assign a minimum Marketing budget to Make prospect consume your lead magnets
  • 100 website visits should consume 5 lead Magnets



Integrate landing page with Email Marketing CRM’s like Get Response, Mail Chimp etc, and design autoresponder nurturing sequence.

In step 1, you have identified who your ideal customers are. Now in step 2, you have to nurture and make them part of the sales funnel. Create immense value to your prospect database by sending them timely Emails.

Your autoresponders sequence can have below content:

  • Welcome Email and Brief description of your product/service
  • Success Stories and Testimonials
  • Blogs
  • Company Recent Achievements
  • Expert Advice
  • Promotional Mailer to Sell TripWire which will be explained in the Step 3


The Primary Goal of Email Nurturing campaigns is to get prospects who have consumed lead magnets to the sales funnel and make them experience your product/service.

  • Monthly investment for Email CRM based on the number of subscribers and one time investment on Email Autoresponder content.
  • 10 prospects who have consumed lead magnets should lead to 1 tripwire purchase at the end step 2



In this step, You define an irresistible offer which your prospects can’t reject and make them part of your sales funnel to experience your product/service.

Some of the Tripwire Examples:

  • 1$ Trial from

  • Paid 1/2/3 days Workshops

  • Linkedin’s free One Month Trial for Premium Membership

Step 1 and step 2 are the automated process, you actually start engaging with your customer after they buy Trip. At this step you need to build trust and make them comfortable to buy your higher value products/Services.

Tips for the Tripwire:

  • It should be an irresistible offer
  • Don’t charge more for the Tripwire.
  • By Selling you make lesser or no profit. But don’t go into losses.
  • 30% of the prospects who bought your tripwires should buy your higher value offerings.



From above nurturing process, cold prospects have become warm and they are comfortable buying your higher-value products. At the end of step 4, sell your core product/service.
Core product/service is your actual core offering.

Some Examples of Core product/service:

  • 6 Month Digital Marketing Service offering
  • Linkedin Annual Premium Membership ( Sales navigator, Talent Solution and Learning Solutions)
  • Annual Subscription to your Tool



In this Step, you upsell/downsell/cross sell the customers who has bought core product with the products/service which has high profit margins.

Some of the profit Maximizers examples are :

  • Linkedin: Up Selling Linkedin Sales navigator to the customer who has bought learning solution/Talent Solution)
  • Digital Marketing Services company : Upselling Website solution for the customers who has bought Digital marketing services
  • E-commerce: Selling Mac book Accessories to customers who has bought Mac book
  • Training Firm: Upselling Mentorship programs for the customer who have purchased training programs.

Step 6: Create a Return Path

Up until now, we have taken the consumer from a stranger to a paying customer. Now it’s time to convert this paying customer into our loyal fan & make him/her our brand advocate.

To achieve this objective, we must keep in touch with our customers constantly. This can be done via email marketing, SMS marketing, retargeting ads on facebook & google.
The goal here is to delight the customers by making them feel extra special. Shooting out an email wishing them on their birthdays, anniversaries or any special occasions will ensure that your brand name remains on top of your Customer’s minds
In other words, the brand recall value increases.

At this point, you might be wondering “Why should I go the extra mile in wooing my customers?”.
Remember this: Acquiring new customers is far more difficult than retaining your existing ones.

The amount of time, money & resources required to acquire new customers is a whole lot more in contrast to customer retention. Extra points if you’re doing both successfully.

Plus, you don’t need to spend money on ads, create lead magnets/tripwires to sell products to your existing buyers. This makes things a whole lot easier & simpler.
Your existing customers tend to trust you, at least to a certain degree.

Creating a return path ensures that they don’t think twice before swiping their cards to purchase your products. In simple words, the customer lifetime value (LTV) increases drastically.
Once it’s confirmed that a customer has repeatedly purchased you, it’s clearly evident that he/she is a loyal fan who loves the products/services you offer.
Now it’s time to step up your game by making your loyal fan/customer into your brand advocate.

Give them exclusive deals, bonuses & offers. Also, make them your affiliates. Doing so will expand your brand reach even further, while they earn a commission. A win-win for both the parties!
If you’ve managed to reach this stage after building & implementing your funnel ,Kudos.
Having a bunch of happy, satisfied customers can pay huge dividends in the long run. The ultimate goal should be all about delivering value. Money is just a byproduct.

All that’s left for you to do now is get creative with your offers, make minors tweaks to your funnel & keep testing.
Rinsing & repeating these six steps will ensure that the revenue keeps flowing in for years to come. Also, remember that “Systems don’t fail, people do.”


The brand is a promise. At every stage of marketing, build trust and thought leadership to make your prospects comfortable to write paycheques to avail of your services.

If you want to build an online presence for your brand, make sure you remodel your business using the above 5 step advance customer acquisition formula.

Learn the exact fail-proof system that we use for our clients to convert their social media contacts to contracts without playing the guesswork game or spending a ton of money